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What is the source of Axl's apparent apathy?


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Honestly, my guess is that, like many of us, he realizes the whole notion of Nu-GNR taking the world by storm has come and gone. His apparent attitude towards putting out more music and the goings on of GNR over the past 4 years have done nothing but hammer that home time and time again.

GNR is on autopilot, with Axl & team brazil napping in the cockpit.

Edited by sofine11
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Surely apathy would be represented by no longer actively using the GNR name? While Axl may only gig lately, regular three hour performances does not constitute 'apathy'.

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Maybe in this case apathy isn't a bad thing? Maybe he's just content and at peace with his career and doesn't feel that burning desire to make new music? Maybe he doesn't have any negativity he needs to get out through music anymore?

It's not like his music career has been smooth sailing, maybe he's just had enough of it and touring is less dramatic/stressful.

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I think everybody is under estimating him as always. The man is a genius. I love that he is unpredictiable and he will shock all of us real soon. I believe he has big plans and not what everybody thinks are his plans. amen in the name of Axl our lord.

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I think everybody is under estimating him as always. The man is a genius. I love that he is unpredictiable and he will shock all of us real soon. I believe he has big plans and not what everybody thinks are his plans. amen in the name of Axl our lord.

You almost got me.

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1. I wonder if he is on medication. It might explain his more relaxed demeanour in recent times and also the weight gain.

2. He has more anxiety issues than we know. Maybe releasing new songs is too daunting after CD was hard, and maybe he can get through the live show because it's predictable and going back to the old days of a random setlist is challenging at his mind set.

3. He might carry more sadness about the things that have been handled badly in GNR than we know. maybe he wanted to make the new band as famous as the old, and put out three records, and these days he feels sorrow that it never happened.

4. maybe he's just getting older and kinda happy with what he's achieved in life. So he just plays for fun. it's fun to do the classic hits cos the causal fanbase responds more in the audience. And it's fun to make new music around a piano in your hotel - but it's not fun to prove to the label why it's good, release it and face music critics and so on. There's a strong possibility to me he's semi retired in the sense he's old enough and has enough cash to just only do stuff that's enjoyable....taking hard steps is generally for young people that need to break in.

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I think axl talked a big game in the first post-slash decade, and he's probably frustrated and annoyed that a few delusional online weirdos won't let it go already, and still at 51 expect him to validate their years of unsolicited superfandom by creating a real new band. He wants to play Vegas, earn some touring cash while he can and take it easy. He's earned it. Sorry if anybody was foolish enough to believe in something as absurd as 'new guns n roses.' But that's really your fault, not his.

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I think the reality of how big a deal a new GNR album is, whether it's the first after split or just the next one, sort of puts huge pressure and expectations on it and Axl tries to live up to them and make the biggest, greatest album he can. That pressure is a blessing and a curse.

for example is CD was only as good as UYI, with throwaway acoustic songs mixed in with basic rock n roll songs, that wouldn't live up to expectations at all. It's past that point, GNR arent the Rolling Stones, it has to be epic!

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Probably doesn't/can't deal with the pressure and criticism that comes with putting out a new record. Is content with sporadic touring playing the hits with a few new songs. Sees the world, bangs hot chicks and then goes to his mansion to chill out for a few months.

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Democracy bombed and it destroyed his, already fragile, ego. It is that simple.

Is that fair? The music industry bombed! CD is a great album, I enjoy it. I say it's great because

maybe 3 songs (out of 14?) are just okay. Take an (Edit: "recent") Iggy Pop album and maybe only 2-4 songs are great!

It seems like Axl wants to be a musician outside of the music industry which is admirable.

Remember when People magazine voted Gwyneth Paltrow as "the most beautiful" this year?! It's shit

like that which happens once you sell out in that world. Who wants fake accolades? Fake people!

Jim Morrison and John Lennon has similar plights with the public as Axl. The public wants everything.

These guys just want to write and be left alone about other topics.

Edited by ohlovelyrita
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