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Major League Baseball Thread - 2018 Season


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arod hits homerun 661 passing willie mays.

Ballgame over....thuhhhhhhhh Yankees Win!!!!! If you're a Yankee fan you gotta love John Sterling announcing a Yankee win......

He's the worst.

"He sent a Tex message! Huh-huh. You're on the mark, Teixera!" :facepalm:

If you are not a Yankee fan I can absolutely understand why you would hate the guy as he is as goofy as they come but all the Yankee fans I know love the guy. It is a homer thing I guess. :shrugs:

For me there are no sweeter words then John S delivering his classic line after a Yankee win

Inning over, Ballgame over, Yankees win!, Thuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Yankees Winnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That being said they said the same thing about Phil Rizzuto when he was the Yankee announcer and the man is legendary to most Yankee fan.......

I'm a Mets fan, so by no means am I impartial. :lol:

I vaguely remember Rizzuto's "Holy Cow!" as a little kid. I liked it. Of course, the Yankees were terrible back then, so Yankee success wasn't such a constant punch in the gut.

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arod hits homerun 661 passing willie mays.

Ballgame over....thuhhhhhhhh Yankees Win!!!!! If you're a Yankee fan you gotta love John Sterling announcing a Yankee win......

He's the worst.

"He sent a Tex message! Huh-huh. You're on the mark, Teixera!" :facepalm:

If you are not a Yankee fan I can absolutely understand why you would hate the guy as he is as goofy as they come but all the Yankee fans I know love the guy. It is a homer thing I guess. :shrugs:

For me there are no sweeter words then John S delivering his classic line after a Yankee win

Inning over, Ballgame over, Yankees win!, Thuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Yankees Winnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


That being said they said the same thing about Phil Rizzuto when he was the Yankee announcer and the man is legendary to most Yankee fan.......

I'm a Mets fan, so by no means am I impartial. :lol:

I vaguely remember Rizzuto's "Holy Cow!" as a little kid. I liked it. Of course, the Yankees were terrible back then, so Yankee success wasn't such a constant punch in the gut.

A Mets fan huh? then you have to be loving what they are doing this season..........

Rizutto was just as goofy and used to talk about non baseball stuff constantly during the game which drove non Yankee fans crazy.

JMO but I think it is great to have a local announcer who has some color. Nothing more boring to me then a stiff announcer who only calls the plays. Baseball is pretty slow moving so I appreciate a little levity and homer support from the Yankee announcers.

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Are people starting to...:gulp:....like A Rod?

Naw. "Integrity to the game" is a big deal to a lot of posters on this forum. Arod cheated for what, a decade? Influencing the outcome of more than a thousand actual games. He flat out denied cheating, then got caught, said he was clean, then got caught cheating again! He threatened to bring a lawsuit (or maybe he actually did) against the player's union.

But the guy hits a few home runs and the Yankees are winning.............so all is forgotten? Weird.

Though I suppose "integrity of the game" really depends on rather or not the player is on your favorite team or a rival team!

hamels would be mediocre in the AL east IMO. a mid 4 era in his career vs the american league IIRC.

That's kind of the norm though for most NL pitchers that move to the AL, especially to the AL East. American League has a DH, who is usually one of their best hitters, so naturally ERA's are going to be higher in the AL than NL.

hamels would be mediocre in the AL east IMO. a mid 4 era in his career vs the american league IIRC.

Perhaps but he is quality pitcher, signed for 3 more years and could be their ace. It might take better prospects to pry him from the Phils as he has a 3 more years on his contract though

Cueto may be a stud but he is a FA after this year and might want Scherzer money if he has a good year so might be 1 year rental with no compensation if he signs elsewhere under the new rules. That being said he should take lesser quality prospects to get him if the Reds decide to move him.

Either way IMHO I think the Sox need to make a big move for some pitching if they have any hope of winning it all this year. Even if they make it to the playoffs I can't see them going far without a stud starter or two and a few relievers. Could be tough to remake their staff in season.

it is not looking good for the Sox. Hopefully Hanley's injury is minimal. Thing is, would an "ace" even solve the problems at this point? Kelly, bucholz and Miley have been pretty bad, so it'd take more than one guy. I say bring Rodriguez up already

As a Dodger fan, I saw what Hanley can do for a team. It's going to be a love/hate relationship for you guys. Or a love/disappointment situation. He will carry your team for two weeks.....then get hurt. He was rather durable early in his career, but I don't think he's played a full season for 4-5 years in a row now. He is a lot of fun to watch, but then the inevitable injury happens.

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A Mets fan huh? then you have to be loving what they are doing this season..........

For the most part, although the lineup is still a big question mark for a number of reasons, and I can't for the life of me figure out how having a well below par fielding middle infield jives with a team built on starting pitching. Someone needs to knee cap Wilmer Flores to force Alderson's hand.

I'm worried about D Wright. He can't seem to get healthy. I'm beginning to wonder if he'll ever be anything even close to what he once was. :(

Duda is a stud. Love him.

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Cardinals 20-6. 8 game winning streak. Nice 6 1/2 lead over the Cubbies.

The magic number is 100 and something. So far so good.

Amazing how a team can lose their ace and still kick ass.

I don't think their organization gets enough credit.

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Cardinals 20-6. 8 game winning streak. Nice 6 1/2 lead over the Cubbies.

The magic number is 100 and something. So far so good.

Amazing how a team can lose their ace and still kick ass.

I don't think their organization gets enough credit.

Well I hate them...does that count as credit? :lol:

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i will never fully forgive arod for what he did, i was willing to forgive him the first time but after his last suspension there is no real benefit of the doubt he will always be presumed dirty. at the same time i dont personally hate the guy and im glad he is giving us something when most of us yankee fans were expecting nothing from him.

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Naw. "Integrity to the game" is a big deal to a lot of posters on this forum. Arod cheated for what, a decade? Influencing the outcome of more than a thousand actual games. He flat out denied cheating, then got caught, said he was clean, then got caught cheating again! He threatened to bring a lawsuit (or maybe he actually did) against the player's union.

But the guy hits a few home runs and the Yankees are winning.............so all is forgotten? Weird.

Though I suppose "integrity of the game" really depends on rather or not the player is on your favorite team or a rival team!

I don't remember anyone defending ARod here? and who said all is forgotten with ARod? I never liked ARod and never wanted him on the Yankees even when he was having MVP seasons. I sure as hell was not happy when Hank Steinbrenner bid against himself and gave him his current obscene contract after he opted out of his previous contract.

but I will give credit where credit is due and he has been one of the surprises of the early season for the Yankees with the way he is hitting. I never expected the guy to contribute much and he is helping the team win. The Yankees are stuck with ARod as they can't trade him and cannot send him to the minors so of course I hope he contributes. So what should Yankee fans do root for him to fail? Don't know if I am following your logic here mate.

So where are you getting your comment that fans have forgiven ARod? just curious

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I think the Yankees aren't doing much better in the ARod situation. They won't pay the "marketing bonus" the owed him because he's they claim he's Unmarketable due to his past with PEDs. Yet he got a curtain call this week and as this piece points out, they're retiring Andy Pettites number. Hypocritical


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I think the Yankees aren't doing much better in the ARod situation. They won't pay the "marketing bonus" the owed him because he's they claim he's Unmarketable due to his past with PEDs. Yet he got a curtain call this week and as this piece points out, they're retiring Andy Pettites number. Hypocritical


i tend to agree.

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I think the Yankees aren't doing much better in the ARod situation. They won't pay the "marketing bonus" the owed him because he's they claim he's Unmarketable due to his past with PEDs. Yet he got a curtain call this week and as this piece points out, they're retiring Andy Pettites number. Hypocritical


i tend to agree.

Gonna be a tough sell when they inevitably get to an arbitrator.

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Tampa Bay pitcher Smyly has a torn left labrum could be done for the season.

I don't think the Yankees win this one with ARod. On one hand they may have a point as his records are tarnished but I think they are just holding a grudge and busting his balls for being such a dick when he was sueing them and MLB.

Pineda pitching a gem so far with 9K's though 4 innings. Beltran hit his first and he BA is slowly creeping up so maybe he is not done after all. Some of the Vets are starting to hit which is a good sign but Drew and Gregoriuos are killing them at the bottom of the order. Just about automatic outs.

Edit: And as I type this Drew and Gregoriuos both single and the Yanks go up 4-1 in the 4th........... :lol:

Edit: Pineda has 12K's through 5 innings! all but three of his outs are by K's. 79 pitches through 5 so hopefully he can go a strong 7 and hand it over to the pen to finish it off.

Edited by classicrawker
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Hell of an outing for Pineda. Absolutely killer. Kid has great stuff, looking forward to seeing him grow into a superstar.

ARod has to win that case. His contract says he gets the bonuses if he hits homers, not that the Yankees can give him the bonus if he does it. Simple matter of contract interpretation, except for how high profile the case will be.

Big ups to Anthony Rizzo for punking the shit out of Kris Bryant on his first homer last night (Maddon was asked if it was his idea, he said it was Rizzo's):

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Cubs have the Mets tonight, with the bleachers finally open in left and center (right field still under construction). deGromm hits the leadoff man, Bryant christens the left field bleachers with a scorcher to the top of the stands, Rizzo cranks the next pitch into the empty right field bleachers. Nice way to start the homestand!

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Cubs have the Mets tonight, with the bleachers finally open in left and center (right field still under construction). deGromm hits the leadoff man, Bryant christens the left field bleachers with a scorcher to the top of the stands, Rizzo cranks the next pitch into the empty right field bleachers. Nice way to start the homestand!

when bryant hits a ball hard it looks so effortless like he just flicks his bat at the ball and it just launches. its really cool to see cub fans excited for the future i really hope you guys punch it in.

looks like sabathia will get his first win of the season, arod goes yard again.

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Cubs have the Mets tonight, with the bleachers finally open in left and center (right field still under construction). deGromm hits the leadoff man, Bryant christens the left field bleachers with a scorcher to the top of the stands, Rizzo cranks the next pitch into the empty right field bleachers. Nice way to start the homestand!

when bryant hits a ball hard it looks so effortless like he just flicks his bat at the ball and it just launches. its really cool to see cub fans excited for the future i really hope you guys punch it in.

looks like sabathia will get his first win of the season, arod goes yard again.

He has a natural swing like no one else I have ever seen. Just a phenomenal motion to watch, and when he hits the ball square it is simply beautiful.

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Been a while since we had a closer in Chicago who I felt comfortable handing the ball to with a one-run lead in the 9th. Rondon shuts the door, and the Cubs win! We're back above .500, back ahead of Pittsburgh, and back in solo 2nd place. Just gotta get the ship heading back in the right direction now.

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After the first month of the season the Yankees have the best record in MLB the AL, are second in the AL in Home Runs, and have one of the best pitching ERA's.

Based on the experts predictions that the Sox were the class of the AL and the Yankees were predicted by some to finish last in the division it just goes to show you so much for experts.

good sign for the Yankees Arod and Beltran homered off of 94mph fastballs so they can still get around on them. Beltran finally coming alive. If the health holds up I am liking what I am seeing so far.

Edited by classicrawker
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After the first month of the season the Yankees have the best record in MLB, are second in the AL in Home Runs, and have one of the best pitching ERA's.

Based on the experts predictions that the Sox were the class of the AL and the Yankees were predicted by some to finish last in the division it just goes to show you so much for experts.

good sign for the Yankees Arod and Beltran homered off of 94mph fastballs so they can still get around on them. Beltran finally coming alive. If the health holds up I am liking what I am seeing so far.

brian mccann seems to be hitting the ball much better as well.

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