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Muse - United States of Eurasia

Gallagher Rose

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The first time I heard Knights of Cydonia, I thought I was picking up on a shift towards a Queen-sounding opera-like feel

Now, this just confirms it

I thought Axl went a little too much Queen with Catcher, but this one really takes the cake

The piano is nice and all, but at some point they had to have been trying to sound like them

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Can music get any more self-important, conceited, and snobbish than this? And the "Queen" bit lasted probably about 5 total seconds, two 2.5 second parts. I give this a C-.

How long has Robert Christgau been posting here?

This post elicited a quarter-second smirk. I give it a B.

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Does it really matter if it's like Queen? I mean.. we know Muse are totally inspiered by Queen, we know that. Why shouldn't they show it 100% in one song? Of course no one should try be Queen, that's not what I mean, but I think it's cool Muse did this. I know it's not the best song Muse have done, absolutly not, but I really like it. Every part in the song is lovley..

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Scaramouche, Muse were never inspired by Queen when they started, it begun last album with "Knights of cydonia" and a small tribute during the chorus but that was it. Then came this song...

But fuck the people who think Muse is a queen tribute band, they don't get it :facepalm:

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I don't think this song is a Queen ripoff or anything. I mean, it's nice to have a song that's lovely, but there's a difference between a lovely song, and one that sounds like it's going to buy you flowers. Unfortunately, this is the latter.

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Scaramouche, Muse were never inspired by Queen when they started, it begun last album with "Knights of cydonia" and a small tribute during the chorus but that was it. Then came this song...

But fuck the people who think Muse is a queen tribute band, they don't get it :facepalm:

I didn't say Muse is a queen tribute band. Dominic said by himself that Queen is his all time favourite band, and Muse'va said they're inspiered by them.. So I believe so.

I could give a fuck whether or not this particular song is inspired by Queen. I like it.

Thank you! :thumbsup:

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Does it really matter if it's like Queen? I mean.. we know Muse are totally inspiered by Queen, we know that. Why shouldn't they show it 100% in one song? Of course no one should try be Queen, that's not what I mean, but I think it's cool Muse did this. I know it's not the best song Muse have done, absolutly not, but I really like it. Every part in the song is lovley..

Yeah i don't see anything wrong if this one song was their tribute to Queen. Just like how Prince's song Dreamer was a total ode to Hendrix.

Guess it just depends on how you look at it

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