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Is it bleaker than ever?

Vincent Vega

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There will be no newly recorded album.

It will not happen.

Haha, yes! Because you control the universe or are blessed with all seeing powers that allow you to peer into the future. :wacko:

I'm sorry, should every sentence ever spoken have to have "in my opinion" after it or can we all agree that I don't have the ability to see into the future? Because if you think I have that power, you know, that's pretty cool.

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There will be no newly recorded album.

It will not happen.

Haha, yes! Because you control the universe or are blessed with all seeing powers that allow you to peer into the future. :wacko:

I'm sorry, should every sentence ever spoken have to have "in my opinion" after it or can we all agree that I don't have the ability to see into the future? Because if you think I have that power, you know, that's pretty cool.

Well the declarative force with which you made that claim could only be explained if you had a treasure trove of secret information about the band's future. You could say I dont see another album happening etc. Not a difficult grammatical form to use really.

And no, I dont think that you have the power to see the future, infact your vision of the present seems pretty selective too.

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I've been in the GN'R online community since 2002...Been around for the dry spells, the dull moments, the great moments, the horrible ones...All those times, there was always one big elephant in the room that ensured that there was always something to talk about: CD hadn't been released, but we'd heard songs from it, and we could speculate about CD and have hope for it's release even in the driest spells.

But what about now? There is no album on the horizon as far as we've been told. The last time Axl talked about new music he seemed utterly disinterested in the idea of a new record. That was about 3 years ago...We get some vague mutterings here and there from the new band, but if the CD era proved anything, it's that the new band isn't really kept in the loop. I have no doubt that there is more material, probably a lot more actually, but the question is: Will it ever come out? If so, when? Is it even finished, or has Axl yet to set down vocals and lyrics? We don't really have any clue...We don't even have a title of the "next album" whereas we knew CD would be named CD since around 1999 or 2000. There was never a question of "IF" CD would come out, it was always more a question of "When?" We aren't able to ask WHEN about future material now, but we're forced to ask "IF" Axl will ever release new material....and that's pretty depressing in and of itself, the idea that Axl might never release anything new....

There's no leaks to talk about, there's no new songs in the set to discuss, there's no lineup changes. Any one of these three things would at the very least be cause for discussion, anticipation and possibly excitement. We have no idea what the future holds for GN'R...We don't even really have a clue what the next record will sound like. If we had a leak, or even just one new song in the set, it'd create a massive amount of discussion...

But instead we've got the same tour for the last 6 years basically with some covers and UYI songs thrown in, Axl lost his voice again and instead of sounding awesome like during 2010, he sounds like it's 2002 all over again. He's getting older and older every year. Most seem to be in agreement that Bumblefoot and Ashba are both lesser replacements and less likely to make great new music than Bucket and Robin were, so we have arguably subpar replacements. What is there to talk about? The exciting setlist? The fact that it's 2012 and Axl still comes on late? Bumblefoot's beard? Axl's ugly mustache or his weight? How great 2010 was? All we're doing lately is fighting amongst each other and right now there's nothing even worth fighting over, nothing fresh or new to debate and discuss except concerts where it's pretty much the same setlist every night...CD is going to be 4 years old, we never got any music videos, and there's not even a single leak of future material, there's not even any chat about a new album, not even a tentative title of it....

Does anyone else agree it seems more bleak than it has in the past? As was sung in a great song, "Where do we go now?"

I have had a shit day working X Factor in Glasgow and I will take it out on you, hazaa!

As it is mygnr, I will be blunt.

Please, just feck off you complete knob end. Your posts are idiotic, there is nothing of any consequence, you speak negatively of Axl's weight and Axl's mousetache, and promote leaks blah blah blah.

Genuinely, please go away. You are the atypical someone that I would hate in real life. You spend your life on the internet bashing a 50 year old rock star because he is not quite the person he was, but still tries to give his everything for the people that do want to see him and enjoys what he does.

There are people on this forum worth ten of you, and they do not post because you post this shit. Real genuine fans.

I would not even waste my spit on you to be honest.


Well said - lots of people here bash Axl for what he looks and how he sounds and what he wears when he's giving it his all . That really sucks.

Edited by The Archer
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Well said - lots of people here bash Axl for what he looks and how he sounds and what he wears when he's giving it his all . That really sucks.

No one can protect you from that better than you could do yourself with the ignore feature. Am I right?

Edited by Rustycage
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Well said - lots of people here bash Axl for what he looks and how he sounds and what he wears when he's giving it his all . That really sucks.

No one can protect you from that better than you could do yourself with the ignore feature. Am I right?

So far, I have never ignored anyone and I don't intend to, but thanks for the suggestion.

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He's not giving it his all. Showing up fat, out of breath, and forgetting lyrics is not 'giving it his all'. That's just being a fat lazy bastard.

..you missed out 'being late' :D

Hater! Pregnant women are late on their periods, do you hate them, too? No? Double standard!!!

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finck6 -

multiple users have supplied multiple quotes confirming my premise that axl's most recent public comments referred to a two album project.

please apologize for accusing me of making up information.

i'm not asking you about two album projects. you say you give facts. so i'm asking you to give facts. give facts by dropping the release date for the next guns record

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i mentioned axl saying it was a two album project. you said i was making that up. i wasn't.

multiple people supplied multiple quotes backing me up.

please apologize for your false accusation. thanks.

i'm passed two album projects. the issue is your credibility giving facts. so drop a release album for the next guns album. drop a fact

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i mentioned axl saying it was a two album project. you said i was making that up. i wasn't.

multiple people supplied multiple quotes backing me up.

please apologize for your false accusation. thanks.

i'm passed two album projects. the issue is your credibility giving facts. so drop a release album for the next guns album. drop a fact

even if he were to drop a date for the next album, how would that be a fact? You wouldn't know if it is true or not until it was officially confirmed. It would just be an unconfirmed rumor until then and everyone would be jumping on his back and attacking him.

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I'd just like to reiterate that I really do love Axl and I fucking adore Chinese Democracy..

My only beef with him is his failure to strike while the irons hot and his apparent lack of interest in producing anything new..

Again, I love the man and will be following him in whatever he does. I'll be first in line to buy the red panda album.

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finck6 -

you may be past it since several of us proved you wrong, but you should still be a man and apologize for accusing me of making things up when i wasn't.

it's not cool to tell the community that another user is providing fraudulent information in an effort to hoodwink the audience. that is a very serious thing to accuse someone of and your accusation was entirely baseless.

apologize? it's what you should do for calling me mental and saying i'm a cupcake account. it's not cool 2 act this way in front of the gnr community

if you're not going to drop a release date for the next record....you don't have credibility as the Chinese Democracy guy

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finck6 -

you may be past it since several of us proved you wrong, but you should still be a man and apologize for accusing me of making things up when i wasn't.

it's not cool to tell the community that another user is providing fraudulent information in an effort to hoodwink the audience. that is a very serious thing to accuse someone of and your accusation was entirely baseless.

apologize? it's what you should do for calling me mental and saying i'm a cupcake account. it's not cool 2 act this way in front of the gnr community

if you're not going to drop a release date for the next record....you don't have credibility as the Chinese Democracy guy

By calling you a cupcake account, he's got all the credibility in the world with me!

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Is that a pretty good example of what people are thinking about this current tour? Unless you are going to one of the shows, then fans seem pretty indiferent (sp) about them. Three pages is pretty sad.

It's common that the excitement for individual concerts far into a tour dwindles. It happens at every tour. I also believe there are less French members here than, say, Americans, and hence we would expect less posts. Gunsguy also pointed out that the concerts occur at a time when both most Americans and Europeans are asleep.

Btw, why did you write "indiferent (sp)"? What does "sp" mean? Could it be that you are mistaken and believe it is a standard abbreviation to be used when you are aware of having misspelled something, not realizing that sp. in reality is the abbreviation used by scientist to denote the species name of a scientific name of a species, e.g. Escherichia sp., Homo sp., and so on? If so, that is sad.

Nice. Not only are you the GnR expert and forum topic dictator, but now you are the grammar police as well.

Are you actually capable of responding to somebody you disagree with without insulting them? That says a lot about you, and not about all the "stupid" people that you educate on a daily basis in here. You take this stuff way too seriously.

As for sp. I actually have a media background. Some radio broadcasting, but mainly print. Studied journalism at college. Worked at several newspapers, have had stories published in probably 20 newspapers. Published a local basketball history book a few years ago.

Unfortunately I've never been a great speller. Today that doesn't matter as spell checks are on every electronic device. But back in my newspaper days spell check meant pulling out a hard copy dictionary, or using an electronic dictionary that was a separate program than the one the newspaper used.

Often a reporter would be writing a story away from the office, with no dictionary on hand, and a strict deadline.

So when you quickly write a story, without time to edit it, and email it to your editor, who didn't have much time to edit it either......if you weren't sure about the spelling of a word you simply used a (sp) beside the word. That alerted your editor that he needed to check the word.

I have an HTC phone and sometimes there is an automatic spell check and for some weird reason sometimes there isn't. When there isn't, and I'm not sure of the spelling of a word, I will make the note at the end of the word. Just to acknowledge that I might have spelled it wrong.

Sometimes things have simple explainations. And instead of insulting people just because we disagree with them, it is OK to make the effort to be civil.

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Is that a pretty good example of what people are thinking about this current tour? Unless you are going to one of the shows, then fans seem pretty indiferent (sp) about them. Three pages is pretty sad.

It's common that the excitement for individual concerts far into a tour dwindles. It happens at every tour. I also believe there are less French members here than, say, Americans, and hence we would expect less posts. Gunsguy also pointed out that the concerts occur at a time when both most Americans and Europeans are asleep.

Btw, why did you write "indiferent (sp)"? What does "sp" mean? Could it be that you are mistaken and believe it is a standard abbreviation to be used when you are aware of having misspelled something, not realizing that sp. in reality is the abbreviation used by scientist to denote the species name of a scientific name of a species, e.g. Escherichia sp., Homo sp., and so on? If so, that is sad.

Are you actually capable of responding to somebody you disagree with without insulting them?

Did I insult you?

Hey, I just realized I now answered your question!

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This thread is a big LOL

But to answer the first post and getting back to that... i don't know if it has been bleaker than ever, between 97 and 2000 was pretty bad as well... from 2003 to 2006 was bad as well... i guess Axl has a tendency to have panic years and he just disappears

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Is that a pretty good example of what people are thinking about this current tour? Unless you are going to one of the shows, then fans seem pretty indiferent (sp) about them. Three pages is pretty sad.

It's common that the excitement for individual concerts far into a tour dwindles. It happens at every tour. I also believe there are less French members here than, say, Americans, and hence we would expect less posts. Gunsguy also pointed out that the concerts occur at a time when both most Americans and Europeans are asleep.

Btw, why did you write "indiferent (sp)"? What does "sp" mean? Could it be that you are mistaken and believe it is a standard abbreviation to be used when you are aware of having misspelled something, not realizing that sp. in reality is the abbreviation used by scientist to denote the species name of a scientific name of a species, e.g. Escherichia sp., Homo sp., and so on? If so, that is sad.

Are you actually capable of responding to somebody you disagree with without insulting them?

Did I insult you?

Hey, I just realized I now answered your question!

Well, when you make a false assumption about what somebody knows or doesn't know, ending with "if so, that is sad"..........was that a compliment?


Yes, those are all viable reasons, when looking at the situation and trying to find the most positive reasons for it happening.

I think it is also a sign that unless they are in your city, most people are tired of the touring, and that most would take a new album over six months or another year of touring. Lack of forum response to current shows is a reflection of how the majority of GnR fans feel about another round of touring. When people thought a new song might be played, the shows were getting 30-40 pages of responses and you'd see 25-30 people lurking/reading the topic. But now that people know that no new songs are going to be played, most people aren't bothering to check out the show's topic. We know what the set list is going to be. We know that in the topic Angeles will post hearts by a couple pictures, volcano won't be at the show but will say how epic it was, and somebody will make a comment about what time Axl came on stage.

And before you do your typical response, yes, I agree it is better that the band is touring and playing for the fans rather than sitting at home and giving us years of silence. Surely you can admit that the touring has become a bit boring (if you aren't attending an actual show) and will stay that way until they start playing new music?

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Guest Broskirose

I've been in the GN'R online community since 2002...Been around for the dry spells, the dull moments, the great moments, the horrible ones...All those times, there was always one big elephant in the room that ensured that there was always something to talk about: CD hadn't been released, but we'd heard songs from it, and we could speculate about CD and have hope for it's release even in the driest spells.

But what about now? There is no album on the horizon as far as we've been told. The last time Axl talked about new music he seemed utterly disinterested in the idea of a new record. That was about 3 years ago...We get some vague mutterings here and there from the new band, but if the CD era proved anything, it's that the new band isn't really kept in the loop. I have no doubt that there is more material, probably a lot more actually, but the question is: Will it ever come out? If so, when? Is it even finished, or has Axl yet to set down vocals and lyrics? We don't really have any clue...We don't even have a title of the "next album" whereas we knew CD would be named CD since around 1999 or 2000. There was never a question of "IF" CD would come out, it was always more a question of "When?" We aren't able to ask WHEN about future material now, but we're forced to ask "IF" Axl will ever release new material....and that's pretty depressing in and of itself, the idea that Axl might never release anything new....

There's no leaks to talk about, there's no new songs in the set to discuss, there's no lineup changes. Any one of these three things would at the very least be cause for discussion, anticipation and possibly excitement. We have no idea what the future holds for GN'R...We don't even really have a clue what the next record will sound like. If we had a leak, or even just one new song in the set, it'd create a massive amount of discussion...

But instead we've got the same tour for the last 6 years basically with some covers and UYI songs thrown in, Axl lost his voice again and instead of sounding awesome like during 2010, he sounds like it's 2002 all over again. He's getting older and older every year. Most seem to be in agreement that Bumblefoot and Ashba are both lesser replacements and less likely to make great new music than Bucket and Robin were, so we have arguably subpar replacements. What is there to talk about? The exciting setlist? The fact that it's 2012 and Axl still comes on late? Bumblefoot's beard? Axl's ugly mustache or his weight? How great 2010 was? All we're doing lately is fighting amongst each other and right now there's nothing even worth fighting over, nothing fresh or new to debate and discuss except concerts where it's pretty much the same setlist every night...CD is going to be 4 years old, we never got any music videos, and there's not even a single leak of future material, there's not even any chat about a new album, not even a tentative title of it....

Does anyone else agree it seems more bleak than it has in the past? As was sung in a great song, "Where do we go now?"

I think whenever GNR fans start to feel like the future is bleak we can all turn to this amazing picture for hope and inspiration.


Edited by Broskirose
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Did I insult you?

Hey, I just realized I now answered your question!

Well, when you make a false assumption about what somebody knows or doesn't know, ending with "if so, that is sad"..........was that a compliment?

It sure wasn't an insult. Do you consider all statement s to be either compliments or insults? That could explain a lot about you seeming to be constantly on the verge of having an apoplectic fit.

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I've been in the GN'R online community since 2002...Been around for the dry spells, the dull moments, the great moments, the horrible ones...All those times, there was always one big elephant in the room that ensured that there was always something to talk about: CD hadn't been released, but we'd heard songs from it, and we could speculate about CD and have hope for it's release even in the driest spells.

But what about now? There is no album on the horizon as far as we've been told. The last time Axl talked about new music he seemed utterly disinterested in the idea of a new record. That was about 3 years ago...We get some vague mutterings here and there from the new band, but if the CD era proved anything, it's that the new band isn't really kept in the loop. I have no doubt that there is more material, probably a lot more actually, but the question is: Will it ever come out? If so, when? Is it even finished, or has Axl yet to set down vocals and lyrics? We don't really have any clue...We don't even have a title of the "next album" whereas we knew CD would be named CD since around 1999 or 2000. There was never a question of "IF" CD would come out, it was always more a question of "When?" We aren't able to ask WHEN about future material now, but we're forced to ask "IF" Axl will ever release new material....and that's pretty depressing in and of itself, the idea that Axl might never release anything new....

There's no leaks to talk about, there's no new songs in the set to discuss, there's no lineup changes. Any one of these three things would at the very least be cause for discussion, anticipation and possibly excitement. We have no idea what the future holds for GN'R...We don't even really have a clue what the next record will sound like. If we had a leak, or even just one new song in the set, it'd create a massive amount of discussion...

But instead we've got the same tour for the last 6 years basically with some covers and UYI songs thrown in, Axl lost his voice again and instead of sounding awesome like during 2010, he sounds like it's 2002 all over again. He's getting older and older every year. Most seem to be in agreement that Bumblefoot and Ashba are both lesser replacements and less likely to make great new music than Bucket and Robin were, so we have arguably subpar replacements. What is there to talk about? The exciting setlist? The fact that it's 2012 and Axl still comes on late? Bumblefoot's beard? Axl's ugly mustache or his weight? How great 2010 was? All we're doing lately is fighting amongst each other and right now there's nothing even worth fighting over, nothing fresh or new to debate and discuss except concerts where it's pretty much the same setlist every night...CD is going to be 4 years old, we never got any music videos, and there's not even a single leak of future material, there's not even any chat about a new album, not even a tentative title of it....

Does anyone else agree it seems more bleak than it has in the past? As was sung in a great song, "Where do we go now?"

I think whenever GNR fans start to feel like the future is bleak we can all turn to this amazing picture for hope and inspiration.



Is that real? No photoshop? Nothing?


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Groghan -

You called Soul Monster names. You insulted him. You accused him of insulting others. You insinuated that he's stupid. You said he takes the discussion too seriously. You talked about your background in journalism. You talked about your phone. You talk about it being okay to be civil, even though you weren't civil in your post.

You talked about a lot of things, but none of those things related in any way to any of the on topic points raised by Soul Monster.

He presented several logical explanations for why some shows might generate less discussion than others.

You managed to attack everything EXCEPT his argument.


Rather typical, sadly. Its very hard to have a substantive debate with Groghan because he immediately falls back on labeling and putting words in people's mouths rather than responding to what they actually said.

The funny thing is that no matter what Groghan says, its the legitimate expression of his opinions. That's what forums are for. Whenever somebody else argues against Groghan's views, they are "dictating" to him or to the entire forum!

Groghan posts long essays in response to countless posts. But when somebody else expresses their position with any intensity or length, they "are taking the internet too seriously".

Its the same basic strategies over and over.

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