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Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page and Eddie Van Halen

ITW 2012

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I think Jimi is kind of overrated...His style is that non-emotional style that would predate those like Finck or BBF. That messy, not really emotional style.

Guys like Jimmy Page, Chuck Berry, Peter Green, Santana, Slash, Keith Richards, Dave Gilmour, George Harrison, Mick Taylor, they're not as technically proficient as Jimi but their work especially their solos speaks of heart, of emotion. Jimi is too technical and sloppy for my tastes.

Edited by Count Drugcula
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I think Jimi is kind of overrated...His style is that non-emotional style that would predate those like Finck or BBF. That messy, not really emotional style.

Guys like Jimmy Page, Chuck Berry, Peter Green, Santana, Slash, Keith Richards, Dave Gilmour, George Harrison, Mick Taylor, they're not as technically proficient as Jimi but their work especially their solos speaks of heart, of emotion. Jimi is too technical and sloppy for my tastes.

With all due respect you are not even close to correct regarding Jimi's playing. He is probably the most natural non technical out of all the guitarists you mentioned. Jimi was a perfectionist in the studio but his live shows were completely free form playing. Go listen to the first Band of Gypsys Live album and in particular "Machine Gun" the mans emotions flow his soul in through his fingers on that song...Mick Taylor, who I love, was much more techincal in his live playing then Jimi......give Band of Gypsys a listen and let me know if you still have the same opinoin.

Just take one look at who made the post, ignore it and move on.

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I think Jimi is kind of overrated...His style is that non-emotional style that would predate those like Finck or BBF. That messy, not really emotional style.

Guys like Jimmy Page, Chuck Berry, Peter Green, Santana, Slash, Keith Richards, Dave Gilmour, George Harrison, Mick Taylor, they're not as technically proficient as Jimi but their work especially their solos speaks of heart, of emotion. Jimi is too technical and sloppy for my tastes.

With all due respect you are not even close to correct regarding Jimi's playing. He is probably the most natural non technical out of all the guitarists you mentioned. Jimi was a perfectionist in the studio but his live shows were completely free form playing. Go listen to the first Band of Gypsys Live album and in particular "Machine Gun" the mans emotions flow his soul in through his fingers on that song...Mick Taylor, who I love, was much more techincal in his live playing then Jimi......give Band of Gypsys a listen and let me know if you still have the same opinoin.

Just take one look at who made the post, ignore it and move on.

Fuck off.

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I think Jimi is kind of overrated...His style is that non-emotional style



While others were falling all over themselves trying to be the fucking Beatles,Hendrix slid in the side door and just knocked everything off its axis.

You need to study Monterey.

Hendrix wielded a giant fucking hard-on with six strings and fucked everybody left of sideways.

His music oozed emotion.

NO ONE laid it down like that before Hendrix.

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I think Jimi is kind of overrated...His style is that non-emotional style that would predate those like Finck or BBF. That messy, not really emotional style.

Guys like Jimmy Page, Chuck Berry, Peter Green, Santana, Slash, Keith Richards, Dave Gilmour, George Harrison, Mick Taylor, they're not as technically proficient as Jimi but their work especially their solos speaks of heart, of emotion. Jimi is too technical and sloppy for my tastes.

With all due respect you are not even close to correct regarding Jimi's playing. He is probably the most natural non technical out of all the guitarists you mentioned. Jimi was a perfectionist in the studio but his live shows were completely free form playing. Go listen to the first Band of Gypsys Live album and in particular "Machine Gun" the mans emotions flow his soul in through his fingers on that song...Mick Taylor, who I love, was much more techincal in his live playing then Jimi......give Band of Gypsys a listen and let me know if you still have the same opinoin.

But that's just my problem: In the studio, he's overly technical; live, he's overly messy (like a BBF or Finck).

I've listened to plenty of stuff of his, and maybe it's just too avant garde for my tastes; I've never really been a fan. As a songwriter, I like some of his songs, but I'm not a fan of him as a guitarist. Like I said, Taylor, Santana, Slash, Page, Gilmour--they may not be technically GREAT, but IMO the whole point of the guitar is the beauty you can create with it, not your proficiency. All of the guys I mentioned (with the exception of Keith and Chuck) have in their styles both live and studio a perfect mix of sloppy and technical--Able to create beauty by mixing the two sides of the spectrum.

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I think Jimi is kind of overrated...His style is that non-emotional style



While others were falling all over themselves trying to be the fucking Beatles,Hendrix slid in the side door and just knocked everything off its axis.

You need to study Monterey.

Hendrix wielded a giant fucking hard-on with six strings and fucked everybody left of sideways.

His music oozed emotion.

NO ONE laid it down like that before Hendrix.

He may have been INNOVATIVE...But not necessarily that great in retrospect.

I'm watching "Wild Thing" from Monterey as we speak...Sloppy. Maybe nobody else was playing as heavy in 1967, sure, but...others bettered whatever he laid the foundation for.

I'll take Page or Clapton or Peter Green any day over him.

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I think the three guitarists mentioned were all very important. They changed the way of playing. You don't have to like all of them. But they really were very important for nowadays music (guitarplaying).

Personally, love all three of them. :thumbsup:

Edited by MBRose
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I've never been into Hendrix. I've never looked into his guitar accomplishments in a lot of detail because I don't particularly like his songs (or the ones I've heard anyway; not specifically bad, just didn't resonate; a handful I thought were nice but I wasn't crazy about them) but the stuff I did hear wasn't my kind of thing. A bit too 'psychedelic-60s' for my taste. I don't like Cream, Deep Purple either, or Led Zeppelin I.

Eddie Van Halen isn't my cup of tea either.

Page, yes. Definitely.

I guess my favorite guitarist is Mark Knopfler. Too bad he gave up on being a guitar master after he shut down Dire Straits. Turned to English folk and adult contemporary. Some nice songs, but other than a collaboration with BB King in 98 or 99, no standout guitar moments that I can think of right now.

Then there's Dave Gilmour. Sometimes I feel like the only reason I listen to Pink Floyd is to hear his solos. Which is not really true, but I often find myself wanting for the rest of the song to go by faster so that I can get to the solo.

BB King. No comment needed, I think.

Buckethead, but other than on Chinese Democracy, I only seem to like the slow stuff.

Maybe it's my personality, but with some exceptions, I usually keep away from loudness.

Slash is of course among my favorites, and I like both his fast and loud playing and the slower stuff. Main advantage is cuz, like Page, he does the solos brilliantly AND he does the riffs brilliantly. Has a few misses, unlike the ones I mentioned before, but when he hits he fucking smashes.

Angus Young is basically a blues guitarist hooked up to a 5000 MW power generator and put on fast forward, but he's amazing at it. My favorite solo by anyone is Whole Lotta Rosie.

Keith, for the riffs.

So yeah, sure, I can get why Hendrix is great, and I understand so many people learned from him, probably including some of the guys I mentioned. But there is a difference (in style, but even if that is blurry or nonexistent, there is a more significant one in approach) between what some expect from the music they're hearing and what he did. Many seem to think that if you like guitar music then it's impossible not to like Hendrix. It's not.

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These conversations always tend to come down to personal taste.

Hendrix is icky..fine.

Technical skills,or lack thereof,aside..in all his gorious slopiness,the man embraced,encapsulated and emoted the raw emotion of a generation.

Star Spangled Banner at Woodstock..that is poetry.

Not many achieved or emoted that kind of power through a guitar.

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Guest Len B'stard

Sorry (no i'm not) but Hendrix absolutely shatters any and every other fuckin guitarist out there. Yeah yeah, he's the tasters choice, everyone says he's brilliant, well there's a fuckin reason for that, the reason why Ali's the greatest, the reason why Marlon Brandos the fuckin man when it comes to the movies, cuz it's fuckin true.

NOBODY...noooooooobody can fuck with Jimi Hendrix, he was absolutely unprescedented for his time and place in the world and you can say "yeah, well he ain't now" but he kinda is because he laid the fuckin template. Hendrix just PUT IT DOWN, full stop, can't fuck with the man, can't touch him.

You're watching Monterrey and you don't see emotion?!?!?! Whaaaat the fuuuuuck?!?! I know my shits digitally enhanced but surely it can't be that fuckin different!!

Hendrix has more emotion and energy (and the two things are almost identical by the way in terms of a musical performer), he was just so fucking amazing, everytime all the time, there is not a man to compare with him and i don't give a fuck about your Jimmy Pages and your Eddie Van Halens and your fuckin...whoevers cuz they really don't compare, Hendrix is from another fuckin stratosphere.

Everyone of his little stage tricks, playing behind his back, playing with his teeth, hammering on tons and flicking his tongue out like he's eatin pussy, jamming his pelvis into the guitar and doing bends or sliding his finger down the fretboard at the same time or whatever he was doing to make that fucking thing cry out, it's just fucking magic, he just covered so many fuckin bases musically, the Expierience sound so fucking deep and rich and its just like, bass, drums, guitar...thats it.

Technical ability, technical ability, shut the fuck up, what are you talking about?!?! :lol: This ain't fuckin pure mathematics, this ain't quantum physics, it's fucking rock n roll guitar playing, anyway, how much fuckin more complex do you want the guy to be? Show me someone else who can do his shit like he did it? All these fuckin dorky sat in my bedroom for 30 years and now i'm unveiling my hendrix like talent bullshit, that ain't being hendrix, that ain't playing like hendrix, hendrix died when he was fuckin 27 years old and he was playing since he was what, fuckin 12? and on the road from his late teens/early 20s solidly. He played like a fuckin player, it ain't no fuckin schoolboy textbook bullshit.

Hendrix played his fuckin guts out and, forgive me for being fuckin snobby here but he could play all the fuckin kinds of music that matters, Jazz, Soul, Blues, Rock n Roll, Funk...what the fucks this shredding shit? Bunch of fuckin cheesy Super Nintendo bullshit. Save that for your fuckin TV commercials, this is a man with a huge dick playing rock n roll music :lol:

Here My Train A-Coming is as pure a blues song as i think it is possible to make post 1940s. I have never heard anything else sound so fucking authentic. That song has my face in an orgasm-grimace from beginning to end.

Hendrix is the fuckin man...the rest are just the rest.

"well dig, we got our own lil rock me baby, the words are gonna be wrong but thats OK" DUN DUN DUNDANUNUNA DUN DUN DUNDANANA!

:rofl-lol: You fucking champion! :lol:

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Guest Len B'stard

We are talking about the same guy right? The guy who wrote

Stone Free

Crosstown Traffic

Red House

Hear My Train A-coming

Foxy Lady

Purple Haze

Voodoo Chile

Burning of the Midnight Lamp

Rainy Day, Dream Away

Gypsy Eyes

Castles Made of Sand

Manic Depression


The Wind Cries Mary

and a fuckload more.

Edited by sugaraylen
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