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Would anybody else like to hear the songs on CD remixed by an electronica artist?

ITW 2012

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No because right now it reminds me of these ''deathcore'' bands and other trend hoppers doing it and rereleasing their already shit albums in electronica form lol

Hmmm maybe an unplugged sessions record would be better... Hell, anything new from Guns would be better lol.

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Would anybody else like to hear the songs on CD remixed by an electronica artist?

No. Guns n Roses is rooted in rock n roll. Guns n Roses originated with a purity in its interpretation of Rock n Roll that very few bands will ever match. Going all electronica is sacrilege. Electronica lacks "rawness." And that's what GnR's music has: a raw, unbridled passion feel to it. The sound of a distorted tube amp, an ear-catching riff, an over-the-top solo.

I don't mind Axl incorporating baroque, intricate, layered, textured tapestries of sound, or even electronic components sprinkled here n there, but I draw the line at straight-up electronica. I draw the line at the guitar being de-emphasized. I draw the line at computers being band members. Fuck that. (I have nothing against that sort of music, just not for GnR, ever)

If anything, I'd love to hear a song or two pay homage to the days of Hollywood Rose. I'm tellin ya, Bumble would fuckin kill the solo in this song:

I still love that version. Do you feel the energy?

Edited by Popcorn's Timbre
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YES! It worked really well for Bush(both official band mixes and unofficial), so would be great to see what could be done with Axl's melodies and vocals.

It didnt work for Bush! Deconstructed is their worst album by far, hell their only bad one. It was right in the middle of rock and techno fans, but it wasnt enough in either direction to sway them. The only good song off of there is Mouth (Stingray Mix).

So no GNR shouldnt have someone remix their album, most people said they were a joke when they released CD because it was a little different. They'd become the laughing stock of rock if they released a dance album. This is after all the most dangerous band in the world.

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Haha if it got these songs playing in clubs and stuff...sure. Don't like it, don't listen to it.

What a shit fit everyone here would throw if the remixes became more popular than the actual songs.

I think it would be cool. It would give the songs a fresh spin and make them new again.

Edited by ITW 2012
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