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Guns N' Roses Sued For Copying Songs

Nosaj Thing

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I'm sorry that you can't handle the fact that this thread is redundant. Wow though, breaking my post into 7 mini quotes... all while denying any fixation on me. Hahaha irony ftw.

Furthermore I have no idea why you went off on some bizarre nonsensical tangent about proving slash is alive. When I said Slash is gone forever, I meant he's gone from Guns n Roses forever. I think that was quite obvious. How you missed that I'll never know, but you seem to be missing a lot of things so I think there's a pattern there for sure. It's interesting to see you give pi2loc a free pass for being a shit-talking, trolling dick, but you chastise me for pointing out he made a redundant thread about an ancient issue that's already been discussed.

Not sure if it's just stupidity or you're just a consummate cupcake. I'm guessing both. But hey, thanks for the 7 mini quote individualized responses. I guess my post really moved you. Hahaha. Who's the angry 9 year old? Lmao @ the "real gnr" reference. If you don't like the current iteration of Guns n Roses, THEN WHY ARE YOU HERE? Oh right, so you can bitch, complain, and make snarky comments about Axl. I mean, really? It's just pathetic. You're like BBA's retarded cousin.

Hey, it took me a good 20 minutes to break your post down into those 6 or 7 quotes. I'm sorry I'm not as internet savvy as you. But it seemed necessary when there were multiple things I wanted to respond to, and I wanted to avoid any confusion.

So any time someone responds to you, they're fixated with you? That seems a little...pretentious..? And regarding the Slash thing; maybe you should re-read what I said. I also included that you may have meant Slash being gone from GNR. I like this part the most.

It's interesting to see you give pi2loc a free pass for being a shit-talking, trolling dick, but you chastise me for pointing out he made a redundant thread

That's hilarious. You honestly believe that his posts are him being a "shit talking and trolling dick" and you are just pointing something out. LOL. You talk more shit on here than anyone I've ever seen.

And, of course, without fail, you accuse another person (me) of being a cupcake. :rofl-lol: I didn't read the rest of your post. I could see it was just further demonstrating my point about you being angry and immature, resorting to personal insults when you get too frustrated to have a rational argument.

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I see that in addition to being delusional, you also have the worst short-term memory of any forum member here. You're the one who came in here and started personally insulting me, mr hypocrite. My first post was directed at pi2loc, who created a redundant thread that indeed was seeking attention and seeking to dredge up some old-assed story about inconsequential snippets being lifted from other songs. Wooptey doo. But as you've done in several recent threads, you took it upon yourself to offer your unneeded observations about me being a forum meanie. You really are touchy for someone who initiated the flame war. You know what they say- don't dish it out if you can't take it, chief.

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I know it's old, I wanted to know what happened with this.

No, you just wanted attention because you get your jollies from trolling. You think you're slick though, that's the funny part.

Oh, and by the way: you can use google to search the forum. It's not that hard:


only you would say something so stupid....

Why is it that when someone brings up anything even remotely negative about your lord and savior axl rose, you accuse them of trolling? Why don't you actually contribute to the thread by staying on topic. Not changing gears into cupcake hunting.

I remember hearing it was just the intros...and it was settled in court I guess...so apparently there was some truth. :shrugs:

Who's stupid? Haha, who? *cough* you are *cough* lmao hey thanks for your "contribution" to the thread! Truly an intellectual you are.

i contributed to the thread plenty: I provided a link to the ORIGINAL thread, which I dare say was more informative than this steaming pile of shit. I'm sorry that you're not smart enough to use google to search the forum. It's complicated, I know- with plus signs and quotes and such. Also, pi2loc is a well known rabid butthurt slash fanboy, who is in complete denial that slash is gone forever. Consequently, he has a sociopathic fixation for talking shit about Axl and the current era. He's also been critical of me and trolled me several times. So fair's fair- i'm sorry you feel the need to make it your business. But yeah fuckin aye right I'm gonna call him out for purposely creating a redundant thread for the sole purpose of trolling Axl.

Now fuck off. You seem to be obsessed with me. It's getting old. Really. Go away.

Bullshit. Sure, pi2loc has a preference to Slash, but he's fair to Axl, too. He shows Axl plenty of respect.

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No, I was already posting in this thread before I responded to your insult-laden post to pi2loc. And if we're talking about unneeded observations, why don't you delete every post you made in this thread, as none of them were "needed observations," just you accusing the OP of having malicious motives for creating the thread, and insulting him, and then me, for defending him. And how are you so certain that he created this thread as a way to get attention? Or dig up dirt or something. You're fixated on accusing everyone who posts here, that isn't praising the new band or Axl, of doing so for malicious/trolling purposes, and they must be a $la$h fanboy. I don't think anyone else here interpreted this thread as the OP trying to instigate a war, but of course you did. :thumbsup:

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And just because people might not see this as "guns n roses", doesn't neccesarily mean they hate Axl or don't respect the nu band. It's not as black and white as that. Just because some may see this as an Axl Rose solo project, doesn't mean they can't like the music for what it is. Some just view what is and what was as two seperate projects. I liked some of Chinese Democracy, I just don't see it as a GNR record. I understand that legally, and therfore officially it is, but in essence, it isn't to me, nor most of the public.

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Sparky,You are the weakest link.

That "insult" made sense 10 years ago

That wasn't an insult,it was an evaluation,wasn't worth my time,or outstanding,creative verbousity to insult.

Someone comes into a thread,not to participate or glean a bit of info from others that might just know a little more about the topic in question,just to gripe and argue.

I merely tried to simplify the logistics,and legalities involving "sampling".

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Sparky,You are the weakest link.

That "insult" made sense 10 years ago

That wasn't an insult,it was an evaluation,wasn't worth my time,or outstanding,creative verbousity to insult.

Someone comes into a thread,not to participate or glean a bit of info from others that might just know a little more about the topic in question,just to gripe and argue.

I merely tried to simplify the logistics,and legalities involving "sampling".

You called someone "sparky", thinking it was a funny little jab, and are getting made fun of for it. Just deal with it, man. :rolleyes:

And yes, I agree that popcorn came in this thread with the sole purpose of starting a fight with the OP. Don't believe me? Look at his first post here. I'd already posted once or twice. Once I saw the crap he was saying to the OP I felt like saying something. I didn't start shit. Please read the thread before you say crap like that.

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Sparky,You are the weakest link.

That "insult" made sense 10 years ago

That wasn't an insult,it was an evaluation,wasn't worth my time,or outstanding,creative verbousity to insult.

Someone comes into a thread,not to participate or glean a bit of info from others that might just know a little more about the topic in question,just to gripe and argue.

I merely tried to simplify the logistics,and legalities involving "sampling".

You called someone "sparky", thinking it was a funny little jab, and are getting made fun of for it. Just deal with it, man. :rolleyes:

And yes, I agree that popcorn came in this thread with the sole purpose of starting a fight with the OP. Don't believe me? Look at his first post here. I'd already posted once or twice. Once I saw the crap he was saying to the OP I felt like saying something. I didn't start shit. Please read the thread before you say crap like that.

I do things to amuse myself,I really am not concerned about popular appeal on an internet forum :lol:

I read the thread,I enjoy popcorn's posts and sense of humor.

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Sparky,You are the weakest link.

That "insult" made sense 10 years ago

That wasn't an insult,it was an evaluation,wasn't worth my time,or outstanding,creative verbousity to insult.

Someone comes into a thread,not to participate or glean a bit of info from others that might just know a little more about the topic in question,just to gripe and argue.

I merely tried to simplify the logistics,and legalities involving "sampling".

You called someone "sparky", thinking it was a funny little jab, and are getting made fun of for it. Just deal with it, man. :rolleyes:

And yes, I agree that popcorn came in this thread with the sole purpose of starting a fight with the OP. Don't believe me? Look at his first post here. I'd already posted once or twice. Once I saw the crap he was saying to the OP I felt like saying something. I didn't start shit. Please read the thread before you say crap like that.

I do things to amuse myself,I really am not concerned about popular appeal on an internet forum :lol:

I read the thread,I enjoy popcorn's posts and sense of humor.

oh wow, the "i dont care what anyone on here thinks" retort. Haven't heard that one before. I always find it amusing too when people say it like that, "on an internet forum", to make it sound more juvenile and trivial.

You accuse me of coming in here only to get off topic and bash someone, then you realize that I didn't and in fact popcorn did just what you were accusing me of doing, and instead of saying "oh you're right, sorry," your only remark is you enjoy his posts and sense of humor. I don't even like dignifying these posts with a response, as it just brings me down to this retarded level of banter, but it would be nice for someone to just apologize when they're wrong once in a while...but after all, this is "just an internet forum" so who cares? :shrugs:

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Sparky,You are the weakest link.

That "insult" made sense 10 years ago

That wasn't an insult,it was an evaluation,wasn't worth my time,or outstanding,creative verbousity to insult.

Someone comes into a thread,not to participate or glean a bit of info from others that might just know a little more about the topic in question,just to gripe and argue.

I merely tried to simplify the logistics,and legalities involving "sampling".

You called someone "sparky", thinking it was a funny little jab, and are getting made fun of for it. Just deal with it, man. :rolleyes:

And yes, I agree that popcorn came in this thread with the sole purpose of starting a fight with the OP. Don't believe me? Look at his first post here. I'd already posted once or twice. Once I saw the crap he was saying to the OP I felt like saying something. I didn't start shit. Please read the thread before you say crap like that.

I do things to amuse myself,I really am not concerned about popular appeal on an internet forum :lol:

I read the thread,I enjoy popcorn's posts and sense of humor.

oh wow, the "i dont care what anyone on here thinks" retort. Haven't heard that one before. I always find it amusing too when people say it like that, "on an internet forum", to make it sound more juvenile and trivial.

You accuse me of coming in here only to get off topic and bash someone, then you realize that I didn't and in fact popcorn did just what you were accusing me of doing, and instead of saying "oh you're right, sorry," your only remark is you enjoy his posts and sense of humor. I don't even like dignifying these posts with a response, as it just brings me down to this retarded level of banter, but it would be nice for someone to just apologize when they're wrong once in a while...but after all, this is "just an internet forum" so who cares? :shrugs:

Don't get so wound up by the internet, you'll get an ulcer before you turn 30, there are times to launch vigorously and intensely into defense mode, but this is hardly serious,you are simply creating drama. Mountains and Molehills.

I do enjoy Popcorns posts,some people don't catch his sense of humor.

My only intention in posting was mainly to fill some information gaps surrounding and corresponding to "sampling"

Which I do know a bit about,and tried to simplify.

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You don't need to play the role of 'ol' wise one' and tell me not to get wound up. Not sure where in my post you got the impression that I was all wound up. I said I don't wanna lower myself to this level of retarded bantering, and pointed out that what you were talking about, how you didn't like when someone came in the thread to just start an argument, was popcorntim, not me. I wouldn't call that being wound up. Maybe a little annoyed..

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You don't need to play the role of 'ol' wise one' and tell me not to get wound up. Not sure where in my post you got the impression that I was all wound up. I said I don't wanna lower myself to this level of retarded bantering, and pointed out that what you were talking about, how you didn't like when someone came in the thread to just start an argument, was popcorntim, not me. I wouldn't call that being wound up. Maybe a little annoyed..

Popcorntim? Don't see that particular username,I'll consider that you are merely young and not slap another label on you but let's stay on topic,if you have personal issues,make another thread in support,I have no issues with the current moderation team.

More on Samples:

Many factors affect whether,and when musicians should request and pay for clearances for samples.Although copyright laws and general music industry practices do not give rise to a lawsuit in every sampling situation the enormous expenses regarding any sampling issue should be avoided.

In some cities special music clearance firms routinely request,negotiate,prepare,and process clearances for samples for a fee.

They know reasonable rates for clearances and will prepare valid copyright licenses for less cost than an attorney.

Also the quality of the sampled material (ie: a highly recognizable lyric from a famous artist would be worth more than "ambient sounds" or a anonymous drum track)


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They might have had ulrich in at some point, to produce and he said oh this might go well here, no one really knows except it is definitely a sample.

Check this one out, this is the outro to Prostitute, it was sampled from this track, obviously moby was producing at one point so thats how this came about..

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