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Guns N' Roses might play in Big Brother Brazil


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When asked on Twitter if there was any possibility of Guns N' Roses playing in any party at Big Brother Brazil, look which was the answer of Boninho, the director of the program:

we are already talking to them

Big Brother Brazil is the most watched TV program in Brazil, monopolizating all the audience when it's showned (Globo, 9 PM I think, everyday, and Multishow in a lots of hours during the day, and there's also Big Brother 24 HOURS, which the name says what time it's showned)

Boninho already tried to take to the program Beyonce, that's on tour in Brazil, and Coldplay, that will play in Brazil in March, but eh failed with both of them. But in this edition of Big Brother (which is the 10th) he already took Akon, and in other editions lots of famous bands and singers played there.


Edited by ManetsBR
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When asked on Twitter if there was any possibility of Guns N' Roses playing in any party at Big Brother Brazil, look which was the answer of Boninho, the director of the program:

we are already talking to them

Big Brother Brazil is the most watched TV program in Brazil, monopolizating all the audience when it's showned (Globo, 9 PM I think, everyday, and Multishow in a lots of hours during the day, and there's also Big Brother 24 HOURS, which the name says what time it's showned)


New Guns will never be on TV (again).

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When asked on Twitter if there was any possibility of Guns N' Roses playing in any party at Big Brother Brazil, look which was the answer of Boninho, the director of the program:

we are already talking to them

Big Brother Brazil is the most watched TV program in Brazil, monopolizating all the audience when it's showned (Globo, 9 PM I think, everyday, and Multishow in a lots of hours during the day, and there's also Big Brother 24 HOURS, which the name says what time it's showned)


New Guns will never be on TV (again).

Band Channel is on advanced negociations show live the concert in Sao Paulo, in the Palmeiras Stadium, March 13th.

I guess this would be 2 appearances in only one or two weeks. 2 LIVE appearances.

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I highly doubt they'll play on Big Brother.

I highly doubted a lot of things about Guns N' Roses. On several of them I was wrong.

I highly doubted a lot of things about Guns N Roses and I was right on most of them :xmassrudolph:

We'll see.

If they play on the show, do you think the dense people that are in that house would appreciate it? I guess they're only there to party, so whatever they get they enjoy...

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Not exactly that BBB sucks, because it has a certain appeal of thrilling, and gets an emotional response because we all want our 15 minutes of fame, but the real problem is the intent behind TV shows like these. Television in general is all about money. All is made in an effort to dumb down the people, hypnotize them in front of the TV, and use that vulnerability to shove propaganda down people's throats. It's the opposite of what GnR stands for.

I already thought it was an absurd that a person confined in the Brazilian Big Brother's house made it to the Trending Topics of twitter. WTF? Are people that dumb, are so dominated by TV's brainwashing, massification, that they spend their days talking on the internet (where there's a lot of culture available) about that TV show? Everyone is there for the money, for the fame, for the glory and the popular recognition, most of them are dumb prostitutes.

I can never see Axl selling out like this, participating in this celebration of attention-whorism.

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hey people metallica was here in argentina the 20 21 24 and on sunday in a program cold LA VIOLA =THE GUITAR. They played all the concert, and also at the end of the program the guy that conduce the program said that will have some pro shots of guns n roses and maybe the whole show.

here metallica i argentina
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Not exactly that BBB sucks, because it has a certain appeal of thrilling, and gets an emotional response because we all want our 15 minutes of fame, but the real problem is the intent behind TV shows like these. Television in general is all about money. All is made in an effort to dumb down the people, hypnotize them in front of the TV, and use that vulnerability to shove propaganda down people's throats. It's the opposite of what GnR stands for.

I already thought it was an absurd that a person confined in the Brazilian Big Brother's house made it to the Trending Topics of twitter. WTF? Are people that dumb, are so dominated by TV's brainwashing, massification, that they spend their days talking on the internet (where there's a lot of culture available) about that TV show? Everyone is there for the money, for the fame, for the glory and the popular recognition, most of them are dumb prostitutes.

I can never see Axl selling out like this, participating in this celebration of attention-whorism.

Agree with ya. And BBB sucks!

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hey people metallica was here in argentina the 20 21 24 and on sunday in a program cold LA VIOLA =THE GUITAR. They played all the concert, and also at the end of the program the guy that conduce the program said that will have some pro shots of guns n roses and maybe the whole show.

here metallica i argentina

La Viola rocks! best argentine tv show by far

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I already thought it was an absurd that a person confined in the Brazilian Big Brother's house made it to the Trending Topics of twitter. WTF?

That's what happens when you blow someone on TV. You get famous on twitter. :xmassrudolph:

And no, I don't watch that shit, and yes, I agree with everything you said, and yes, it's a horrible TV show.

But make no mistake, if they actually play on that shit, I'll watch it :xmasssanta:

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