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Ashba at UFC fight?


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it goes without saying slash was once a unique and talented guitarist before 1993 but now he's trash.

It goes without saying that you are wrong in your statement. Slash is still unique and talented, and not trash at all.

DJ Ashba is just the flavour of the month, kiddo.

The mediocre reviews and sales of his album say otherwise.

Once again, I'm not saying Ashba is better so keep your panties on.

I don't know what you have written in other threads, and I don't really care to be honest. It's just nice to hear that you prefer Slash. But you DID write that you jerk off to to DJ Ashba (you didn't mention his name, but you implied it very clearly in you post above), that can be confusing, so I just assumed that he was your favourite guitarist, since he gives you a boner I mean.

As long as you wants Slash in GNR instead og Ashba, it all good, homie :thumbsup: And I'm gonna try to forget that you jerk off to Ashba every morning, that's your personal thing, good for you :rofl-lol:

Did I now? How did I imply that? You seemed very strong in your defense of Slash to the point where you started calling people "the cunt of all cunts" if they didn't like him. That's quite the boner you must have for the guy.

Find a post where I call someone the cunt of all cunts for not liking Ashba and you can say I jack off to him.

Also, I'd take Buckethead and Finck back over Slash. :heart:

Well, you wrote this:

wahhhhh someone doesn't like the guitarist i jerk off to every morning

As you know, I don't like DJ that much, so you must mean him and not Slash. Because I do like Slash, and him and DJ are the only ones of the GNR guitarists that we have discussed in this thread.

If we insert the name of the guitarist I don't like, your sentence will be like this:

wahhhhh someone doesn't like DJ Ashba, whom i jerk off to every morning

It's quite simple when you analyze it, isn't it? :thumbsup:

Are you fucking stupid? I was satirizing you for your silly reply which basically said "wahhhhh someone doesn't like the guitarist i jerk off to every morning". I was implying that you jerk off to Slash every morning because of how strongly you feel you must defend him, calling someone who prefers another guitarist "the cunt of all cunts".

The fact that I even have to explain this is retarded.

That's very easy for you to say know, isn't it? Row, row, row your boat :rofl-lol:

Don't worry, I'm not here to judge your jerking routines.

As for the cunt remark, I only replied to someone who had already called Ebony a cunt for saying "Fuck slash, DJ destroys his work", and I still think she deserves to be called a cunt if that's her attitude on someone who helped create some of the best songs in the history of music.

If you didn't get it from the start you're fucking retarded. The fact that you don't know the difference between the words "know" and "now" supports that.

Yep, they deserve to be called a cunt for disliking a guitarist. mmmmmhm

I know the difference, boy. It's so funny that you have to attack my grammar to feel like your winning (and I'm not even English og American). You wrote what you wrote, witch is basically that you like to jerk of to men with make up. To say that you were satirizing me is just too simple.

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This just in, Darren takes a shit in Rome!!!

very original of you!

i remember you saying this:

This just in.....Axl Rose takes a shit in Rome.

creative much?

And I'll KEEP doing it as long as the TMZ, teenage girl behavior continues.

Edited by Nintari
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I know the difference, boy. It's so funny that you have to attack my grammar to feel like your winning (and I'm not even English og American). You wrote what you wrote, witch is basically that you like to jerk of to men with make up. To say that you were satirizing me is just too simple.

just drop it man

you're grasping at straws

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I know the difference, boy. It's so funny that you have to attack my grammar to feel like your winning (and I'm not even English og American). You wrote what you wrote, witch is basically that you like to jerk of to men with make up. To say that you were satirizing me is just too simple.

just drop it man

you're grasping at straws

All right, I'll drop it. But just to save you from embarrassing yourself even more.

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