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Great Guns N' Roses photo

Guest Gunns

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Ballerinas are associated with raw punk energy? Yeah right.

That's your idea of punk?

Tommy Stinson is my idea of punk.

Interesting how you brought up Slash in this thread even though its about the current members. Using him as a "crutch"? Are you going to plead with him to get him out of his "80's" tendency (your words, not mine) to flip people off?

I brought up slash? Uh, no. I used a picture someone else posted of Slash and commented on the shirt. LOL

You werent the first to post the Slash picture but you arent uncomfortable talking about Slash here even though its a thread about the new members. Makes a joke of your being oh so unable to talk about Duff in another thread.

So tell me, are you upset at Slash's 80 tendencies too? Or is flipping somebody off only "80's" when current GN'R members do it?

I didn't bring him up, someone else did. Period. Stretch it and shape it any way you want but I was merely commenting on the funny shirt. Take your problem up with the OP of the picture.

I think a middle finger is old and cheesey. 30 years ago it was packaged rebellion and now it's just cornier. Does that answer your question? I'm not going to give criticism to Axl where I won't give it to any other member or ex-member.

Like I said you werent the first to post that picture but you were happy enough to comment on it, yet you ....justtt.... cantttt... comment on Duff in another thread going on right NOW. Its inconsistent, plain and simple. Its a healthy sign that you're willing to admit that Slash is capable of "cheesy" and "corny" things as you implicitly said.

The middle finger in Its So Easy is part of an old tradition. I dont see it dying away.

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You just can't let it go, can you?

I commented on something someone else posted here.

In the other topic you brought up Duff to get away from the point we were discussing so I ignored it.

What will satisfy you?

Nopes, I mentioned Duff to UNDERSCORE my logic about Axl, not mock Duff.

I questioned your definition of "ironic and stupid" and discovered that you were incapable of answering my point. I'm pretty satisfied right about now.

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here is when it happened check out vid at 0:44

NOT "why don't you just fuck off" It is kinda like an ongoing joke when one of them catch the camera they give the finger I have noticed alot.

Oh yeah, I remember this. People in the audience were flipping them off through the entire song. Axl walked around laughing flipping people off. Even the crew started flipping off the band, like Fernando flipped off DJ and DJ then flipped off Kat, Axl flipped off Del etc. It was pretty funny.

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You just can't let it go, can you?

I commented on something someone else posted here.

In the other topic you brought up Duff to get away from the point we were discussing so I ignored it.

What will satisfy you?

Nopes, I mentioned Duff to UNDERSCORE my logic about Axl, not mock Duff.

I questioned your definition of "ironic and stupid" and discovered that you were incapable of answering my point. I'm pretty satisfied right about now.

Whatever makes you happy. Finger pointing works wonders.

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You just can't let it go, can you?

I commented on something someone else posted here.

In the other topic you brought up Duff to get away from the point we were discussing so I ignored it.

What will satisfy you?

Nopes, I mentioned Duff to UNDERSCORE my logic about Axl, not mock Duff.

I questioned your definition of "ironic and stupid" and discovered that you were incapable of answering my point. I'm pretty satisfied right about now.

Whatever makes you happy. Finger pointing works wonders.

Haha! Yeah, asking you to judge Duff by the same standard as you do Axl is "finger-pointing".

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You just can't let it go, can you?

I commented on something someone else posted here.

In the other topic you brought up Duff to get away from the point we were discussing so I ignored it.

What will satisfy you?

Nopes, I mentioned Duff to UNDERSCORE my logic about Axl, not mock Duff.

I questioned your definition of "ironic and stupid" and discovered that you were incapable of answering my point. I'm pretty satisfied right about now.

Whatever makes you happy. Finger pointing works wonders.

Haha! Yeah, asking you to judge Duff by the same standard as you do Axl is "finger-pointing".

Point taken. "We can discuss old members when it's to counter Axl criticisms but we can't discuss them when it is comparison based as to quality of the current band."

Such a genius concept.

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From the photo, it appears Dj Ash has had a huge influence over Axl when it comes to buying cloths.

Yes, it remains a mystery how Axl managed to get dressed before he met DJ.

Weather he copies Dj or not. The look beats the tracksuit he showed up in Vegas back in 2000

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You just can't let it go, can you?

I commented on something someone else posted here.

In the other topic you brought up Duff to get away from the point we were discussing so I ignored it.

What will satisfy you?

Nopes, I mentioned Duff to UNDERSCORE my logic about Axl, not mock Duff.

I questioned your definition of "ironic and stupid" and discovered that you were incapable of answering my point. I'm pretty satisfied right about now.

Whatever makes you happy. Finger pointing works wonders.

Haha! Yeah, asking you to judge Duff by the same standard as you do Axl is "finger-pointing".

Point taken. "We can discuss old members when it's to counter Axl criticisms but we can't discuss them when it is comparison based as to quality of the current band."

Such a genius concept.

You can post about the old band when its directly relevant to a particular thread for example when song-writing of the old songs is being discussed. The problem is when the old band is brought in as an attack on the new line-up simply to derail threads and to vent ever-lasting hatreds.

Unlike that, my use of the Duff reference wasnt as a put-down. It was a question to you about your double-standards. By refusing to use the same logic against Duff, you showed your one-sided perspective.

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You just can't let it go, can you?

I commented on something someone else posted here.

In the other topic you brought up Duff to get away from the point we were discussing so I ignored it.

What will satisfy you?

Nopes, I mentioned Duff to UNDERSCORE my logic about Axl, not mock Duff.

I questioned your definition of "ironic and stupid" and discovered that you were incapable of answering my point. I'm pretty satisfied right about now.

Whatever makes you happy. Finger pointing works wonders.

Haha! Yeah, asking you to judge Duff by the same standard as you do Axl is "finger-pointing".

Point taken. "We can discuss old members when it's to counter Axl criticisms but we can't discuss them when it is comparison based as to quality of the current band."

Such a genius concept.

You can post about the old band when its directly relevant to a particular thread for example when song-writing of the old songs is being discussed. The problem is when the old band is brought in as an attack on the new line-up simply to derail threads and to vent ever-lasting hatreds.

Unlike that, my use of the Duff reference wasnt as a put-down. It was a question to you about your double-standards. By refusing to use the same logic against Duff, you showed your one-sided perspective.

Show me "proof" of the double standard. I refused to address it because you were trying to detract.

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You just can't let it go, can you?

I commented on something someone else posted here.

In the other topic you brought up Duff to get away from the point we were discussing so I ignored it.

What will satisfy you?

Nopes, I mentioned Duff to UNDERSCORE my logic about Axl, not mock Duff.

I questioned your definition of "ironic and stupid" and discovered that you were incapable of answering my point. I'm pretty satisfied right about now.

Whatever makes you happy. Finger pointing works wonders.

Haha! Yeah, asking you to judge Duff by the same standard as you do Axl is "finger-pointing".

Point taken. "We can discuss old members when it's to counter Axl criticisms but we can't discuss them when it is comparison based as to quality of the current band."

Such a genius concept.

You can post about the old band when its directly relevant to a particular thread for example when song-writing of the old songs is being discussed. The problem is when the old band is brought in as an attack on the new line-up simply to derail threads and to vent ever-lasting hatreds.

Unlike that, my use of the Duff reference wasnt as a put-down. It was a question to you about your double-standards. By refusing to use the same logic against Duff, you showed your one-sided perspective.

Show me "proof" of the double standard. I refused to address it because you were trying to detract.

Its plain as day. You're willing to call Axl stupid, ironic and hypocritical for something when you have not used the same epithets for Duff for the same behavior.

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I said it made him LOOK stupid. I didnt he is stupid. Show me proof where I applied a double standard. A lack of evidence doesn't help your case.

No actually, its your case that has been destroyed.

So you're willing to admit that Duff naming his band Loaded makers him LOOK "stupid, ironic and hypocritical" (your own words)?

You cant escape the double standard. You use such words for Axl but wont for Duff for the same behaviour. I rest my case. :)

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A friendly reminder to all:

Please DO NOT post photos from the official website - fans do pay for these photos as part of their Nightrain benefits and to be posting them elsewhere for free could potentially cause legal troubles for MyGNR. Thanks for being understanding about this issue :)

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Are you a teenager? That has to be the excuse.

Are you dodging my direct question? Yes, you are. :)

If Duff named the band about being fucked up then sure, it is hypocritical.

Now, how did that change the point?

There you go. See how hard it is for you to be critical of Duff and how easily it flows for Axl. But you got over the hump in the end. Good.

The "point" has already been answered at length in the other thread.

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