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Secret Gigs Are Stupid


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Springclean, are you and DaveGNR related in some botched scientific experiment,or in a small gene pool kind of way?

You both are negative nonsensical nimrods spouting garbage and

verbal vomit that nobody wants to hear,go talk to each other and stop inflicting and infecting us with your small minded pathetic hate crusade against GNR, you won't change the people here that truly appreciate and admire the band, you won't change what the band chooses to do,so pack up your hate machine and shut whatever orifice it is that inspires you to make such posts;

go away or shut the fuck up slagging GNR,you moronic miserable, small minded,sickening, shit slinging, Haters-your attitudes just plain suck.

I can't speak for Dave but I'm one of the few fans that have an opinion and the balls to voice it. I observe and point the finger and I stick out just because almost no one else has the balls to speak free as almost everyone practices self-censoring hoping to score a backstage pass since Axl visited the boards.

People attack Dave for not changing his mind like underwear with every new member that comes and goes. You call it hate, I call that loyalty and passion. And I respect that kind of fan a lot more than thousand stupid motherfuckers discussing Axl's hair. People put me on ignore for...what? Speaking out? I disagree with the majority so I'm a hater? I love this band, would I care to discuss it if I hated it? It may seem like spreading negative energy to you, but in fact I'm trying to do something here instead of just swallowing everything no questions asked.

Let me give you another example, people go crazy over Axl using Twitter but for me it's just stupid small talk in the doorway and I wonder how he finds the time to do that instead of using the opportunity for actual communication and interaction that he is given with a handful of well frequented message boards around. I just see a lot of potential going nowhere, that's all.

I think it's great the band has fun but is it so wrong of me as a normal fan wanting to share that fun? I supported the CD lineup ever since, yet my only chance to ever see them has been and will probably always be in a replacement lineup at a rainy festival in Europe for $300 plus travelling expenses, five miles away from the stage, with thousands of drunken teenagers not giving a shit because they came for Lady Gaga not Guns. In the meantime Richie Rich gets an acoustic version of Paradise City up close just so the band gets a little attention from local media going nowhere.

Edited by springclean
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Springclean, are you and DaveGNR related in some botched scientific experiment,or in a small gene pool kind of way?

You both are negative nonsensical nimrods spouting garbage and

verbal vomit that nobody wants to hear,go talk to each other and stop inflicting and infecting us with your small minded pathetic hate crusade against GNR, you won't change the people here that truly appreciate and admire the band, you won't change what the band chooses to do,so pack up your hate machine and shut whatever orifice it is that inspires you to make such posts;

go away or shut the fuck up slagging GNR,you moronic miserable, small minded,sickening, shit slinging, Haters-your attitudes just plain suck.

I can't speak for Dave but I'm one of the few fans that have an opinion and the balls to voice it. I observe and point the finger and I stick out just because almost no one else has the balls to speak free as almost everyone practices self-censoring hoping to score a backstage pass since Axl visited the boards.

People attack Dave for not changing his mind like underwear with every new member that comes and goes. You call it hate, I call that loyalty and passion. And I respect that kind of fan a lot more than thousand stupid motherfuckers discussing Axl's hair. People put me on ignore for...what? Speaking out? I disagree with the majority so I'm a hater? I love this band, would I care to discuss it if I hated it? It may seem like spreading negative energy to you, but in fact I'm trying to do something here instead of just swallowing everything no questions asked.

Let me give you another example, people go crazy over Axl using Twitter but for me it's just stupid small talk in the doorway and I wonder how he finds the time to do that instead of using the opportunity for actual communication and interaction that he is given with a handful of well frequented message boards around. I just see a lot of potential going nowhere, that's all.

I think it's great the band has fun but is it so wrong of me as a normal fan wanting to share that fun? I supported the CD lineup ever since, yet my only chance to ever see them has been and will probably always be in a replacement lineup at a rainy festival in Europe for $300 plus travelling expenses, five miles away from the stage, with thousands of drunken teenagers not giving a shit because they came for Lady Gaga not Guns. In the meantime Richie Rich gets an acoustic version of Paradise City up close just so the band gets a little attention from local media going nowhere.


You are an idiot for answering that post with this image.

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I know people like you on here dont like using common sense but how many years did it take CD to come out after they canceled those shows that Axl claimed was to finished up the album and release it.

The answer is TWO, you really dont think they could have finished those 4 or 5 shows and still released the album on the same day it was released?

Its one thing if they canceled those shows then released CD that next summer but that is not what happened.

How does your reply event pertain to my post? It's nice to see how you pigeon-hole people through your self-perceived, deluded notions by the mere act of them just disagreeing with you. You are absolutely ridiculous. You don't know a thing about objectivity. Years ago when you supported everything Axl did you used the same rhetoric. You only deal in absolutes. Thus, you are highly irrational.

You are the one and others like you on this board that are not objectionable. You are too scared or ignorant to call Axl on it when he is being an asshole or when he is wrong.

You need to step into reality one of these days, a lot of people do and stop looking through (Axl) Rose colored classes.

And I stand by what I said, secret gigs are stupid when its not even real fans at the shows and its just the trendy people who dont even know the new songs or who the new members even are.

You cannot honestly disagree with that.

Look,were you there? Prove to me absolutely that no "real fans" were there, and even if no one there meets your criteria

I don't think You are a real fan,not in the least-how do you know that nobody knew the members or the new songs? You are a know it all that knows nothing,except how to mangle words, and state your opinion as if it were truth,repeating the ridiculous redundancy endlessly.

The secret gigs aren't stupid,GNR are out and playing gigs-maybe to some potential new fans,that is a great thing as far as I'm concerned, You have made an ass out of yourself and I for one am sick of you slagging GNR,you are a hater and a cupcake, Go find a band you actually like and stop shooting off your mouth-you obviously haven't engaged your brain,and if you are truly this stupid and full of hate then I feel "sorry for you".

You really need to learn to read, are you really that brain damaged?

I said only a few real fans got in and mostly posers and rich snobs got into the show. How do you I know that? I already said, incase you are too slow to remember, a poster at the gnr bar went and said that.

Its during fashion week, of course mostly rich snobs are getting in. Ask Keneda if most people there knew the new songs, he will tell you no. Only a handful of people even knew the words to the new songs.

You really need to learn to read full posts and not just want your warped brain wants to.

I did not make an ass out of out myself, you are doing that to yourself because you cannot read.

You also need to learn the meaning or hater or cupcake.

So once again, since you are impared in the brain.

This gigs are stupid if real fans are being turned away at the door when rich snobs who do not even know who is even in the band are getting in.

How can you even disagree with that? I am not sure if you tried to get in and were turned away for some trendy wanna be who isnt even a fan got it you would change your turn.

Look Bozo, you don't even make sense, do you generally class people who have money as "rich snobs"? And If I can find a poster named "KENEDA" I'll be surprised, you can't make a coherent statement and Again it's a Good Thing GNR are playing these gigs, It is exposure and is apparantly what they have chosen to do, your opinion isn't going to change a thing so

find something else to whine about, it isn't your call how to run GNR, and some of us are sick and fucking tired of you constantly, neverendingly, bashing GNR for no good reason except that maybe you enjoy the negative attention? You need serious help, and spell check! Now shut the hell up typhoid Mary and stop spreading your disease all over the place.You are a plague here, fucking Beach!!

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Again, please answer my question! How can they fit all the "real fans" into a couple of 100 capacity club gigs without causing a riot????

Why not just throw in some 3000 capacity club gigs with regular ticket sales so there's at least a chance for normal people to attend one of these shows?

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I can't speak for Dave but I'm one of the few fans that have an opinion and the balls to voice it. I observe and point the finger and I stick out just because almost no one else has the balls to speak free as almost everyone practices self-censoring hoping to score a backstage pass since Axl visited the boards.

People attack Dave for not changing his mind like underwear with every new member that comes and goes. You call it hate, I call that loyalty and passion. And I respect that kind of fan a lot more than thousand stupid motherfuckers discussing Axl's hair. People put me on ignore for...what? Speaking out? I disagree with the majority so I'm a hater? I love this band, would I care to discuss it if I hated it? It may seem like spreading negative energy to you, but in fact I'm trying to do something here instead of just swallowing everything no questions asked.

Let me give you another example, people go crazy over Axl using Twitter but for me it's just stupid small talk in the doorway and I wonder how he finds the time to do that instead of using the opportunity for actual communication and interaction that he is given with a handful of well frequented message boards around. I just see a lot of potential going nowhere, that's all.

I think it's great the band has fun but is it so wrong of me as a normal fan wanting to share that fun? I supported the CD lineup ever since, yet my only chance to ever see them has been and will probably always be in a replacement lineup at a rainy festival in Europe for $300 plus travelling expenses, five miles away from the stage, with thousands of drunken teenagers not giving a shit because they came for Lady Gaga not Guns. In the meantime Richie Rich gets an acoustic version of Paradise City up close just so the band gets a little attention from local media going nowhere.

If GNR had a fanclub like other bands who did private shows for fan club members, that would be pretty cool. I do understand your frustration though. I don't think that these particular surprise shows are a bad idea at all. The band is out and having fun. Nothing wrong with that. You just want shows like this to be fan based which is something a fan club or contest would do am I right?

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Again, please answer my question! How can they fit all the "real fans" into a couple of 100 capacity club gigs without causing a riot????

Why not just throw in some 3000 capacity club gigs with regular ticket sales so there's at least a chance for normal people to attend one of these shows?

Because they take promotion, planning and organisation and these small club shows don't!

So what? It's another show for fans. I don't think ANY band would think playing a 3000 seater venue for their fans would be a problem

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So what? It's another show for fans. I don't think ANY band would think playing a 3000 seater venue for their fans would be a problem

Because they're on a break from the tour now and having time off!

Again, so what? I'm not here DEMANDING anything. It would be a good idea in the future when they can fit it into their schedules.

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BH and Robin and Co did not butcher PC and WTTJ at the VMAS, the band sounded great, Axl was the only one who butchered the songs.

As for the CD songs are not Robins and BHs , of course they are, Esp with BH since he wrote the majority of the guitar parts for the album.

My main point being that he was saying it was wrong for Bumble and DJ to play CD songs to an audience who weren't bothered. It's no worse than Bucket and Robin playing Slash and Izzy's parts on the VMA's.

This band have changed so much in the past decade that it seems daft to get precious over lineup changes.

Basically you have a cover band playing AFD songs and the CD songs another cover band wrote who was also playing the old bands AFD songs.

It is kind of funny when you look at it like this, you have a cover band covering a cover band.

Only in the world of Gnr

And then we have people like you who feel the need to post that every single day. Honestly dave, what's your motivation for being here... is trolling fun for you? I would have thought you'd stick to the Old GN'R sections if that's what you want to discuss.

As for people asking to lock the thread - as long as it stays on topic and people remain respectful of one another (which up to this point, they haven't really), then the thread will remain open.

God people come up with some stupid shit to say though... like, REALLY? Criticising the secret gigs? :huh:

Sorry if the truth hurts.

You will just have to deal with it, nothing I said is not true. And I was just backing up what that other poster said.

There is something wrong with you. I find it odd that you obsess on something that you have no part in creating. Like Slash and Adler, you are stuck in the past. The version of Guns N Roses that you loved died 17 years ago. This is a new version that is beginning to make its own way. Sure it plays material from the old version, but one of the two main creators of that music and its voice leads this band. The reality is that you have issues with change. Just like Slash did. The reason Slash wouldn't change is because he couldn't. He is not a natural songwriter. The creative force behind Guns was Axl and Izzy. Slash didn't even know what to do with a good rift like Jungle or Sweet Child. It was Axl who recognized the genius and wrote the structure of those songs. Izzy wrote most of the GnR classics.

Main point - the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing hoping for a different result. Bitching about what Axl did to the old GnR is not going to make him quit on his new version. You'd be a lot happier if you got some help for your insanity.

Those who can't do, often have to preach (or criticize on message boards).

You really do have a shitty memory, and the mods wonder why I have to repeat myself its for brain damaged people like you.

I am NOT even talking about the AFD era of guns n roses, Stay with me here ok, we are talking about the CD version of guns n roses and guess what? Axl does not even have them anymore, he has replacements for that band did.

You dont find that ridiculous? And yes the creator if the classic band was Axl and Izzy and the creator of the CD era was Axl, Paul and BH, and guess what only Axl is left for BOTH VERSIONS.

The fact is, since Izzy left the band Axl has had ZERO hits.

And your hero Axl is stuck in the past since he always bitches about the old band during his shows, or are you too brain damaged to even remember that? So you should make post Axl why are you stuck in the past, but of course you kiss Axls ass so you wont do that.

Oh and axl cant with out Izzy, he proved that with the flop of CD

That is all your opinion. My opinion is that CD is a very good album. Not a classic but certainly better than what is "popular' today. The reason CD flopped is perception and predjudice. People don't or won't give the album a chance because of those two factors.

Now, back to the original point which you missed. You have nothing to do with GnR the entity. You either like the music that is put out under that brand name or you don't. Axl doesn't owe you anything. He doesn't owe you a secret gig, a reunion, a t-shirt, nothing. You have one way to make your point of view known and that is through your wallet. If Axl starts earning nothing because nobody shows up or buys his album than he will make a decision on whether he changes his attitude, has a reunion, retires, whatever. It's his life. He can play with whomever, call the band whatever, because Slash / Izzy / Duff signed the name over years ago. Why? Who knows. My guess is that Izzy didn't care. Duff didn't get it at first. And Slash wanted the money and fame that went with the tour and he blinked. If he had held strong my guess is that Axl would have blinked. But he didn't and now you have what you have. Deal with the present because every message you post is actually a post in support of Axl. Why - because you care!!

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I am really amazed at the stupidity of some posters and their idiotic comments. What´s wrong with playing a few gigs to a small audience? Lots of bands and singers do it and no one complains and their fans don´t make a big deal, but it seems some of you are dieing of jealousy and show your frustration posting garbage. It is obvious we all would like to attend those shows but if we don´t then what? Is it the end of the world? Is this going to make your life sadder or more pathetic?

We will have our chance when the tour goes on for fuck´s sake. I think that some people are just fucking jealous and they are bitching just for the sake of it.

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If GNR had a fanclub like other bands who did private shows for fan club members, that would be pretty cool. I do understand your frustration though. I don't think that these particular surprise shows are a bad idea at all. The band is out and having fun. Nothing wrong with that. You just want shows like this to be fan based which is something a fan club or contest would do am I right?

Yes. I know you can't please everyone, but I don't think it's OK to let [not dropping names] select an audience. If you are a fan, willing to pay and ready to have good time in concert you should be given at least a chance for attendance or else just call it a private party and not act as if you are playing a "concert" for your fans. A contest would be cool, like giving a golden ticket to the best fanmade cover, the best fanmade remix or just pull a Willy Wonka and re-issue CD with 5 backstage passes to push sales and make some fans happy...you get the idea.

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The reason CD flopped is perception and predjudice. People don't or won't give the album a chance because of those two factors.

The reasons the album flopped are the stupid Best Buy deal and the departure of the lead guitar player and co-songwriter.

Had they done one TV show with Buckethead and sold the album on Amazon the next day it would have wiped each and everything away out there.

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So what? It's another show for fans. I don't think ANY band would think playing a 3000 seater venue for their fans would be a problem

Because they're on a break from the tour now and having time off!

Again, so what? I'm not here DEMANDING anything. It would be a good idea in the future when they can fit it into their schedules.

I'm sure it would but how do you know it isn't planned already? So many people are slagging off the band for this and for all you know there'll be a gig next week for the fans!

I hope so! I don't see it happening this time but I'd love to be proven wrong

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If GNR had a fanclub like other bands who did private shows for fan club members, that would be pretty cool. I do understand your frustration though. I don't think that these particular surprise shows are a bad idea at all. The band is out and having fun. Nothing wrong with that. You just want shows like this to be fan based which is something a fan club or contest would do am I right?

If you are a fan, willing to pay and ready to have good time in concert you should be given at least a chance for attendance or else just call it a private party and not act as if you are playing a "concert" for your fans. A contest would be cool, like giving a golden ticket to the best fanmade cover, the best fanmade remix or just pull a Willy Wonka and re-issue CD with 5 backstage passes to push sales and make some fans happy...you get the idea.

But to do that, you need time.

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BH and Robin and Co did not butcher PC and WTTJ at the VMAS, the band sounded great, Axl was the only one who butchered the songs.

As for the CD songs are not Robins and BHs , of course they are, Esp with BH since he wrote the majority of the guitar parts for the album.

My main point being that he was saying it was wrong for Bumble and DJ to play CD songs to an audience who weren't bothered. It's no worse than Bucket and Robin playing Slash and Izzy's parts on the VMA's.

This band have changed so much in the past decade that it seems daft to get precious over lineup changes.

Basically you have a cover band playing AFD songs and the CD songs another cover band wrote who was also playing the old bands AFD songs.

It is kind of funny when you look at it like this, you have a cover band covering a cover band.

Only in the world of Gnr

And then we have people like you who feel the need to post that every single day. Honestly dave, what's your motivation for being here... is trolling fun for you? I would have thought you'd stick to the Old GN'R sections if that's what you want to discuss.

As for people asking to lock the thread - as long as it stays on topic and people remain respectful of one another (which up to this point, they haven't really), then the thread will remain open.

God people come up with some stupid shit to say though... like, REALLY? Criticising the secret gigs? :huh:

Sorry if the truth hurts.

You will just have to deal with it, nothing I said is not true. And I was just backing up what that other poster said.

There is something wrong with you. I find it odd that you obsess on something that you have no part in creating. Like Slash and Adler, you are stuck in the past. The version of Guns N Roses that you loved died 17 years ago. This is a new version that is beginning to make its own way. Sure it plays material from the old version, but one of the two main creators of that music and its voice leads this band. The reality is that you have issues with change. Just like Slash did. The reason Slash wouldn't change is because he couldn't. He is not a natural songwriter. The creative force behind Guns was Axl and Izzy. Slash didn't even know what to do with a good rift like Jungle or Sweet Child. It was Axl who recognized the genius and wrote the structure of those songs. Izzy wrote most of the GnR classics.

Main point - the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing hoping for a different result. Bitching about what Axl did to the old GnR is not going to make him quit on his new version. You'd be a lot happier if you got some help for your insanity.

Those who can't do, often have to preach (or criticize on message boards).

You really do have a shitty memory, and the mods wonder why I have to repeat myself its for brain damaged people like you.

I am NOT even talking about the AFD era of guns n roses, Stay with me here ok, we are talking about the CD version of guns n roses and guess what? Axl does not even have them anymore, he has replacements for that band did.

You dont find that ridiculous? And yes the creator if the classic band was Axl and Izzy and the creator of the CD era was Axl, Paul and BH, and guess what only Axl is left for BOTH VERSIONS.

The fact is, since Izzy left the band Axl has had ZERO hits.

And your hero Axl is stuck in the past since he always bitches about the old band during his shows, or are you too brain damaged to even remember that? So you should make post Axl why are you stuck in the past, but of course you kiss Axls ass so you wont do that.

Oh and axl cant with out Izzy, he proved that with the flop of CD

That is all your opinion. My opinion is that CD is a very good album. Not a classic but certainly better than what is "popular' today. The reason CD flopped is perception and predjudice. People don't or won't give the album a chance because of those two factors.

Now, back to the original point which you missed. You have nothing to do with GnR the entity. You either like the music that is put out under that brand name or you don't. Axl doesn't owe you anything. He doesn't owe you a secret gig, a reunion, a t-shirt, nothing. You have one way to make your point of view known and that is through your wallet. If Axl starts earning nothing because nobody shows up or buys his album than he will make a decision on whether he changes his attitude, has a reunion, retires, whatever. It's his life. He can play with whomever, call the band whatever, because Slash / Izzy / Duff signed the name over years ago. Why? Who knows. My guess is that Izzy didn't care. Duff didn't get it at first. And Slash wanted the money and fame that went with the tour and he blinked. If he had held strong my guess is that Axl would have blinked. But he didn't and now you have what you have. Deal with the present because every message you post is actually a post in support of Axl. Why - because you care!!

cmon dave... bumble has done some really good shit on chinese and if only axl could write something with ashba he would a radio hit. about you saying this band cover chinese you're damn fucking wrong. criss pitman is there, dizzy is there, fortus is still there, STINSON too, frank is a better rock n roll player than brain( yeah I know hes technically better... but matt is also technically better than adler so...) plus AXL is there. fuck buckethead.. he's long gone and was a fucking shame for guns. not that he was not good. hes a fucking robot who plays star wars... this is a rock band! not a freak circus. he was all but credibility to this band. he wrote good stuff studio but that's it.

ON TOPIC: axl could play where the fuck he wants between legs of tours and for who he wants. what's shit is people who say thing like: guns n roses could have been the biggest band of all time but ax was a dick so now hes playing in front of hundreds of people. it was something like that on the n-y post article.

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To the casual fans and general music buyers Bucket was nothing more than a freakshow!

Are casual fans and general music buyers the target audience for this album, like picking up a copy of CD from BestBuy and listen to Prostitute while driving to work and cleaning the house?

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These surprise gigs aren't even drawing that much to begin with...nice idea by Axl, but he probably should put it off until he actually sets up a US leg of the tour, and release A MUSIC VIDEO SO PEOPLE KNOW THAT THIS IS IN FACT A BAND, NOT HIRED HANDS, AND THAT THEY DO IN FACT, EXIST!! But hopefully i'm wrong and he's got a video for SOD or better lined up and I just don't know it yet...im hoping. Which is possible with the upcoming re-release of the album on March 3rd, 2010.

Just my personal preference...sorry Axl.

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the upcoming re-release of the album on March 3rd, 2010.

Could it be just a 2nd printing now that the BestBuy deal is coming to an end?

russtcb confirmed earlier that this was just a reprint of CD basically, with a new UPC code that identifies it from the Best Buy exclusive CD. Doubtful that there is anything different with this. Perhaps a correct booklet.

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Here's a review from one of the secret gigs:

Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/2010/feb/15/guns-n-roses-surprise-gig

Guns N' Roses play surprise gig to half-empty club

For their first performance since the release of Chinese Democracy, Axl Rose and his crew managed to clear out a New York fashion boutique that was formerly CBGBs.

The world died a little on Friday, as Guns N' Roses played to the half-empty fashion boutique that was once CBGBs. Axl Rose's surprise set at New York's John Varvatos store lacked Slash, Duff McKagan and, as Rose strutted amid £100 belts, probably lacked the spirit of rock'n'roll as well. The concert was part of an afterpary for L'Uomo Vogue, scheduled as part of New York fashion week. Indie rockers Alberta Cross were advertised on the posters but Guns N' Roses were the secret headliners, marking the band's first American performance since the release of Chinese Democracy in 2008.

Celebrities such as Kevin Bacon, Sean Lennon, Sebastian Bach and model Rachel Hunter packed into Varvatos's shop, built inside the desiccated husk of legendary punk venue CBGBs. They waited hours for Guns N' Roses' touring lineup to take the stage: Axl Rose, DH Ashba, Ron Thal, Richard Fortus, Tommy Stinson, Dizzy Reed, Chris Pitman and Frank Ferrer.

On the bright side, this feeble incarnation of Guns N' Roses played only four tunes from Chinese Democracy. Much of the [17-song acoustic set came from 1987's Appetite for Destruction, including hits like Paradise City and Sweet Child O' Mine. Nevertheless, as the gig wore down around 3am, the boutique was reportedly half-empty. "This was the best fucking show of our tour!" Rose told the crowd. The socialites and fashion icons doubtless cheered. Fans in Taiwan, South Korea and Canada, who spent hundreds to see the band during their last tour, were probably less enthused.

Except for the stupid remark about Slash and the old guys, this review is probably as spot on as my posts.

But I guess some dumbfucks here just wear blinders and wouldn't feel a cock up their ass if it came right up their fucking throat to cum in their brainless head.

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