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Posts posted by kyrie

  1. You're all incredibly ignorant. The facts will be presented tomorrow and perhaps you can take your eyes off Axl's ball sack for a few minutes to read them :)

    Facts? Sorry but this is very simple, and it's not just GN'R. This happens to many bands. Idiots throw shit. It's happened for decades now, and it's simple:

    1) Idiots throw shit

    2) Band gives a warning

    3) Idiots continue to throw shit

    4) Band follows through on warning and leaves

    It was nice of them to come back. I wouldn't have. I've seen other bands leave when this shit goes down. And it has nothing to do with being late, I've seen idiots throw shit at bands that were on time. They just want attention. They want to be the Grinch.

    I think this is the third time I'm saying this now:

    If a chick is meeting you for dinner, and she's late, do you bottle her in the face?

    No, you fucking don't.

    Blame the assholes who threw shit. They have a combined IQ of about 4.

  2. I wonder how long the band are going to stick with it, you can only take that kind of negativity for so long.

    Advertise when you are coming on stage, or come on stage closer to when it says on the ticket.

    Doing either eliminates all of the negativity and makes crowds happy.

    Tickets for most shows I've seen list when the doors open and maybe the start time of the event - rarely the time the middle and headlining acts go on.

  3. I'm impressed. Looks like a killer show/set despite the intial problems with bottle throwing. Also sounds like most of the crowd came back and had a blast at the rest of the show. I give major credit for Axl for not doing like his old ways and just leaving. They came back and delivered the full show that fans came to see.

    Of course, the media is only going to pick up on the negative things.

    are they? or are the obsessive fans on the internet only going to pick up on the positive things?

    so far, the tour was cancelled via twitter and rescheduled, reading got aborted, leeds was cancelled by axl from the sage and rescheduled, this last show started late too, then ended early because pissed off fans were throwing shit at axl. i mean, if all these things happened in a row at a lady gaga concert, everyone around here would be making fun of her for being an incompetent twit.

    for instance, to a non-gnr obsessive, those recent youtube links sound like axl's out of breath and out of tune. but internet obsessives will say, "yeah, but his passion is incredible!" and they're right too. axl's passion is incredible.

    michael jackson fanboards are full of people who still think he didn't rape any kids. they focus on the positive. because they're fans.

    The show was not ended early. The show was delayed, yes, but completed. And, while Axl's pitch hasn't been perfect from what I've heard from these recent shows (via YouTube), he hasn't been consistently out of tune like you make it out to be.

    As much as fans focus on the positive aspects, haters focus on the negative aspects. It goes both ways.


    you'll have to forgive me. i haven't been able to dedicate enough time to watching every youtube video shot so far on this tour. i've clicked on a few that people were raving about, and i wasn't exactly bowled over. but it's nice to hear that he sounds better on some other songs.

    but to me, this debate seems like another example of you, an obsessive internet fan, trying to focus on the positive. while it's awesome to think that axl can still sing some songs well at a show, you may be surprised to know that many other singers (especially those on axl's level) can perform an entire concert on pitch, in tune and without running out of breath. and if they couldn't, they'd practice, diet and exercise until they could.

    again, if lady gaga sang that poorly on that many songs a night, i doubt the fans around here would be trying to hard to focus on the positive.

    Eddie Vedder is a great example of a singer who is very consistent. I have over a dozen boots from Pearl Jam's 2010 European tour, and Eddie is almost always in tune, in pitch, and connects with the crowd in a very special way

    I saw Pearl Jam live and was blown away. That said, Pearl Jam vocals aren't exactly as trying as GN'R, and Eddie just sort of stands around/wanders around - he wasn't nearly as active as Axl when I saw them. Great singer, great band, but apples and oranges.

  4. Axl showed up pretty late- very late really. A lot of people were getting angry at that as they had children with them and/or

    they had their cars in car parks where they would have to spend a lot of money if their car was still their after 12.

    Security at the 02 said that Axl was scheduled to come on at 9 and to finish at 11.15.

    Crowd was getting pretty fidgety and angry around ten (though started doing mexican waves which were fun). However

    when guns came on they pretty much won most people over.

    Axl was very angry from the start and threw something at one of his roadies. He stormed off during chinese democracy.

    The bottles that were thrown at Axl were actually plastic. I have to at least blame the late start for the bottle throwing.

    People were getting drunker the longer they were waiting.

    People were very confused about the walkoff, and whether or not he was gong to come back. Security did not

    know what was happening and were telling people whatever they needed to here to keep them calm. So if someone

    said should we leave, security would say yes just to keep things under control. At one point we were told by security to leave the place,

    but security were very confused themselves.

    When Axl came back on he was needlessly angry. A lot of people had left by this time but the ones that remained I think wanted

    him to put on a good show, and were willing him to do well. However he ignored any goodwill from audience and

    just stood there throughout all the songs. The rest of the band were trying to encourage him by touching him etc.

    but he just ignored everything.

    The band was VERY good. They put lots of energy into the show (they're all very charismatic) to compensate for the negative energy and apathy

    coming from Axl. In fact from what we could see people actually seemed to be happiest when Axl was off stage and the rest of the

    band were playing without him. The solos got very good responses and people seemed to like the musicianship. It was difficult

    to get into things when Axl was on stage since he obviously did not want to be there.

    From what I could see Axl is the weak link in Guns. The rest of the band would be able to start a great band without him. And that' speaking

    as a big Axl fan.

    None of this would have happened if he had not made an ultimatum to an increasingly angry and drunk audience. Someone was bound to

    break it. He should have just said can you please stop throwing things, thanks, or tried to pick out the person who was throwing things.

    It was not good to punish whole crowd for one drunken guy's mistake. He squandered all the good will that he had even up to half ten,

    when he came on late.

    Security said? Really?

    So some limp-dick rent-a-cop now dictates when bands go on stage?

    Sorry but I wouldn't put much faith in that.

    Question: What time did Danko finish? Unless it was 8:15 there's no way GN'R was gonna be on-stage by 9.

  5. I'm impressed. Looks like a killer show/set despite the intial problems with bottle throwing. Also sounds like most of the crowd came back and had a blast at the rest of the show. I give major credit for Axl for not doing like his old ways and just leaving. They came back and delivered the full show that fans came to see.

    Of course, the media is only going to pick up on the negative things.

    are they? or are the obsessive fans on the internet only going to pick up on the positive things?

    so far, the tour was cancelled via twitter and rescheduled, reading got aborted, leeds was cancelled by axl from the sage and rescheduled, this last show started late too, then ended early because pissed off fans were throwing shit at axl. i mean, if all these things happened in a row at a lady gaga concert, everyone around here would be making fun of her for being an incompetent twit.

    for instance, to a non-gnr obsessive, those recent youtube links sound like axl's out of breath and out of tune. but internet obsessives will say, "yeah, but his passion is incredible!" and they're right too. axl's passion is incredible.

    michael jackson fanboards are full of people who still think he didn't rape any kids. they focus on the positive. because they're fans.

    Tis called opinions. The difference is, one involves child molestation, and the other, some drunken louts throwing shit because the band wasn't on-stage at exactly the time indicated on the ticket. I'll bring up what I said before - If I take a girl out and she's late, I don't bottle her in the face to show how upset I am. I grin, bear it, and hope for a good evening.

    If the evening is shit, I'll bitch to friends later, but maybe she'll turn out to be awesome.

    Same should be true of a show. Fucktards who are throwing bottles aren't fans of the band, they're only there to stir up shit. You see them at every show. It's bored and spoiled syndrome - they have money and nothing better to do, or they got free tickets. They enjoy fucking up things for the rest of us.

    And another thing - it's been said before but it's a ROCK CONCERT. What is it with people? The other night they were what, 15 minutes "late" and people were bitching. Stay home and go see Justin Bieber some other night if you want safety.

  6. If it's true that he shouted at the fans through the gates to fuck off then :thumbsdown:

    Dude, I love you, but you seriously can't believe this cunt? C'mon, Axl on his knees outside screaming at fans? For fuck sake

    So she made it up from thin air? She seemed reasonably level headed about it all. I doubt she made it all up, perhaps embellished the story but it's gotta have some truth to it.

    I love you too by the way. Fancy comin' over? :kiss:

    I didn't hear her, but to be honest: whack jobs sometimes sound very reasonable. I've had some very "level-headed" people explain some wild conspiracy theories, tell me they're secret millionaires, have powerful Freemason medallions, etc. To which I smile and nod.

  7. I have to say that I find it amusing that certain people deride Axl for being late, saying it is inexcusable, essentially, then excuse the behavior of the fans throwing bottles by saying Axl created the situation. :rolleyes: What a crock of shit. The people that are throwing bottles are making a conscious decision to throw bottles, and as such, deserve to be held accountable for their decisions every bit as much as Axl does.


    Well said

  8. A Shame that there's 2 people who f*ck up an show for 14.000 men.

    it's serves them right that gnr is off stage.

    Axl should just find those bitches and get in the crowd himeself and teach them a lesson or 2

    So people have been waiting there for hours and you think it's ok for gnr 2 just walk off? Jesus this is just as much axl's fault as the 2 guts throwing bottles

    Sure it is. Why should they put up with it? Let me tell you, if my date is late for a night out, I don't bottle her in the face when she shows up! If you're unhappy with the late start time, that's one thing. Fucking it up for everyone else is another.

  9. If Axl made as much effort getting onstage on time, as he does with his long-winded, essay excuses, then he wouldn't have to justify all these issues time and time again

    Such festivals have been around for decades with major bands headlining, and no previous problems with time slots and missed curfews. Yet Axl and GNR come along, with the worst track record in the history of music for keeping fans waiting, and the festival has a major problem. See what I'm getting at Axl?................ Penny dropped?


    "A simple question: If you are aware of our changeover time, the average length of our show and the general nature of how these types of festivals run all of which are no big secrets...why book us?"

    That is a total kop out. Sure, Axl has a slight point with that one. But it doesnt make him any less guilty of continually going on stage late and fucking things up.


    He does things his way. Always has.

    And Axl's point isn't slight. Axl/GN'R have (in almost every lineup, even the ones including Slash) an almost 20 year history of being late for shows, what made the promoter suddenly think Axl would play by his rules?

    He didn't. He gave the band a time slot and a curfew time (in fact he gave them an extension to the usual city curfew to 'accomodate them' which as it happens was plenty time to finish up at a festival). And the band agreed to this. Yet Axl throws his toys out the pram coz the plug was pulled on them with one song to go. You do realise, that GNR could have put the future of the festival in jeapordy because of this. Now THAT would have royally fucked it for the fans, not the mere fact that they didnt see GNR's setlist in its entirety.

    You really think the promoter and band agreed for them to go onstage an hour late at Redding?....

    The band and the band alone are to blame for this fiasco. The promoters gave them a foot of leeway, and they took a mile. And the majority of people know it (except a few fanboys that have their heads up Axl's arse).


    The festival's license was never in any real danger and almost everyone involved has admitted this. It brings in too much money to the area. Never mind the fanboys, your head is someplace awful if you don't realize that.

  10. If Axl made as much effort getting onstage on time, as he does with his long-winded, essay excuses, then he wouldn't have to justify all these issues time and time again

    Such festivals have been around for decades with major bands headlining, and no previous problems with time slots and missed curfews. Yet Axl and GNR come along, with the worst track record in the history of music for keeping fans waiting, and the festival has a major problem. See what I'm getting at Axl?................ Penny dropped?


    You might want to rethink that statement. GN'R is not the first band to go overtime at a festival, just the most notorious.

  11. Guns N' Roses are unsurprisingly - Guns N' Roses.

    So it isn't really an issue.

    come on, it's BEEN an issue.

    Not every lineup Axl's put together since 99 has been a winner. Which is why the addition of DJ in place of Robin has been such a welcome change.

    Oh fella, you know I like that performance for nostalgia value!

    Perhaps this is the most "band-like" of the recent incarnations, but it's still the same awesome band.

    Well, I guess SunnyDRE can't manage more than childish comebacks.

    Nice to see someone posting actual useful comments in here! Anyhow... I half agree. I liked Robin well enough but his live playing was always the sore spot for me. Bucket was cool even if the image didn't gel, the rest of the band was tight and Robin certainly was fine on the album, but live... I've seen him live with NIN and GN'R and he was better suited to NIN.

    This line-up is definitely the most "band-like" in that, they really seem like an established band now. I guess the core members - Axl, Dizzy, Tommy, Chris, Richard - all being there for eight to ten years now minimum has something to do with that. But DJ's live playing, Ron's interaction with the fans, the band hanging out together, more communication, awesome shows... I loved the shows I saw in 02 and 06 but 2010 has been the best year for this band when it comes to touring.

  12. No reunion necessary.


    This is not Guns N Roses.

    That was not an original, useful post.

    Yet you found the time to respond/cupcake me. Like you do with most all my posts.

    wipe your mouth..

    I've responded to you about 5 times in the *years* I've been on this board, SunnyDRE, so actually, I'm pretty sure that's not "most all your posts."

    I do, however, think you're one pathetic excuse for a "fan" and frankly, you're also a majorly hypocritical pot calling the kettle black given you're probably the biggest cupcake on this board. Your only purpose here seems to be to stir up trouble, and really - do you have nothing better to do with your life than, for years and years, run around yelling "it's not Guns N' Roses!" - I mean really, it's also no longer 1996. It's also not the Smashing Pumpkins, Foo Fighters, Wolfmother, Weezer, Alice in Chains, Hole, Bush, Evanescence, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, or any other number of bands who have only one or two original members remaining (as do every single band in that list!).

    So really... if you have a point of being here, other than to antagonize people, I sure as hell don't see it. But then, what I can picture you as is the heckler at the comedy club, or at the local bar gig, trying more to get attention for themselves by being a prick than anything. It's not like you have anything constructive to offer - you just need everyone to know how much you HATE the current lineup.

    We know. Mission accomplished.

  13. No reunion necessary.

    **puke,lol,falling over**; Seriously?

    reunion necessary.

    It's funny how you link to a song from the album, when the guy is talking about how they sound live. Not that there is anything wrong with This I love on the album. It's one of the best GNR songs period.

    I agree with the original poster. They sound real tight live right now.

    The "live" experience, is just but one part, in the overall equation of enjoying a band imo; but nevertheless, I don't want to hear, This I Love or any other CD song, when I see GNR live;

    They don't have to play "old shit" to appease me, but something else.. something better.

    CD is not good to me. So it doesn't matter if I'm at a party hearing a song from it, or if I'm at a GNR concert.

    It will always be bathroom break/please can you play another song time for me.

    It's fine that you don't like CD, but do you have to be so negative jumping in every post trashing everything about GNR? If theres any element of GNR that you do like, why not show some positivity here once in awhile? It would turn you from hater to someone with an opinion.

    That's just it though. SunnyDRE is not a person with an opinion. A person with an opinion is capable of doing something other that posting the same, tired arguments over and over, offending fans of the band on a fan forum, and generally uses constructive criticism.

    SunnyDRE posts juvenile messages saying things like *puke* simply because he/she (not sure what gender the poster is given the icon) is a hater, and is only here to remind us that he/she hates the band. This forum very specifically has a section where he/she could celebrate the old lineups, but instead he/she very intentionally posts in here to rain on everyone's parade every change he/she gets.

    "**puke,lol,falling over**" - how old are you SunnyDRE, 12??? Because you sound like it.

  14. The promoter should have told them that he would pull the plug if they violated curfew when they worked out the deal for GNR to play Reading and Leeds. Waiting a few days before the shows were to take place, and then warning them in the press, was a chickenshit move.


    Second, multiple people who have a fair bit of common sense and live in/around Reading have said many times that the promoter was never at risk of losing his license regardless of curfew, because the festival profits the town far too much. Even Reading residents said they don't care about the noise a few nights a year. The plug pulling was to save cash on the fine hence DJ's comments make sense... and given how much this festival draws...

  15. Also, I wouldn't be suprised if this little fiasco ( threatening to pull the plug), somehow involved Azoff.

    Whose to say a little bird didn't whisper in the Reading/Leeds promoters ear.......maybe not telling him what to do, but maybe giving him an "idea."

    Azoff has so many connections, it wouldn't suprise me if he didn't use some his "friends" to make Axl's life a living hell.

    Perhaps, this is all part of his plan.

    i also agree. some reviews have been blatantly biased. im ok with criticism and negative reviews, but the few i read were unreasonable.

    axl picked the wrong fight haha.

    azoff vs. axl could get interesting.

    Ditch the conspiracy theories guys. What SunnyDRE fails to comprehend is that Azoff is under the DOJ's gaze right now, not just from Axl. Azoff would not risk getting involved in manipulating a situation where there was a formal contract, like in this case, for good or ill, because it could very well come back to haunt him.

    And no, other promoters will not do anything over this. First, whether you believe him or not, this individual said he'd book them again. Second, most promoters don't care about the late start times so long as the band sells enough tickets for them to profit. GN'R just added a 2nd night in London. They're still a big enough draw and money talks. Even if a few try - there's always someone willing to book a show. Promotions is a fluid business.

  16. promoter warned and stuck to his guns and hes the prick ? :rolleyes:

    Actually he is a prick, should have threatened to pull the plug at 11.30 as stated and then go back saying he "negotiate" an additional 30 minutes.... :devil:

    He'd have gotton off lightly then, his stance has made the situation worse for Reading, but has done a blinding job of putting GnR in the spot-light by Axl refusing to short change the fans shocker. Still dangerous rock1

    Axl had already short changed the fans by showing up an hour late knowing that he'd only get to play half a show.

    They played an hour and a half, and going by what you're saying, they would have played 3 hours? No.

    I said "knowing" he'd only get to play half a show. As in he was told the curfew was 11:30 and he started at 10:30. If the promoter had stuck to his guns as he was more than entitled to the show would've been cut in half. Unless there was a massive delay in changing the stage sets then I fail to comprehend why the band showed up an hour late. Perhaps you can clarify that no?

    I'll normally defend Axl every step of the way but for the life of me I cannot find any justification for what happened on Friday, and believe me i'm trying.

    According to the guy in the main reading thread with the guest pass photo the band was onstage at 9:30 by the side of the stage, including Axl at one point... perhaps the promoter could clarify that? It's awefully funny that he hasn't said anything about the reason. If it was the band, wouldn't he be screaming to the heavens? Also someone posted that Queens ran 15 minutes late, so GN'R was going to be a minimum of 15 minutes late getting onstage (albeit they were an hour, but when you factor that in - 45 minutes late, I've waited longer on a lunch date for someone).

  17. So basically, it's OK to be a stickler for rules yourself, chucking out fans for having cameras, pissing and moaning everything someone throws something on the stage and making a general fuss about "your way" of doing things well perhaps other people have ways of doing things too, perhaps they have a set of rules too, perhaps that's what it's about to be a professional.

    Nobody would do that shit? Please, bands have come and gone and are still around that have done a lot more to make a stand against a lot huger issues than that...The Clash forewent royalties on the first 100,000 units of their album Sandinista just so they could sell a triple album at an affordable price, THAT is doing shit, playing after someone pulls the plug on you for 3 minutes is all you did so lay off the whole fuckin' we're such rebels bit :rolleyes:

    Not abiding by the rules laid down by the venue you're playing at just cuz you can't be bothered to get your ass to your gig on time, THAT is selfish, not doing what you fucking said you would from the jump. If you don't wanna follow the rules, don't play the game.

    Wait wait wait... throwing out fans for having cameras? When did this happen? Oh wait, you mean in 1991? When the band had their own photographer and someone had a professional camera in the venue?

    You could at least try and be accurate. GN'R's had zero problems with cameras in the past 10 years. All kinds of people record the show and you know what? Unlike a LOT of bands, GN'R hasn't had a problem with photos, or video clips, or ENTIRE BOOTLEGS being traded on these boards and youtube. So lets try and be a little more accurate, shall we? Have you BEEN to a show in the modern era at all? Cameras have not been an issue, thousands of people bring them. Venues may have their own rules but the band has been cool with them. Hell Ron was even asking for bootlegs at one point for something he was doing.

    Throwing shit at people on stage? You want to compare THAT, a safety issue, to this?

    Come on, it's apples and oranges. I get that you're trying to make a point, but you're not exactly chosing the best examples.

    Also, interesting that the people interviewed from Reading said they don't care about the noise since it's once a year, that they actually enjoy the show, AND it's now come out that the promoter's license was never at risk and it would have just been a bigger fine.

    And we still don't even know why the band was late.

  18. They won't sell out stadiums in the UK and the only real festivals they could play are Download or Sonisphere really as they are the metal and rocky festivals

    I dunno- lets not forget they're on their way to selling out their second London date in very quick time. 02 arena holds 23,000. So they wouldn't be able to fill the emirates, but they could fill your ground :rofl-lol: (for the record, if they played at WHL i wouldn't go).

    That made me chuckle :xmasssanta:

    No shit are ground holds less than fucking Earls Court :rofl-lol:

    But if they were to do Wembley, Manchester, Newcastle and a few other stadium shows I doubt they would sell them out if the number was over 60k each.

    I don't think the market is there any more.Smaller venues where it is more intimate.Maybe just maybe they need to go back to Roxy size crowds and then people have a much better experience thus building the reputation again


    Smaller venues of 5,000-7,500 so they will sell out. Tour with about 15 or so dates in these smaller venues with kickass shows to rebuild the reputation and spread word of mouth. "Dude, GN'R are playing great 3 hour shows and the entire tour is sold out, I wish I could have gone!"

    Sadly we know stuff like that will never happen.

    Why play a 5,000 seat venue when you just sold out the O2 and added a second night???

    That makes zero sense!

    A tour this size, even if you don't sell out an arena, you still make money even at half capacity. It makes no sense to downsize unless you're under 50% capacity the entire tour. I'm seeing Stone Temple Pilots tomorrow and it's not going to sell out... but so what?

  19. Well, twice in a row today have GNR guitarists been openly defending their frontman Axl!

    This is nice to see, they know the value of their singer, I appreciate the "real deal" mention, and the fact that they know no other band in the world has the balls to do what they do know.

    I'm glad Axl decided to show up late and fuck Reading up their arse. They wanted to threat GNR? They should have known better they have NO lesson to give.

    It really makes me laugh hard thinking the promoter of Reading knew damn well GNR would show up late, YET he wasn't too unhappy with the huge paycheck he got by booking GNR. And yet he's complaining, I can't believe it, he had it coming, and GNR were DAMN right to come late. That's the way it is, this is Guns N' Roses.

    Now, I'm very happy to notice that Richard Fortus and DJ Ashba really supported Axl today because clearly, the man needs more of those type of guys.

    I'm just wondering about Bumblefoot, I've heard here and there that he was "pissed off" with Axl showing up late and he never said anything to support the fact Axl comes late. I mean, of course this pisses some people off, but I know for fact some other fans (especially the great people I've met in Norway) are damn happy that Axl at age 48 doesn't bend over and does things his way. I'm one of those guys, I love it. I'm a bit unsure why Bumble can't seem to deal with it, it seems to me he cares too much about his own image, and it proves me again I had the right vibe when I met the man.

    I don't care much, he's a great guitarist, but he should just let go and enjoy GNR for what it is: FUCK the rules.

    I'm seeing GNR in two weeks btw :xmasssanta:

    Read Ron's twitter about trying to get fans up on stage for an acoustic version. He shows his support in his own way. It's not like he got mad and went home, he was with Axl trying to keep going for the crowd.

    I think you're reading too much into things.

  20. First off, apologies if there is a similar topic about this in this section right now, the server is falling apart at the seams and I can't really read anything, or check if there are other topics on this.

    Let me summarise:

    GNR have gone onstage about an hour/an hour and a half late at Reading. One of the most respected, loved festivals in the world, EVER. Axl Rose is not, has never been, and will never be bigger than Reading, Leeds, or indeed Glastonbury, V, T, Coachella, or any music festival, anywhere. The biggest acts in the world couldn't demand something as ridiculous as turning up way later than advertised. The Rolling Stones, U2, even if the Beatles got back together (and out of their coffins), they couldn't make such a demand. It serves Axl right that the crowd are booing every song, which is only right. That crowd have stood there all day, in the rain and mud, and it's now VERY fucking cold, and they're being made to wait, for what? An ego. An overblown, inflated ego. Guns N Roses haven't been relevant for years (No, Chinese Democracy is not relevant in today's world, for those of you furiously defending the album. I love it, but popular, it is now.) This was Axl's ONE chance to show the world that actually, he can lead and orchestrate a succesful new incarnation of this band. If he'd shown up ontime, he could've blown the fucking roof off the joint. But no, because he thinks he's King, he can do as he please.

    As for all you idiots stating 'Pfft, all the fucking indie kids at Reading obviously don't know a good show when they see one'. Reading is a ROCK festival. And the fact that Lostprophets, Biffy Clyro, QOTSA and more, can show up, rock the whole festival, and SHOW UP ON TIME, just makes GNR seem even more of a ball ache. The crowd know a good show when they see one, and they know that GNR aren't one.

    Seriously, I've grown the accept GNR's shortcomings, but this takes the fucking piss. And before you all retort with 'Don't let the door hit you on the way out' or 'If you don't like it, fuck off', this is a FAN FORUM, and the DISCUSSION section of that forum. I'm allowed to have my opinion, of which many of you I'm sure will agree with. If all we're allowed to do is praise and arselick that band/singer, then it isn't a forum, it's a mockery. I'm raising my very valid thoughts, and my fucking frustration with a band who have no respect for their fanbase. I rarely post in this section, my main haunts are the AG sections, so it's not like I'm losing out by not posting in here anyway.

    But I am done with this band. I won't buy future albums/gig tickets, and I simply don't care. I'm tired, and overall, dissapointed. What a fucking piss take of a band!

    I'm not going to agree or disagree about the status of the festival or who's bigger than who. But calling something a "ROCK festival" then listing the acts you just did... what you think is a rock festival differs very greatly from what I want to see at one.

    In fact, what you listed is the worst sort of hipster crap. QOTSA has a good song or two but the crowd they attract.. and Lostprophets... I'll pass.

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