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The Mayflower was because Henry the VIII created the Church of England and the Puritans didn't like that it's churches had stained glass windows like 70 years later when King James was on the throne.

... They thought it 'too much like Catholicism' in the new state ran church, they were known as Separatists because the church was all powerful, church was state, so, they were persecuted for their beliefs.

The passengers on board the Mayflower, including William Brewster of Scrooby, England who wrote about fleeing England to Holland and spending 9 years there and being on the committee that organised the move to North America from Holland. They wanted to be free and had learned of a place called America.

They eventually got 2 ships together, one ship, that took them from Holland to England to meet up with the big ship; The Mayflower; It wasn't new, it wasn't meant for so many passengers but it was ship enough so they were happy. They set off... Broke down, went home. They ditched the smaller sister ship - Some had enough, some decided to stay to make room on the Mayflower.

The Mayflower set off, again... Broke down, had to return back to port. Got the Mayflower fixed up, again... They put their faith heavily in God. Now more determined than ever, they leave a third time.

They had to surrender their ship to the elements to keep it together and it even got broken but they really didn't want to turn back to England because, that would have been it, however, someone had bought something nifty they acquired in Holland for house building (they were going to build a new world, makes sense to get masonrys). - They propped up the ship, saved it and managed to survive that storm and not go back to England.

Conditions were rotten, one guy who's unaffected by the sea sickness is a real jerk about it, and is the first person struck down by sickness, and the Pilgrim Fathers and generally those on board the Mayflower saw that as being God smiting him for being a jerk. And so, they left it up to God.

They chose America because they had heard of the native population and felt that they were creaming out for them.

The opposite in fact was true. But then, after a while, they made friends, hunted turkey, had a harvest festival living side by side and were Thankful to be free from stained glass windows but more importantly, from religious persecution.

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The Huns were cool.

Not if you were Roman.

"Roman" was such a broad term at the time. It use to be restricted to the citizens of the city. Then it spread to citizens of other cities. Eventually everyone in the Empire became Roman, whether they were Roman or not. Then it became synomous with Christians in particular the Nicene Christians which ended up becoming the Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Churches as opposed to the Arian Christians and the Nesterions.

The Huns pretty much terrified anyone who was not Hun.

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One of the big historical conundrums is the 'Xiongnu theory', the idea that the Xiongnu, the tribe who founded an Asian steppe state and attacked China under the Qin and Han dynasties (3rd-2nd century BC) were the Hun, which later attacked Rome.

They may have been one the earliest expansions of Turkic people in the West. Their descendents possibly living in southern or central Russia. They could have also been Mongolic or Ugric (which also include Hungarians).

Pity most of our sources on the Huns are second hand. If only Aetius wrote about them since he lived among them as a hostage.

Rome probably could have gone on a few hundred more years if the Huns hadn't come. They had to live up provinces lost in Gaul, Hispaniola and their most wealthy province and main food supply, North Africa. They've managed to endure them but at the cost of their empire.

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