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Has this tour helped promote Chinese Democracy?

ITW 2012

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Well, last Friday, our schools' principal and 3 of my teachers started playin' Better over the PA system and danced down the halls and out the door(probably to record store)..

Even let us out early for Spring Break, so that's a good sign!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Turn_It_Up
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Probably in the counrties where they have toured so far. Don't think it helped promote here at least. Seems like Greatest Hist and Appetite are selling a lot these days though, but they always does that.

I was very surprised to see Chinese Democracy in the #TOP10 16 months after it was launched.

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Has this tour helped promote Chinese Democracy? I haven't seen any figures or heard people talking about this.

Well you have to do MORE than just tour to help a record..which they haven't done. So at this point Chinese Democracy is just a memory...a very vague one :rolleyes:

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it must do in various ways some people only get a cd when they are going to show or buy it cos they enjoyed a show. just having axl out in malls buying stuff with paparazzi or whoever shouting at him makes CD go No. 1. the tour will double sales. then a video will double that. this is all based on detailed research and scientific fact

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Has this tour helped promote Chinese Democracy? I haven't seen any figures or heard people talking about this.

It will have increased sales generally of all GNR albums but people are not buying CD's as much. I hope GNR tour for a long time and keep playing CD songs. Some places GNR have not visited and played for a long time so will be happy to hear the old material as well. I think on this tour GNR can certainly return to Asia, South America and Central America again and possibly key markets in Europe. Best way to answer this question is to wait two or three years then we will know. A follow up album could benefit the promotion of CD too. I am hoping that fans reflect on CD over time with a great appreciation of the band, its chemistry and its ability to perform great live shows.

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Generally I think that touring does have a minor positive impact on album sales, but the money is nowadays made by touring and merchandise. Also one has to consider that in SA one can generally buy fake copies at every street corner...So I think overall the main purpose of the tour is to generate money and introduce the current lineup and sound of GnR to the fans.

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I have no idea whether it helped CD sales but what I do know is that this tour did good the band ( looks like a tight posse to me, no pun intended :rofl-lol: ) and that NuGnR hasn't been that popular in a long while...

Fans waiting for them at the airports, members giving interviews, making instore appearances...

That might be the South American effect but even in Canada fans seemed way less reluctant to the idea of NuGnR than they used to be.

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