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If he's half white he ain't gonna be like...the brown you're talking about, the me brown, the bud bud, ding ding 1.99 ......................

.................... I shop at the Paki shop all the time

I ask for Puma he give me Nike

I say aye Mr Paki man you know what I like!

:lol: I once got a right kicking for shouting that at one of your lot in the street when I was about 9. :lol:

Edited by Dazey
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Guest Len B'stard

That kinda shit used to terrify my Mum? :lol: Not understanding English and then being shouted at outta nowhere across the street, not knowing what it meant she'd think she was about to get fuckin' killed or something, bless her :lol:

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That kinda shit used to terrify my Mum? :lol: Not understanding English and then being shouted at outta nowhere across the street, not knowing what it meant she'd think she was about to get fuckin' killed or something, bless her :lol:

:( It weren't no old ladies or anything (as if that makes it any better :lol:) it was a couple of 20 something lads in suits going door to door selling double glazing or something. Chased us right down the road and grabbed us by the scruff of the fuckin' neck. Thought we were really cool until we fuckin' shit our pants then they told our head teacher and we got a right fucking going over! :lol: And that dear boy was the end of my brief tenure in the National Front. :lol:

Edited by Dazey
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Had my first lot of chemo today, 4 1/2 hours of it. Came home tried to sleep but couldn't, now going to eat something & watch Law & Order SVU or CSI to see if I can sleep tonight. Feeling great apart from lack of sleep due to anti nausea pills :P


I am NOT a CHILD molester.

What???! We know that. Thought you might wanna have some FUN!!!!!

(And join in some illegal shit. ;) )

Having JD for a referee is like getting Ian Watkins in to babysit :lol:

Oh, he likes to let you think that but he's actually quite the opposite! I met him briefly at the GNR concert and he was just a sweetie actually. ;)

Who'd have thought, hey? ::o:

Illegal + you + Julian = molesting kids

Who Jay? Oh of course he's a sweetie, I've always known that. Beatles fan, likes his cooking and watch every so often when his fuckin' insane villianous persona veil slips and he'll be like 'DAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, kitttenssss!' :lol: If i ever met Jay i'd jump on his back :lol:

I think everyone on here's lovely really, i don't think i've ever met anyone proper horrible on here. Some are extra lovely but generally speaking, i don't see no wrong uns or someone that i think'd make me uncomfy to be around or whatever. The worst criticism I could level on anybody is that one or two people might seem a bit uptight at times but no ones actually not nice really.

I fucking love kittens! :lol:

Oh, he likes to let you think that but he's actually quite the opposite! I met him briefly at the GNR concert and he was just a sweetie actually. ;)

Who'd have thought, hey? : :o:

So is he proper coal shed like or just a bit muddy coloured? :lol:

You know I'm a well proper blackboard with legs
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Guest Len B'stard

Of all the times where, in my youth I'd gotten a bit racial it was always in the context of either me and one other mate taking the piss out of the class div or like...point being that, throughout it all I never got to the point of ever being in the majority picking on the minority, it was always me getting the stick until i ended up going to the shit school in town but even then when it'd happen (and it did a fair bit, a load of my lot ganging up or taking the piss out or fucking up the couple of gobby white kids) i always felt really uncomfortable and seperated myself from the situation? I suppose a more valliant kid would be the one to step in the middle and go 'oi, leave him alone!' but i never really done that expect on one instance when it was my mate Christ (they still knackered his guitar though :lol:). Was funny actually cuz you'd think I would be the one most up for it, coming from a school previously where there was a lot of that shit going on in which i was in the extreme minority.

Worst thing about it is that, despite my taking up that particular policy, there are still these white lads around that remember me as a face in the crowd in those days when they were getting done. Sad cuz that fuckin' sticks to you for the rest of your life, makes me feel like I'm perhaps a poor representative of my folk, fuel for Daily Mail headlines and that.

Edited by sugaraylen
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Of all the times where, in my youth I'd gotten a bit racial it was always in the context of either me and one other mate taking the piss out of the class div or like...point being that, throughout it all I never got to the point of ever being in the majority picking on the minority, it was always me getting the stick until i ended up going to the shit school in town but even then when it'd happen (and it did a fair bit, a load of my lot ganging up or taking the piss out or fucking up the couple of gobby white kids) i always felt really uncomfortable and seperated myself from the situation? I suppose a more valliant kid would be the one to step in the middle and go 'oi, leave him alone!' but i never really done that expect on one instance when it was my mate Christ (they still knackered his guitar though :lol:). Was funny actually cuz you'd think I would be the one most up for it, coming from a school previously where there was a lot of that shit going on in which i was in the extreme minority.

Worst thing about it is that, despite my taking up that particular policy, there are still these white lads around that remember me as a face in the crowd in those days when they were getting done. Sad cuz that fuckin' sticks to you for the rest of your life, makes me feel like I'm perhaps a poor representative of my folk, fuel for Daily Mail headlines and that.

It's fuckin' crazy though cuz we just thought we were being a couple of cocky little kids so we had no proper idea what we were doing. Got the shock of our fuckin' lives and a good fuckin' kicking off the school and our parents and kinda came around to thinking as you do as a kid "oh so I'm not allowed to say things like that then?" :lol:

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Guest Len B'stard

Of all the times where, in my youth I'd gotten a bit racial it was always in the context of either me and one other mate taking the piss out of the class div or like...point being that, throughout it all I never got to the point of ever being in the majority picking on the minority, it was always me getting the stick until i ended up going to the shit school in town but even then when it'd happen (and it did a fair bit, a load of my lot ganging up or taking the piss out or fucking up the couple of gobby white kids) i always felt really uncomfortable and seperated myself from the situation? I suppose a more valliant kid would be the one to step in the middle and go 'oi, leave him alone!' but i never really done that expect on one instance when it was my mate Christ (they still knackered his guitar though :lol:). Was funny actually cuz you'd think I would be the one most up for it, coming from a school previously where there was a lot of that shit going on in which i was in the extreme minority.

Worst thing about it is that, despite my taking up that particular policy, there are still these white lads around that remember me as a face in the crowd in those days when they were getting done. Sad cuz that fuckin' sticks to you for the rest of your life, makes me feel like I'm perhaps a poor representative of my folk, fuel for Daily Mail headlines and that.

It's fuckin' crazy though cuz we just thought we were being a couple of cocky little kids so we had no proper idea what we were doing. Got the shock of our fuckin' lives and a good fuckin' kicking off the school and our parents and kinda came around to thinking as you do as a kid "oh so I'm not allowed to say things like that then?" :lol:

This sounds ridiculous but as a kid, young kid, i didn't really know racism was wrong? I mean you knew it weren't nice but it was just on the level of like, taking the piss out of gingers or something, within the school framework I never like...i mean it was never like a moral crime like its considered now. Seems like now everyones automatically born knowing it, I guess cuz it was just such a normal thing. I never knew women considered 'cunt' a really bad word either til year 9 when i called my mate Chris 'a fat cunt' in from of my teacher :lol:

Edited by sugaraylen
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Guest Len B'stard

I dunno man, i heard some holocaust and slavery crackers in my time :lol: To me, as far as jokes go, everythings fair game. I mean it's a joke isn't it, by definition it is not serious.

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This sounds ridiculous but as a kid, young kid, i didn't really know racism was wrong? I mean you knew it weren't nice but it was just on the level of like, taking the piss out of gingers or something, within the school framework I never like...i mean it was never like a moral crime like its considered now. Seems like now everyones automatically born knowing it, I guess cuz it was just such a normal thing. I never knew women considered 'cunt' a really bad word either til year 9 when i called my mate Chris 'a fat cunt' in from of my teacher :lol:

That's the same kinda thing I'm on about. I mean I knew I was being a fuckin' little shit but it wasn't anything evil or anything. Thing is that where I was brought up we'd never seen a darky before or anything and all the old fellas and ladies were racist as you'd like. Me dear old granny bless her was worse than Enoch when she'd get going. :lol:

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This sounds ridiculous but as a kid, young kid, i didn't really know racism was wrong? I mean you knew it weren't nice but it was just on the level of like, taking the piss out of gingers or something, within the school framework I never like...i mean it was never like a moral crime like its considered now. Seems like now everyones automatically born knowing it, I guess cuz it was just such a normal thing. I never knew women considered 'cunt' a really bad word either til year 9 when i called my mate Chris 'a fat cunt' in from of my teacher :lol:

That's the same kinda thing I'm on about. I mean I knew I was being a fuckin' little shit but it wasn't anything evil or anything. Thing is that where I was brought up we'd never seen a darky before or anything and all the old fellas and ladies were racist as you'd like. Me dear old granny bless her was worse than Enoch when she'd get going. :lol:

Yeah still bet she loved a bit of chocolate in her milk. Nomsayin?
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Guest Len B'stard

This sounds ridiculous but as a kid, young kid, i didn't really know racism was wrong? I mean you knew it weren't nice but it was just on the level of like, taking the piss out of gingers or something, within the school framework I never like...i mean it was never like a moral crime like its considered now. Seems like now everyones automatically born knowing it, I guess cuz it was just such a normal thing. I never knew women considered 'cunt' a really bad word either til year 9 when i called my mate Chris 'a fat cunt' in from of my teacher :lol:

That's the same kinda thing I'm on about. I mean I knew I was being a fuckin' little shit but it wasn't anything evil or anything. Thing is that where I was brought up we'd never seen a darky before or anything and all the old fellas and ladies were racist as you'd like. Me dear old granny bless her was worse than Enoch when she'd get going. :lol:

And it weren't a lot better on the other side of the coin either, only nothing is made of that because they're in the minority. My Dad kinda grew up here thank God so like, he was more clued up about the way shit was so you never heard racist stuff around my house, he had mostly black and irish mates actually so it was always pretty cool but like, just about everybody else, uncles or other people you knew from the community were racist as fuck.

To this day i still get a bit of stick whenever they are sitting around talking about politics or the world and start going off on how England did such and such and it gets on my tits a bit, always end up fighting our fuckin' corner. The older lot ain't like that no more really but some of the Freshies that come over and like, all this shit comes out of them, particularly regarding people like me and how we're like....some kind of lost tribe of culture-less fuckin' white people wannabes and it just makes me trip out.

As little as like two days ago there was this lad I was talking about, been in the country 5 years, married, with two kids, lives in a council house and he was just gossiping and chatting and putting the world to rights and in doing so was like 'oh we work so hard and like...you lot don't know shit and you have an easy life and you're soft and this country made you soft and we know proper strife and lifes horrible here and you can never live a proper life here and its great back there and people over here just live like worker rats and no one in England knows what life is really like' and i just lost my rag and I was like alright, you come from over there, to over here, get married, have two kids, ponce a free house off the council and I'M living an easy life?!?! No offence mate but i've seen where you come from and it's a fuckin' shithole, you go on like you're fuckin' cock of the manor, talking about working in fields like you're some kind of heroes of the soil but what you fail to mention is that thats for like, 2 months a fuckin' year, the rest of the time you sit on your fat arses doing nothing, smoking fags and drinking tea and you're gonna go off on me about hard work, i had a paper round when i was fuckin' 13 and ain't stopped working since.

And as far as there being 'no life' here are you having a laugh, you lot are gonna tell me about life and what its about, you didn't have a shag til you were 30...and even then your Mums and Dads sort it out for you, what do you know about life?'

It all went swiftly downhill :lol: Really gets on my wick though, bunch of know-nothing ignorant cunts and the way they gob off you'd think the world owed them a fuckin' favour, this guy was whingeing about having kids to take care of and bills to pay and as if it was some MASSIVE hardship for him to just keep a roof over his head and food on the table and it's like well sorry but you ain't doing no one a favour you cunt, thats your basic fuckin' duty...and you still had to ponce a free gaff off the council, even though you're able bodied and perfectly capable of working, you just CHOOSE to do the one job and then procreate like theirs no tommorow well that ain't my fault, I didn't shag your wife, did I?

I realise it was sort of a hardcore reaction but you gotta remember this cunt was taking the piss out of me to begin with :lol: But there's no winning with them cuz it don't matter how much of a point you have they're just like you're a fuckin' wannabe or like...a turncoat against your own culture or some shit.

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I managed to get up before noon!

Well done! That is a good achievement right there! You can take the rest of the day off now. ;)

Me on the other hand, it's 6:30 in the morning and I'm having breakfast, getting ready for work. That's all I've done so far.

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Had my first lot of chemo today, 4 1/2 hours of it. Came home tried to sleep but couldn't, now going to eat something & watch Law & Order SVU or CSI to see if I can sleep tonight. Feeling great apart from lack of sleep due to anti nausea pills :P

Wishing you a smooth ride through this. Got my results yesterday. positive for cancer and they didn't get it all with the thyroidectomy. So today I tell my family. I feel good so far though. Really good actually

Hope it goes well for ya kiddo.

Out of likes already but I am rooting for you Orsys, don't listen to what people tell you about chemo. Day 3 & feeling good apart from lethargy & no energy. PM me if you want to chat. :heart:

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All right so far thanks, next few days will be a test for me. Can't help bad luck but there's no way I'll let this cancer beat me, I've got some gnr concerts to go to someday - I have some spare bras to throw again seeing as I can't use them now :o

Water balloon launchers! Standard! ;)

Haha you have no idea how funny this is. A friend visited me in hospital & stood there blowing up a balloon so I would be 'even on both sides' when I went home - I did hit his hand away when he wanted to measure me up though :bitchfight::P

Can't tell you how much respect I've got for you and the way you're dealing with all the shit you've had to put up with. Absolute diamond seriously! :) All the best! :)

Thinking of ya babe! Hang in there and I'm definitely holding you to that bra throwing. There's many years left yet in you. :wub:

You two need to get out on the lash to celebrate when R4E is up to it! I wanna see lots of pics! :)

Ooooh! Don't you worry Dazey, this is one first class woman who knows how to ROCK, and I'll definitely be posting full pics here when she makes a full recovery and we party the night away. I'll get ThinkAboutYou and JD as referees to make sure we don't do anything illegal, or do EVERYTHING illegal, not sure which way that will go, but we will have shitloads of FUN!!!!! :thumbsup:

Hurry up Rocks! We've got too much fun to have for you to be fucking around in hospitals!!!! :P

Hahaha no pics of me on here thanks, I think I'm old enough to be your Mum most of you, so wouldn't subject you to that horror. As for you Redhead74 we definitely will have to get to the next concert especially if Think About You is going to throw a manzier, we'll hoist him on our shoulders right in front of Axl. :P

I know you saw me at my worst/best, drinking (when I didn't spill it over us), screaming & waving at Axl, hugging Bumble, oh and that poor man who was so panicked when I tried to go to the mens toilets & got so worried he took my arm & led me to the ladies :lol:

I think all night he was keeping an eye on me - the way he was behaving made me wonder what on earth was going on in there, it was only a toilet after all.

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