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Posts posted by tberrie007

  1. I truly believe that Axl has suffered some kind of physical illness in 2011 and the constant touring during that time did not give him the opportunity to take care of himself and regain his form. its not just the voice, but his well documented physical change. If it was just the "back to mickey" vox then i wouldn't feel this strongly about this, but right down to his inability to move on stage without seemingly struggling really makes me think somethin was wrong with uncle axl.

  2. Somebody got AIDS that night.

    i cant believe you just said that, you have no class at all

    It was a big deal in the 80s. People having unprotected sex, sharing needles and such. We should embrace history rather than forgetting what happened.

    its not about embracing history or forgetting what happened at all, its the way coma16 throws it out there like its the common cold or the flu that bothers me

  3. I went with 6 other people, for 5 of them it was their first time seeing GnR. We waited outside the venue from about noon until the doors opened. When they were about to open the doors, the security guy at our door was super cool, we told him we'd been there all day and he was like "what the hell, that's crazy!", scanned our tickets and everything beforehand, so when doors opened we bolted straight down the stairs and to the rail.

    I think Vancouver and Seattle were 2 of the best shows in 2011. Duff being there gave him a little extra push, I think. I was stoked when Duff came out for Civil War, too, he only did YCBM in Seattle. He added Dust N Bones to his set in Vancouver, too :D

    haha! what did your friends think of the performance?

    My dad and me drove to Seattle, then drove to Van after the show (got to the hotel sometime around 5 AM I think) and met up with my girlfriend, my mom and my brother. My brother hates the "new" band but he's been a fan of DJ since the Heroin Diaries Soundtrack came out, so he was stoked to get to see him, and came away from the show with a better appreciation for the new guys, but he still doesn't really care for them. My mom has been to 2 more GnR shows since Vancouver, it's safe to say she liked the show. My girlfriend had a blast, loved every bit of it, was stoked as hell when Bumble gave her his pick. (In Seattle, Bumble handed me his pick at the end of Whole Lotta Rosie, so it's cool that we've both got one). My dad agrees that Seattle was better than Vancouver, but neither show matched the first one we saw in Calgary 2010. (The early 2010 stage set-up was cool as fuck too, waaaay better than the ones that've followed).

    We met up with my buddies at the venue, they've both been Guns fans about as long as I have, and they had a blast. One of them got the LOADED set-list from the stage and some picks. I got the LOADED set-list in Seattle, it was cool that my friend got one too :) What'd your friends think of it?

    wow! You have some amazing stories form those shows, you are very lucky!! Everyone i was with walked away really impressed with Axl and thought it was strange there was so much bad press about him being late and always pissed off etc...he really was in a great mood at the vancouver show. one friend did say she thought his voice got better as the show went on. i was right on the rail so i got amazing videos and during Patience he walked up the ramp right in front of us and me and my gf yelled out " we love you axl " and he looked right at us and gave us that grin....never forget it!

  4. I went with 6 other people, for 5 of them it was their first time seeing GnR. We waited outside the venue from about noon until the doors opened. When they were about to open the doors, the security guy at our door was super cool, we told him we'd been there all day and he was like "what the hell, that's crazy!", scanned our tickets and everything beforehand, so when doors opened we bolted straight down the stairs and to the rail.

    I think Vancouver and Seattle were 2 of the best shows in 2011. Duff being there gave him a little extra push, I think. I was stoked when Duff came out for Civil War, too, he only did YCBM in Seattle. He added Dust N Bones to his set in Vancouver, too :D

    haha! what did your friends think of the performance?

  5. This is what I miss.....check out Axl having fun with Duff McKagan @ 3m40s. :headbang:


    I was front row at this show :D

    me too man! i was on the rail right by the ramp..opposite side of where he kicked out the fan during whole lotta rosie. his voice was amazing that night...did you think so?

    Honestly? I thought he sounded before in Seattle the night before. He was more consistent IMO.

    I was dead center for both shows, but in Van, by the end of the show we'd moved slightly to the right. The guy who got kicked out was fairly close to us.

    i went with 7 friends and i was the only hardcore gnr fan and i was terrified he would have a bad night and i remember being proud of my band that night...but he may have been better in seattle i havent seen any footage of that. but his mood was awesome and i didnt think he looked anything like the state he was in in 2012/13...it makes me seriously think he has a medical issue

  6. The end of WTTJ is great too. The little Duff and Steven breakdown after the guitar solo to the slight change of vocal melody in the repeated chorus at the end.

    that breakdown you are referring to is the bridge in jungle..not an outro

  7. You know GN'R are really messed up when their fanbase are citing Bon Jovi as some sort of defence.

    I and 99.9% of the crowd wouldn't want a GNR show without WTTJ, SCOM, NR, Nightrain, PC. LALD and KOHD, they're regarded as GNR songs by a lot of people (though KOHD could be cut in half live and make room for another song). For me the worst setlist choice was the Motivation-Dizzy Solo-SOD run in most of the 2012 tour. Nearly put me and everyone in the audience to sleep. Having It's So Easy after WTTJ works really well, though you could prob switch it up between Brownstone and RQ afterwards from night to night.

    That said, I'm a bit miffed that after 12 shows I still haven't heard TWAT. Could have easily been swapped in for another CD song like Maddy or SOD for one or 2 shows, and who knows, might be received better with crowd than one of the more regular CD songs.

    I agree with you except KOHD which bores the shit out of everyone. It is supposed to be a 'must play' yet I have never met anyone yet who likes the thing.

    this guy i work with is a huge fan on bon jovi and he was tellign me how awful he sounded lately and i was curious to see for myself...i posted to show that we here in GNR land tend to live inside that fishbowl and soemtimes need to see outside if form time to time

  8. http://reviews.ticketmaster.com/7171/734608/bon-jovi-reviews/reviews.htm?sort=rating&dir=asc

    Review 6 for Bon Jovi
    MGM Grand Hotel
    - Las Vegas
    , NV
    - Sat, Apr 20, 2013
    Posted 04/22/2013
    by LVMH
    I have to say, I have seen Bon Jovi at least 40 times and this performance was probably the worst I have seen. Richie was not playing with the group, maybe back in rehab (we hope he gets the help he needs). The new Bon Jovi CD, Because We Can is poorly written and has yet to produce a mega hit. "I don't want to be another wave in the ocean" ? really??? The seats were expensive! $325 got you a near nosebleed seat. There was nothing special about the effects. Jon literally had no connection with the band or his audience. He merely floated through the motions. Additionally, he sounded more nasal than usual. I was glad he didn't do a lot of cover songs which puts the band as a college frat band. I don't think I am alone in this review because I went to the bathroom-which I never do during one of their performances and people were complaining about how bad it was and "I can't believe I spent so much money on these tickets." Jon your ego - while comical- is getting to be a bit much.
    Favorite moment: When it ended
    Opening act(s): none
    STAPLES Center
    - Los Angeles
    , CA
    - Fri, Apr 19, 2013
    Posted 04/22/2013
    by HaveANiceDay1890
    I would have rather gone to watch a WNBA game. That's how bad I would rate this concert.
    Don't misunderstand, Bon Jovi is a very talented and amazing singer but he put the crowd to sleep with his choices of songs to play. Plus without Richie Sambora it just wasn't the same quality of music.
    If you are reading this review before you buy tickets, I strongly recommend you reconsider and take your partner to a nice dinner instead. If you already have tickets then I would sell them on StubHub to try to get some of your money back.
    STAPLES Center
    - Los Angeles
    , CA
    - Fri, Apr 19, 2013
    Posted 04/21/2013
    by TheBluesmanOfSantaMonica
    He played too many lesser known songs. I'm not a big fan of his but go to a lot of concerts in general. I expect to know enough of a big groups songs to make it worthwhile. Maybe because Richie wasn't there they didnt play some but it was boring but to his big fans.
    Chesapeake Energy Arena
    - Oklahoma City
    , OK
    - Sat, Mar 16, 2013
    Posted 03/19/2013
    by Okiedude
    Strangest show I've seen in years. It should have been great, but it just did not work for me and my wife. Band was tight, lights were over the top, sound was good, CEA was packed to the rafters and the fans were totally into it. Jon Bon Jovi was so boooooring as a performer. He has a pretty smile, his guitar playing was extremely simple, he was so static. I don't think his hair even moved the whole hour and half before we got up and left. I also did not like the way it was all about JBJ, the lights were only ever on him and or Richie. You never really even saw the rest of the band, they were playing in the dark. Check your ego at the door. Having seen Aerosmith there earlier this winter, which was possibly the best Aerosmith show I've ever seen (out of 9-10 times) I couldn't help but compare Steven Tyler to JBJ. Steve had the moves, Jon did not.
  9. New music isn't really relevant for anyone but the die-hard fans (us...). People just wanna hear the good ol'greatest hits that'll never grow old and by the looks of it, Axl seems to agree... It's called making a living out of touring & making (almost) everybody along happy. Nothing wrong with that.

    Fine. Nothing wrong with that. Axl is the frontman of a cover band, then. Just like many of us have been saying for years.

    I am going to have to chime in on this. there is one thing that so many of you fail to think about when the bitching starts about the constant touring and perhaps it is because many of you are too young to remember this, but when GNR disappeared in 1993 at the peak, the legions of fans they had THEN ( myself included ), only had a window of time of 4-5 years to see them, and many of us only ever had them come through our town once or twice... I truly believe this constant touring also in part is Axl making it up to the fans that made them by giving us these tours and giving fans like myself the chance to see him live like we never really got to back in the day.

  10. 20 million fans of the Original line up

    I doubt that many people even know who was in the original lineup...

    Not many people know Tracii, Ole and Rob.

    Why do people call them originals? They are not originals. They did not record or tour any album. The original artists of a band are the ones that write and record and tour a debut album.

    this is the smartest thing i have ever heard regarding this topic!!! fuck
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