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The Knick on Cinemax


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This is a new show that started last Friday on Cinemax.

It stars Clive Barker as a surgeon in the 1900's New York City.

The Knick is named after the Knickerbocker hospital in NYC.

I like Clive Barker, I think he's a very good actor, so I checked this show out.

The show is filmed so well, you get the feel of NYC in the turn of the century. How electric lights were just starting to be put into the hospital. How surgeries were done.

The crazy ambulance drivers who fight to get a body.

I liked the show. It's already been approved for a second season.

I'm just glad I didn't live in the early 1900's. I don't know how people survived being in a hospital.

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Banshee is also another awesome show on Cinemax.

Basically that's why I subscribe to all the premium channels, they all seem to have great shows now even more than the movies.

The Knick is made so well. I feel like I'm watching a news film of this time in history.

Clive Owens is a great actor. Sorry I said the wrong name before. Clive Barker is the horror writer.

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I know the show just seems to capture the 1900's so well.

Clive Owen is so good. Showing two sides to the man who is a brilliant surgeon and doctor yet addicted to cocaine.

It's just so interesting.

The actor who plays the black doctor is very good. Last night's episode showed he's not someone to screw with. I keep forgetting how that time was towards blacks and other immigrants. It's crazy to think how long it took for whites to accept other races. it's crazy. We all come from other places yet it seemed whatever immigrant came after, someone had a problem with them.

It seems some things haven't changed. Sad.

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I know the show just seems to capture the 1900's so well.

Clive Owen is so good. Showing two sides to the man who is a brilliant surgeon and doctor yet addicted to cocaine.

It's just so interesting.

The actor who plays the black doctor is very good. Last night's episode showed he's not someone to screw with. I keep forgetting how that time was towards blacks and other immigrants. It's crazy to think how long it took for whites to accept other races. it's crazy. We all come from other places yet it seemed whatever immigrant came after, someone had a problem with them.

It seems some things haven't changed. Sad.

Does your third cousin on your mother's side like the show?

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