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Donington in '88...

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The end started when the money started to roll in. Add the fame to the mix and suddenly things shifted. Five starving streetwise kids suddenly being catered to and having any and everything they wanted changes up things. There is a saying that says

Dreams that do come true can be as Disconcerting as those that do not.

I think the turmoil and the chaos that was AFD era had a ton of influence on how they coped with their rise to fame. Drugs and alcohol were like air and water to that era. But suddenly not HAVING to do anything vs- HAVing to just to survive changes perceptions in a way.

Very few bands went from their debut album tour to major headline tour. Axl alluded to that when he said suddenly he had something like 80 people that he was responsible for livlihoods...and his Chicago rant furthers that idea... "its not about how much vodka I can drink....

Im sure that Donnington had its pains.. but Axl did try to get the crowd to settle down. He tried to get them to step back. I dont think GNR could or should be held responsible for those deaths. I think it was the fervor of the crowd.

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I think it's tasteless when they're promoted as the "world's most dangerous rock band" based on what happened at Donington.

A summer concert with that many sweaty bodies in one place, you know it's all too easy to pass out if everyone is pressed up against each other for hours in the hot sun.

There's no one moment you can pinpoint the end of the band, but I think the Stones shows and Axl chastising his bandmates in front of the audience was a big one, one of many "ultimatums" he'd be giving.

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I read somewhere and sure I've seen a video that some of the crowd were launching bottles of piss at this raggedy ginger banshee wailing around infront of them but Axl just kept getting more frenetic, he sure stopped doing that as the wagon got rolling.


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