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Tommy confirms new songs will be played on tour?.


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@SoulMonster A lot of the songs we did that weren't on Chinese Democracy may be redone and put on the next album. Unsure yet.

Well, that settles it. We are literally never getting another GNR album. Fuck.

the best thing we can hope for is that axl just had dj redone a bunch of parts for the next album on the chinese leftover stuff but god knows if that will ever happen

Dj redoing parts from the Chinese leftovers is the best we can hope for????

Lol yeah Id much rather djs guitar work over buckets LOL that is the worst that could and probably will happen

Edited by gunns5
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Becauae it's not at all usual to bands to take yeaars to release new albums is it?


Metallica: 5 year gap between last albums

AC/DC: 8 years

Iron Maiden: 4 years

OK but those bands were writing those albums from scratch? CD II and II were meant to be in the can?

Just a thought but if there really is no CD II ready to roll does this suggest Axl's original plan to drop CDII and CDIII 2 years apart after Chi Dem had been scrapped completely? (and yes I realise we are already overdue for CD II)

Does ths mean Axl has moved on from the CD era material? I mean trying to re-record the Chi-Dem material from scratch with a new line up would be unlikely to work?

If it was just for the new members to add embelishments to the existing material Tommy not be required in the studio at all? His parts should already be written?

Sounds like they are starting from scratch?

Either that or Axl is leading the current members to think that way. No one knows how good the chemistry will be between the current line up till they start writing together.

Without knowing this I can hardly see Axl scrapping Chi Dem II and III?

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I was referring to between St. Anger and Death Magnetic

Oh were you?

Appears on: Maiden Heaven: A Tribute to Iron Maiden

Appears on: BikerBoyZ

Appears on: We're a Happy Family: A Tribute to Ramones

Released a Vinyl Box Set

The Unnamed Feeling E.P.

Some Kind of Monster single and documentary

Frantic Single

St. Anger single

I'll give you the documentary

Singles don't really count, i'm referring to new music. And GN'R released singles from CD too (Albeit without music videos)

GN'R released a box set for CD (I have one)

3 Guest appearances...two of which were covers, nothing major.

I'm not saying i'm not annoyed about the lack of new music from GN'R, I just don't quite get people who say we are long overdue new music, as CD is not even 3 years old yet.

As for the 'Same bat time same bat channel' quote...remember Axl said "maybe" at the start. People seem to forget that. He didn't promise it at all.

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Really cool of Tommy to answer Guns related questions like this, been a long time in the waiting. I could get used to this :) I'm just going to wait it out til Rio and see what happens. Bumble said a while ago that "other then old Chidem session songs, a new album is a while away". I think the band considers a 'new album' as one that is created with the individuals in Guns N' Roses at the moment, but I could be wrong. Time will tell, October is not far away. Maybe we will get a re-release with a few new songs, maybe CD II, maybe a boxset with DVD and 5 disks of new material, maybe we will just get a tour, no one really knows yet.

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