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Was Kurt Cobain an overly politically correct Feminazi?

Vincent Vega

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a rock star who was ashamed to be a rock star, had only 3 girlfriends in his entire life (source - Nirvana: the true story By Everett True) and married Courtney Love is pathetic. but some of his tunes are breathtaking

How is only having three girlfriends pathetic?

That's more than many people have in their lives.

Those people suck!

and it's a brightest star of the generation we are talking about not some regular nerdy guy :)

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You guys are talking trash about Kurt Cobain because he had three girlfriends. :lol: If that's the worst you can say, well then I'd say he did pretty good.

Whiny smackhead would be another thing I could say about him. :shrugs:

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Guest Len B'stard

Cheap Trick sound like the original hair metal band. I saw a pic of them and one member is bald so maybe I'm way off. again.

Check out Tonight Its You, my favorite by them :)

Kurt was it, Kurt was the bollocks, Kurt (or more accurately, Nirvana) were the fuckin' bollocks, flat out one of the most powerful bands ever, up there with The Pistols and The Stooges.

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Cheap Trick sound like the original hair metal band. I saw a pic of them and one member is bald so maybe I'm way off. again.

Check out Tonight Its You, my favorite by them :)

Kurt was it, Kurt was the bollocks, Kurt (or more accurately, Nirvana) were the fuckin' bollocks, flat out one of the most powerful bands ever, up there with The Pistols and The Stooges.

Kurt liked bollocks is more accurate.

"Those sexist pigs! Those mean jerks!" God what a Nancy boy.

And their music sucked. It's only good when you're severely depressed.

And The Stooges are the only good band you mentioned.

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Cheap Trick sound like the original hair metal band. I saw a pic of them and one member is bald so maybe I'm way off. again.

Check out Tonight Its You, my favorite by them :)

Kurt was it, Kurt was the bollocks, Kurt (or more accurately, Nirvana) were the fuckin' bollocks, flat out one of the most powerful bands ever, up there with The Pistols and The Stooges.

Kurt liked bollocks is more accurate.

"Those sexist pigs! Those mean jerks!" God what a Nancy boy.

And their music sucked. It's only good when you're severely depressed.

And The Stooges are the only good band you mentioned.

Yeah but you're stupid. So I mean, your opinion doesn't really matter.

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Guest Len B'stard

Cheap Trick sound like the original hair metal band. I saw a pic of them and one member is bald so maybe I'm way off. again.

Check out Tonight Its You, my favorite by them :)

Kurt was it, Kurt was the bollocks, Kurt (or more accurately, Nirvana) were the fuckin' bollocks, flat out one of the most powerful bands ever, up there with The Pistols and The Stooges.

Kurt liked bollocks is more accurate.

"Those sexist pigs! Those mean jerks!" God what a Nancy boy.

And their music sucked. It's only good when you're severely depressed.

And The Stooges are the only good band you mentioned.

You just don't like him because he made absolute mush of your favorite band or more precisely your one-time favorite singer and made a mockery of everything he stood for and showed him up to be a pale derivative anachronism, a blow from which he and his career never recovered. It just totally eats you up inside that he could do that, this small weedy little boy represents to you everything that you wish you had the strength to be. Kurt Cobain couldn't fight to save his life, he was weak as fuck and yet totally unafraid and un-scared of people like Axl Rose and that troubles you deeply because it throws everything you believe about masculinity into question and completely fucks with your already elementary grasp of the human race.

Remember when you sent me that PM telling me to please stop calling you John Wayne Gacy because it really hurts you inside cuz in High School kids used to bully you and call you 'future serial killer' and me saying you looked like JWG over and over dug up old wounds and how in school you were just the passive kid who just took all the abuse they threw at you and never responded back? It seems really odd to me that that same person would employ terminology like 'nancy boy', very strange indeed and quite telling to anyone that cares to give it a couple of moments thought.

You despise people like Kurt Cobain because, in spite of everything, you aspire to be the bully...but you know can't even do that, not cuz you're too nice a person but because you don't have the balls, so who better (to coin a phrase) to direct all your animosity towards than the guy that, in your little mind, represents all those things you were but had the wit, the intelligence, the character, the creativity and the balls to become EVERYTHING that you are not today. By that i mean successful, admired, lauded by his peers and indelibly written into the history of his times.

Until you learn to accept who you are and love it and live for it, you'll forever be on the outside knocking to come in, no matter what second rate philosophy you choose to adopt just to feel like you are a part of some invisible majority.

Edited by sugaraylen
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^^^^^^^^ wow.

Miser just got knocked the fuck out over the internet.

Miser was throwing haymakers and Len came in with the one two punch followed by an uppercut.

EDIT: How many Nirvana threads has he made? I'm hardly ever here but whenever I do he's got a new thread about Cobain.

Edited by Jabberwocky
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