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Azoff giving Axl props on Twitter

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First off I think Azoff and Axl are both hard headed asses! They are both IMHO having a pissing contest with the suits and counter suits!

The 13 million BB deal was far more money than I would have expected given this in not the orginal band and the inactivity since 94.

This is JMO but I think Azoff got that much money on promises to BB about future releases. We all know Azoff was brought in for one thing, to get the orginal band back together if you think other wise you are just stupid!

Look at it from this point of veiw Azoff gets the big BB deal, the record company doesn't promote hardly at all, BB does the same for some reason even though they paid so dearly for it????? We all know Axl done nothing which is makes it all that much more stranger.

I think Azoff used his cloot on BB and made promises to them about future GNR albums and other artists. All not in writing I am sure. Basically he told BB and Universal to do things they way did to try and make it to where Axl had NO choice but to do a reunoin bacause of the poor sales of CD and we all know a reunion would worth in albums sales merch and touring in the $100'S millions if not a BILLION dollar machine. I not talking profit but all revenue generated.

Do you really think Axl would let his baby fail with no effert??? He had something to prove and most people would agree with statement that Axl is the type of person that if you tell him he can't do it he would be even more driven to prove you wrong..

IMHO Axl got word of what is going on and fucked everyone even his self just to spite Azoff, Universal and BB was just caught in the middle and that hurt the creditablity of Azoff and Universal in furture MAJOR dollar exclusive album releases from not just BB but any major retailer. I also feel that we got alot of filler music on CD that was not meant to be on it or any other album. Not bad songs but the album just had no flow to it and very random feel to it. I beleive Axl done this on purpose just to spite them. From a fans point of veiw it sucks because you didn't get the best the band had to offer. I know when I get just plum pissed about something and want revenge of some sort they my be a few that get caught in the cross fire and it is no different to me than what Axl done. I get I only get a couple of people not intented to be but if I was in a position of power where my decisions effected more people I would still do it. Is that right most would say no, does that make me a bad person in some peoples eyes yes in others no.

Do I think CD was a failure in whole as far as sales go NO, was it a failure in the US yes! I live in the US I think the record companies control how many spins a songs get a day for the most part and the more you hear something the more you are apt to start liking it. For example I always hated country music as did 3 other co workers I had but everyone else liked country so we where over ruled on the radio station we listened to. After a few months the other 3 guys and I would poke fun at each other because we where singing to our selfs alot to a country song and the music growed on us. For some reason I still hate country even though I gave it a fair shake after hearing day in day out but the music that they basicaly force fead me what seems like hundreds of times a day when I worked there I still like????? Go figure!!

Is this a conspiracy thoery? YES

Do I believe it went down like this or similar? YES I have since the about a month after the release.

Do I think Axl is God? NO

But love or hate him one thing you can say about him is expect the unexpected and he will not cave just to make money(at least no yet) and I say good for him buck the system do things your way that is what an ARTIST is suppost to do!

Well that all I have to say about my conspiracy theory for the day!

Have fun, enjoy the music we have and just take the time to consider this post that is all I ask.

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The $13 million dollar Best Buy deal deals a mortal wound to Axl's sabotage claim. With the way record sales are and the way the economy was at the time, Azoff getting that kind of guaranteed money in that market was going above and beyond for his client. The fact he would secure that kind of deal blows up the sabotage idea because if he really wanted to leave Axl out to dry he would have never made a deal like that to get Axl's ass out of debt to the record company.

There is no judge in America that is going to take seriously the idea that a manger that negotiated that kind of deal for his client in anyway sabotaged him. Besides, Axl didn't do himself any favors by sitting at home during the release and not talking to anyone or doing any promo. There is a compelling case to be made that his lack of visibility hurt it as much or more than anything he claims Azoff did.

I would not be surprised to see neither party walk away with anything accept a sea of billable hours for attorneys.

I think Azoff's knows he is never going to owe Axl any money (which is why he keeps sticking his tongue out at him so to speak), but is hoping maybe he can collect some. If not, it didn't cost him anything as he has an in house legal team while Axl is the one paying top dollar for his attorney's out of his pocket.

That's such bullshit. Chinese Democracy was already going to sell the amount it did, with Best Buy or not. It wasn't promoted, and those who bought it were the fans in the know. I am willing to bet CD would have sold more had it been available everywhere, as most people in the US do not have a Best Buy close to where they live, and they likely didn't buy it because of that. Heck, it's happened to me before. I've gone looking for albums that were released, and nowhere to be found. I look a couple times, and end up giving up usually. How many people were curious and went to buy CD, couldn't find it, and just said fuck it? I'm betting a lot.

As far as the legal case goes, it is mostly about a supposed verbal contractual agreement, and Azoff wants to collect money from the GNR tour. Well, that's likely not going to happen. I'd be willing to bet this case never makes it to trial and is settled quietly, with Azoff dropping his claim and paying for Axl's legal fees, at a minimum.

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The $13 million dollar Best Buy deal deals a mortal wound to Axl's sabotage claim. With the way record sales are and the way the economy was at the time, Azoff getting that kind of guaranteed money in that market was going above and beyond for his client. The fact he would secure that kind of deal blows up the sabotage idea because if he really wanted to leave Axl out to dry he would have never made a deal like that to get Axl's ass out of debt to the record company.

There is no judge in America that is going to take seriously the idea that a manger that negotiated that kind of deal for his client in anyway sabotaged him. Besides, Axl didn't do himself any favors by sitting at home during the release and not talking to anyone or doing any promo. There is a compelling case to be made that his lack of visibility hurt it as much or more than anything he claims Azoff did.

I would not be surprised to see neither party walk away with anything accept a sea of billable hours for attorneys.

I think Azoff's knows he is never going to owe Axl any money (which is why he keeps sticking his tongue out at him so to speak), but is hoping maybe he can collect some. If not, it didn't cost him anything as he has an in house legal team while Axl is the one paying top dollar for his attorney's out of his pocket.

That's such bullshit. Chinese Democracy was already going to sell the amount it did, with Best Buy or not. It wasn't promoted, and those who bought it were the fans in the know. I am willing to bet CD would have sold more had it been available everywhere, as most people in the US do not have a Best Buy close to where they live, and they likely didn't buy it because of that. Heck, it's happened to me before. I've gone looking for albums that were released, and nowhere to be found. I look a couple times, and end up giving up usually. How many people were curious and went to buy CD, couldn't find it, and just said fuck it? I'm betting a lot.

As far as the legal case goes, it is mostly about a supposed verbal contractual agreement, and Azoff wants to collect money from the GNR tour. Well, that's likely not going to happen. I'd be willing to bet this case never makes it to trial and is settled quietly, with Azoff dropping his claim and paying for Axl's legal fees, at a minimum.

I hope it also brings the eyes of the Feds to what Azoff is doing in the light of the stipulations of the anti-trust suit, "Monumental Promotion" imo does not consist of a fucking cardboard stand displaying the Album in the midst of Best Buy's electronic isle, the booklet was not the approved version, and the three album covers somehow did not materialize,take that into account with Azoff's recent actions ie: Adressing the suit to a former name,a name change is legal,and I hope they hang Azoff from a hook by his nonexistant scrotum.

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