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Do you think we'll ever see Axl's "book"

Vincent Vega

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Axl claims to have a "legal record of every last detail of what went down with the breakup." which is about 40,000 words long. However he says he finds it a depressing read and so doesn't go back to it much--But do you ever think we'll see some sort of book from Axl, his version of Guns' history? I think it would make for an awesome read, personally, and would be nice to see his side of the whole story in book form, especially since he's kept EVERY DETAIL, probably I would imagine with exact dates and everything. It would definitely make for an interesting, awesome read.

I'm kind of like Axl--I love having very exact, written histories of everything. I think people should keep a journal, though I don't, or they should record themselves like Nixon did. Nixon installed recorders in his Oval Office, on his telephone, in his suite at Camp David, which allows us to have thousands of hours of inside conversations. I think everyone should tape themselves in such a manner. It's good for history, geneaology and good in case you need to remember specific dates.

Edited by Indigo Child
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He said he writes this stuff down but but didn't he say it was more for legal reasons than anything else?

Just in case he needs to go back over something he has it down there in writing.

Well, according to Izzy, Axl also has a notebook which goes back to at least 1982 wherein Axl might have written, day by day, statements made by Izzy and the other members. He said one time on the phone they were talking, and Izzy said something, and Axl said, "Well, in 1982, you said..." and Izzy could literally hear the pages turning on the other end.

Per Izzy:

"Then, I don't know, probably a month later (in 1995), one night he calls me [and] we got into the issue of me leaving Guns N' Roses. I told him how it was on my side. Told him exactly how I felt about it and why I left. [...] But, I mean he had a fucking notepad. I could hear him [turning the pages] going, 'Well, ah, you said in 1982... blah, blah, blah...' And I'm like, what the fuck - 1982? He was bringing up a lot of really weird old shit. I'm like, whatever, man. But that's the last time I talked to him." (Izzy, Classic Rock, 2001)

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By the way, depending on the font used and font size, 40,000 words could amount to anywhere from 500 to 1500 pages.

And that's JUST on the break up.

40,000 isn't alot.

When you're dealing with only 2-4 period of time (sometime from 1993-1997 let's say), I'd say it is.

Edited by Indigo Child
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Axl claims to have a "legal record of every last detail of what went down with the breakup." which is about 40,000 words long. However he says he finds it a depressing read and so doesn't go back to it much--But do you ever think we'll see some sort of book from Axl, his version of Guns' history? I think it would make for an awesome read, personally, and would be nice to see his side of the whole story in book form, especially since he's kept EVERY DETAIL, probably I would imagine with exact dates and everything. It would definitely make for an interesting, awesome read.

I'm kind of like Axl--I love having very exact, written histories of everything. I think people should keep a journal, though I don't, or they should record themselves like Nixon did. Nixon installed recorders in his Oval Office, on his telephone, in his suite at Camp David, which allows us to have thousands of hours of inside conversations. I think everyone should tape themselves in such a manner. It's good for history, geneaology and good in case you need to remember specific dates.

I reckon we'd see it, I don't think it will be released anytime soon as it would kind of take away from what Axl and Guns are doing now and put more focus back onto Slash era, but you can only imagine what the media would say, infact I don't think they'd turn one page of it but still say its crap and call Axl a liar.

So personally I can see if being released once Axl is no longer with us.

And remember when Axl wrote his homework assignment, I always had a feeling that some of that was extracts of what he had written.

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Axl claims to have a "legal record of every last detail of what went down with the breakup." which is about 40,000 words long. However he says he finds it a depressing read and so doesn't go back to it much--But do you ever think we'll see some sort of book from Axl, his version of Guns' history? I think it would make for an awesome read, personally, and would be nice to see his side of the whole story in book form, especially since he's kept EVERY DETAIL, probably I would imagine with exact dates and everything. It would definitely make for an interesting, awesome read.

I'm kind of like Axl--I love having very exact, written histories of everything. I think people should keep a journal, though I don't, or they should record themselves like Nixon did. Nixon installed recorders in his Oval Office, on his telephone, in his suite at Camp David, which allows us to have thousands of hours of inside conversations. I think everyone should tape themselves in such a manner. It's good for history, geneaology and good in case you need to remember specific dates.

I reckon we'd see it, I don't think it will be released anytime soon as it would kind of take away from what Axl and Guns are doing now and put more focus back onto Slash era, but you can only imagine what the media would say, infact I don't think they'd turn one page of it but still say its crap and call Axl a liar.

So personally I can see if being released once Axl is no longer with us.

And remember when Axl wrote his homework assignment, I always had a feeling that some of that was extracts of what he had written.

I don't think that his homework assignment was extracts. It was his way of turning it into a narrative, but I would imagine the actual document looks something like this:

5-3-1996: Slash and I talked on the phone from 1:32 PM to 3:34PM. The conversation went as followings: (This would be an exact transcript of the conversation, probably taped and then typed)

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The problem is, when Axl talks/writes, he writes with an agenda, he has a point to get across - that approach would not really work for an autobiography. It would either basically be an exact timeline which would be boring as shit or just an impossibly long list 'OH AND ANOTHER THING THAT SOME CUNT DID WAS'.

I would love to read his book, but I imagine all the data he has stored and stuff is probably more for his own peace of mind and being able to split things into logical compartments of how situations occurred and what people did than the beginnings of a narrative. Or at least I would certainly hope so. Obviously all the dates and things he has would be useful as a bounce off point but I would much rather hear a more organic book.

And I have no idea where you are getting your 500-1500 pages thing from. 40,000 words is not very much as someone said. And are you literally expecting every year of his life to be chronicled with such tedious accuracy? You think anyone would actually publish that book?

I want to hear Axl's story, not his personal records.

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The problem is, when Axl talks/writes, he writes with an agenda, he has a point to get across - that approach would not really work for an autobiography. It would either basically be an exact timeline which would be boring as shit or just an impossibly long list 'OH AND ANOTHER THING THAT SOME CUNT DID WAS'.

I would love to read his book, but I imagine all the data he has stored and stuff is probably more for his own peace of mind and being able to split things into logical compartments of how situations occurred and what people did than the beginnings of a narrative. Or at least I would certainly hope so. Obviously all the dates and things he has would be useful as a bounce off point but I would much rather hear a more organic book.

And I have no idea where you are getting your 500-1500 pages thing from. 40,000 words is not very much as someone said. And are you literally expecting every year of his life to be chronicled with such tedious accuracy? You think anyone would actually publish that book?

I want to hear Axl's story, not his personal records.

Why couldn't Axl just self publish it, or work with whatever publish Del has?

There are people who would buy a "year by year account." And there's plenty of books like that on other bands.

Personal records are really interesting, because when you get to see a public figure from the inside--Rather than just their public persona--It really "humanizes" them and makes them a lot easier to understand and relate to. Such a book would be good PR for Axl, who comes across as the rock world's Richard Nixon but probably is a really cool guy behind the scenes.

A book either written by Axl, or using his material, about him, could do him a lot of good publicly.

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