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Do you think Ron will write some tasty licks for the new record because he's been prescribed opioids?


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Do you think Ron will write some tasty licks because he's been prescribed opioids? I am not being flippant nor am I discounting the very real back pain. But for those of us familiar with Guns n Roses history, opioid substances were prevalent during the AFD/UYI days. Many members were influenced by opioids, albeit in different ways, some were overcome, some channeled their creativity. What I'm rambling towards is: what if Ron taps into the same creative vein (yes pun!) and his experiences with his back pain manifests itself into some inspired guitarizationalizing? What do you think?

edit: modified title, sue me

Edited by Popcorn's Snare
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As I recently said in another thread, Ron has a great sense of melody in his songwriting. While a lot of his solo work is quirky and much of it wouldn't work in the Guns context, he has some traits that can't be taught, along with tremendous technical ability

So can the opiates be the magic ingredient? Well, they can't hurt; a hell of a lot of great music has been made under the influence of opiates :lol:

I think there are some elements in Ron's recent songs like Breaking, Shadow, Simple Days, The Day After, and Green that I think could be great GnR "ballads" or slower paced songs if they were Axl-ized.

I also think him working together with Richard could produce some great stuff. Hell, Richard's most recent solo at the GnR shows could turn into a pretty bad ass GnR song

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Do you think Ron will write some tasty licks because he's been prescribed opioids? I am not being flippant nor am I discounting the very real back pain. But for those of us familiar with Guns n Roses history, opioid substances were prevalent during the AFD/UYI days. Many members were influenced by opioids, albeit in different ways, some were overcome, some channeled their creativity. What I'm rambling towards is: what if Ron taps into the same creative vein (yes pun!) and his experiences with his back pain manifests itself into some inspired guitarizationalizing? What do you think?

edit: modified title, sue me

I think that you are comparing heroin to some pills that the doctor order! AFD was written while they were almost homeless and without money and living the days like there were no tomorrow.The pills will be like a candy to old lineup back in 80s.Of course im not talking good about drugs,drugs nearly kill whole band and are a big SHIT.But you cant compare prescribed pills and heroin,its like comparing a cat and a leopard,yes its the same famiy but one can kill you and the other dont

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Do you think Ron will write some tasty licks because he's been prescribed opioids? I am not being flippant nor am I discounting the very real back pain. But for those of us familiar with Guns n Roses history, opioid substances were prevalent during the AFD/UYI days. Many members were influenced by opioids, albeit in different ways, some were overcome, some channeled their creativity. What I'm rambling towards is: what if Ron taps into the same creative vein (yes pun!) and his experiences with his back pain manifests itself into some inspired guitarizationalizing? What do you think?

edit: modified title, sue me

I think that you are comparing heroin to some pills that the doctor order! AFD was written while they were almost homeless and without money and living the days like there were no tomorrow.The pills will be like a candy to old lineup back in 80s.Of course im not talking good about drugs,drugs nearly kill whole band and are a big SHIT.But you cant compare prescribed pills and heroin,its like comparing a cat and a leopard,yes its the same famiy but one can kill you and the other dont

You might wanna do your homework there, chief. And because I care about you and want to help you, I will offer some advice that could save your life: if you're at a party and spew the same bullshit you just spewed above, and some dude laughs with an evil smile and hands you an 80mg oxycodone pill, DO NOT TAKE IT. You'll od hard, do you understand me? And to think, it's such a tiny pill. Just say no...orrrrr split it into 1/4, and see if you can handle 20mgs, big boy.

The bottom line is there are observable parallels among all opiate categories. Furthermore, all the good shit hits the same damn μ receptors for the most part, so the experiences across opiate types overlap quite a bit. They don't call it hillbilly heroin for nothin, y'know.

Edited by Popcorn's Snare
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