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Last "Groundbreaking Album"


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The Strokes IS THIS IT?

that album definitely changed many many things in the UK, it single handedly destroyed all the nu-metal bullshit, inspired waves upon waves of garage-rock bands, that are still dominating the charts, kids started acting cool again, they dressed better, Slipknot t-shirts quickly vanished. and from what I hear it was the same in New York.

The Album will go down as a classic. Fantastic record.

However if your looking at it from JUST a musical point of view, then you've got to go with The Arcade Fire IMO.

Edited by SolidSnake
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i thought musically groundbreaking would be like...things that are like WAY out different and experimental. a lot of the stuff being cited here, it might have like...ushered in movements and stuff like that but musically speaking its pretty ummm...whats the word im lookin for? OK, example, THIS to me is musically groundbreaking:

or this:

or this:

or even this:

y'know something that (musically at least) breaks out of prescribed formats and creates something new outside of whats gone on before.

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I have to agree that Radiohead are/will be a hugely influential band of the generation. Amazing how they went from 'one hit wonders' and ended up blowing competition out of the water with The Bends and OK Computer. When they were at their peak, they just totally went backwards with Kid A which is still an alright album. I haven't heard Hail to the Thief or Amnesiac yet but In Rainbows is a brilliant album. For me, they're better than Oasis. Oasis write great songs, but they're not that far away from 70s rock. Radiohead are just a breath of fresh air.

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The Strokes IS THIS IT?

that album definitely changed many many things in the UK, it single handedly destroyed all the nu-metal bullshit, inspired waves upon waves of garage-rock bands, that are still dominating the charts, kids started acting cool again, they dressed better, Slipknot t-shirts quickly vanished. and from what I hear it was the same in New York.

The Album will go down as a classic. Fantastic record.

However if your looking at it from JUST a musical point of view, then you've got to go with The Arcade Fire IMO.

I agree with what you said about the Strokes, but not Arcade Fire.

Most people don't even know who they are, and other Canadien bands were doing that type of music long before the came along.

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i thought musically groundbreaking would be like...things that are like WAY out different and experimental. a lot of the stuff being cited here, it might have like...ushered in movements and stuff like that but musically speaking its pretty ummm...whats the word im lookin for? OK, example, THIS to me is musically groundbreaking:

or this:

or this:

or even this:

y'know something that (musically at least) breaks out of prescribed formats and creates something new outside of whats gone on before.

well yeah going by your definition, there are only a handful of groundbreaking albums IMO, floyd, kraftwerk, Pil etc, Sigur Ros, if only for inventing your own language and turning it musically into harmonic bliss.

but then you look at albums like morning glory which literally was "groundbreaking"... shifting the entire british economy, defining the transition between thatchers england and tony blairs england etc etc, selling 20 million in it's first year or whatever

so for the whole shebang in all it's glory im going to go with Oasis Whats The Story Morning Glory.

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Their entire legacy has been copycatting underground artists, and ripping off current styles. American Idiot was their 'emo' album.

Shut up. It wasn't an emo album whatsoever. It's called a concept, and Green Day nailed it. For a band who were previously famous for making hit 2-3 minute punk songs, the album was quite a sensation.

American Idiot being groundbreaking is perhaps not the best term, but it certainly had a massive impact on hard music in the 21st Century. The fact that a group like them can make a concept album with 9-minute songs, still have massive radio hits, and go over 10x platinum with an album in the age of downloading, is something else.

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i thought musically groundbreaking would be like...things that are like WAY out different and experimental. a lot of the stuff being cited here, it might have like...ushered in movements and stuff like that but musically speaking its pretty ummm...whats the word im lookin for? OK, example, THIS to me is musically groundbreaking:

or this:

or this:

or even this:

y'know something that (musically at least) breaks out of prescribed formats and creates something new outside of whats gone on before.

But is any of that "groundbreaking" music very entertaining?

i don't think so, even if its more creative and origional than lets just say appetite for destruction, it really doesnt climb inside of me quite the same way. just leaves me with the thought "well that was different" with no true desire to really go back to it.

but thats just me, i believe you have to be more than just unique and experimental to really break some ground. very few have actually been completely experimental and made a significant impact on music as we know it, and those are the founding fathers of the different genres we are familiar with.

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Their entire legacy has been copycatting underground artists, and ripping off current styles. American Idiot was their 'emo' album.

Shut up. It wasn't an emo album whatsoever. It's called a concept, and Green Day nailed it. For a band who were previously famous for making hit 2-3 minute punk songs, the album was quite a sensation.

American Idiot being groundbreaking is perhaps not the best term, but it certainly had a massive impact on hard music in the 21st Century. The fact that a group like them can make a concept album with 9-minute songs, still have massive radio hits, and go over 10x platinum with an album in the age of downloading, is something else.

Concept album... yeah I guess that's the word for a total unoriginal bandwagon album... instrumentals & lyrics.


That's be like GN'R releasing CD, and the entire album sounds like Fall Out Boy or Linkin Park, and suddenly it's called 'original' and 'concept'. :lol:

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I'd have to agree that OK Computer was the last album that really blew me away, where I felt something different going on

I'm still amazed that so many people like In Rainbows - I love the band, but In Rainbows bores the fuck out of me

I like Radiohead's computer/mix type songs better than the type of stuff that was on Rainbows

Anyways, my votes for Computer

I gotta check out Radiohead. For a band with as much hype as they have, I hardly know any of their songs.

I actually saw an older video of theirs today on TV from OK Computer. The one with the car chasing this guy down a road, and it backs up to then run him over and he notices a stream of gasoline. He lights a match and then it's the car that's being chased. That was pretty cool! The song was alright too.

Ice! We need a 90s "Alternative" Thread. Third Eye Blind WILL be there! :rofl-lol:

Third Eye Blind! For some fucking reason I bought an album of theirs a long time ago. I listened to it recently and I almost set my ears on fire.

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Guest knerken

The Blood Brothers - This Adultery Is Ripe pushed hardcore/post-hardcore to a new level and a new audience in the 00's. May not have made a massive impact on music in general, but revolutionized a whole genre.

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Their entire legacy has been copycatting underground artists, and ripping off current styles. American Idiot was their 'emo' album.

Shut up. It wasn't an emo album whatsoever. It's called a concept, and Green Day nailed it. For a band who were previously famous for making hit 2-3 minute punk songs, the album was quite a sensation.

American Idiot being groundbreaking is perhaps not the best term, but it certainly had a massive impact on hard music in the 21st Century. The fact that a group like them can make a concept album with 9-minute songs, still have massive radio hits, and go over 10x platinum with an album in the age of downloading, is something else.

Not to be too crass but I'd hate to think what you consider a boner if you thought American Idiot was hard!

What do I think.

Couple of really groundbreaking albums have been named on here, take your pick from Portishead, Massive Attack or Radiohead. Sadly if you want to hear really groundbreaking stuff its not whats played on the radio, or even available at your local music store. Just about everything you here today is guaranteed to be an imitation of an imitation, thats not a bad thing at all, as David Bowie said in Zoolander "duplicate and elaborate".

Edited by Opax
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Goldie Lookin Chains Album

You're mothers gotta penis.

Ahaaa.. I actually love GLC.

I can't accept that Green Day are groundbreaking in the same way I'm not saying Rancid are. Just generic punk bands doing what they do well - ripping off first wave punk bands and making it slightly more mainstream.

Mmm, groundbreaking album, recently..


I literally can't think of one from the 21st century :lol:

Thats depressing =/


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listen to the sounds of ground being broken

"turn off your mind, relax and float down stream"

yeeeaaahh, tell em bout it Johnny but please, dont hurt em :xmasssanta:

But is any of that "groundbreaking" music very entertaining?

i don't think so, even if its more creative and origional than lets just say appetite for destruction, it really doesnt climb inside of me quite the same way. just leaves me with the thought "well that was different" with no true desire to really go back to it.

each to his own brother, you got some pretty cool taste but GODDAAAMMNN!! i cant possibly tell you how that shit turns me on...yyeeeaahh, man, more of it...its exciting, i lap it up...its like WOAH...what the fuck was that?!?! opens my eyes...i want my music to be far out and freaky...like Electricladyland, like Second Edition - PiL, like some shit that makes me lose my mind (literally). Or explore its depth/breadth.

i know what you mean though, y'gotta have that spark up the ass that makes you move...like Jerry Lee Lewis or The Stones doin Rip This Joint but...i dunno man, i just want just plain fucking WEIRD shit..

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That's what you were after - that's the original album version. The link you posted was the version from the Love album which is a mash up with Within You Without You.

No one has been truly groundbreaking since Joy Division imo. But there have been plenty of seminal and era-defining records/bands since then. Take your pick from: New Order, The Smiths, Stone Roses, The Pixies, Nirvana, Massive Attack, Portishead, Sunny Day Real Estate, Oasis, Eminem, The Strokes, Radiohead and a whole heap of dance acts.

That's just to name a few, there are plenty of others.

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That's what you were after - that's the original album version. The link you posted was the version from the Love album which is a mash up with Within You Without You.

No one has been truly groundbreaking since Joy Division imo. But there have been plenty of seminal and era-defining records/bands since then. Take your pick from: New Order, The Smiths, Stone Roses, The Pixies, Nirvana, Massive Attack, Portishead, Sunny Day Real Estate, Oasis, Eminem, The Strokes, Radiohead and a whole heap of dance acts.

That's just to name a few, there are plenty of others.

The Butthole Surfers?

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That's what you were after - that's the original album version. The link you posted was the version from the Love album which is a mash up with Within You Without You.

No one has been truly groundbreaking since Joy Division imo. But there have been plenty of seminal and era-defining records/bands since then. Take your pick from: New Order, The Smiths, Stone Roses, The Pixies, Nirvana, Massive Attack, Portishead, Sunny Day Real Estate, Oasis, Eminem, The Strokes, Radiohead and a whole heap of dance acts.

That's just to name a few, there are plenty of others.

The Butthole Surfers?

Ain't no Joy Division though are they? What ground were they breaking? What mass influence have they had compared to Joy Division? Where's there Closer

You could throw any number of bands names into the debate - the ones already mentioned plus PiL, the 'Mats, Prodigy, Chemical Brothers, Verve, My Bloody Valentine, loads of rap, Greenday, even really modern bands like The Libertines and Bloc Party. You could put a case forward for any of them but none of them broke the ground Joy Division did. They produced the last truly groundbreaking record but there's been plenty since which have blown my mind as well.

Edited by Gigger
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That's what you were after - that's the original album version. The link you posted was the version from the Love album which is a mash up with Within You Without You.

No one has been truly groundbreaking since Joy Division imo. But there have been plenty of seminal and era-defining records/bands since then. Take your pick from: New Order, The Smiths, Stone Roses, The Pixies, Nirvana, Massive Attack, Portishead, Sunny Day Real Estate, Oasis, Eminem, The Strokes, Radiohead and a whole heap of dance acts.

That's just to name a few, there are plenty of others.

The Butthole Surfers?

Ain't no Joy Division though are they? What ground were they breaking? What mass influence have they had compared to Joy Division? Where's there Closer

You could throw any number of bands names into the debate - the ones already mentioned plus PiL, the 'Mats, Prodigy, Chemical Brothers, Verve, My Bloody Valentine, loads of rap, Greenday, even really modern bands like The Libertines and Bloc Party. You could put a case forward for any of them but none of them broke the ground Joy Division did. They produced the last truly groundbreaking record but there's been plenty since which have blown my mind as well.

influence? damn man, they influenced all over the shop...Nirvana etc and what ground were they breaking?? Jesus man, have you ever heard their stuff??? early stuff especially like PCPEP and Locust Abortion Technician and Hairyway To Steven?

as for Joy Division, their sound was unique but...groundbreaking? how so?

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Maybe PiL - Metal Box? Right down to the actual release ideas.

I don't know. Depends what criteria you use.

its called Second Edition here :) mentioned it earlier....you have good taste. assuming that is that you like it :lol:

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That's what you were after - that's the original album version. The link you posted was the version from the Love album which is a mash up with Within You Without You.

No one has been truly groundbreaking since Joy Division imo. But there have been plenty of seminal and era-defining records/bands since then. Take your pick from: New Order, The Smiths, Stone Roses, The Pixies, Nirvana, Massive Attack, Portishead, Sunny Day Real Estate, Oasis, Eminem, The Strokes, Radiohead and a whole heap of dance acts.

That's just to name a few, there are plenty of others.

The Butthole Surfers?

Ain't no Joy Division though are they? What ground were they breaking? What mass influence have they had compared to Joy Division? Where's there Closer

You could throw any number of bands names into the debate - the ones already mentioned plus PiL, the 'Mats, Prodigy, Chemical Brothers, Verve, My Bloody Valentine, loads of rap, Greenday, even really modern bands like The Libertines and Bloc Party. You could put a case forward for any of them but none of them broke the ground Joy Division did. They produced the last truly groundbreaking record but there's been plenty since which have blown my mind as well.

influence? damn man, they influenced all over the shop...Nirvana etc and what ground were they breaking?? Jesus man, have you ever heard their stuff??? early stuff especially like PCPEP and Locust Abortion Technician and Hairyway To Steven?

as for Joy Division, their sound was unique but...groundbreaking? how so?

Groudbreaking in so many ways... who before them had crossed gothic, emo, dance, pop, rock, punk and electronic music in such a way. That's before you get onto the lyrics which have been described as the darkest ever written. They were unique, and they broke the mold and in 1979 and 1980 they blew people's minds.

You only have to look at Joy Division's legacy to understand how groundbreaking they were. The melancholy of 80s music came about due to Joy Division. Gothic, emo even dance all have their roots in what Joy Division were doing in 79/80, let alone punk, and even modern pop - look at Interpol.

Look at the rise of the Cure - post Ian Curtis death - they sounded like Joy Division. Listen to Atmosphere then listen to Disintegration.

Remember what Bono said about Curtis' voice being "holy".

Almost every band since cites Curtis and Joy Divison as an influence. The Chili Peppers, Radiohead, U2, REM, Nirvana, Moby all of them - and those are only the ones who spring to mind initially which i could verify with a quote.

And that's before you even bring New Order into it and the impact they had.

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Maybe PiL - Metal Box? Right down to the actual release ideas.

I don't know. Depends what criteria you use.

its called Second Edition here :) mentioned it earlier....you have good taste. assuming that is that you like it :lol:

Yeah, to be honest i only got into it a month or so ago. Never really heard anything like it. Didn't even believe it was Lydon at first :lol:

One of those albums i've read about before i've actually discovered.

In a weird way, the more groundbreaking an album is, the more there is to write about it, and there's so much of interest about the album that can be discussed.

EDIT: As for Joy Division's impact, you can see it on a wave of the newer indie bands in the UK today such as Interpol, Editors etc...and thats beside what Gigger said about U2 and The Cure etc.

In a way, it's a good yardstick, if Joy Division hadn't broken any ground, surely the bands prior to them of a similar nature would have had just as much a similar impact and would be cited as an influence just as regularly?

Edited by JAC185
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