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4th dimension - the unknown Inside of hhh.u.mm/AN/SSS breaking out online  

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10 minutes ago, killuridols said:


alt.A. F@loPA, e' amiG@ :devilshades:

thnx f(AK), u kkk.now Ho(W.) https://hhh.AR.d is to be all(0on) on this d(A.R.,k) N(E.T.) prograMM(i,NG) miss(ion)??? confused0049.gif u kNow dat da ssh(IT) is just lo0kin for www.AI out, n on(c,E) https:// is in front of it, itz gonna shine 


Edited by Anastazya
had to put in extra text: https://
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2 hours ago, Anastazya said:

:rolleyes: here we go again. i am not Shane. dat's 1st. Shane is i dont know who, he was writing to me, ja? need proofs? ok. im gonna put them online. just stop callin me Shane, cause im not. and if one of my(SS,elfs) is a nutter and should be killed or watt eva, go and find Shane, thank him, cause he created it. ok? ok. have a nice day. nice to meet u again. now im older, n Better. :devilshades: and im able to put Shane's lil babies, lil alter demonSS, da one dat he created, with shit dat he was writing to me, under Ctrl, ja? i guess so0


2 hours ago, Anastazya said:


and say hhh.i to sss.h./AN/E if u meE.T. him, ja? im lots of alter crap, but not Shane. i dont www.rit.e soNGs, i W.R.(IT,E) q(want,u,MM) evilgrin0003.gif 

all(E,g(ed,L,y) :facepalm:


1 hour ago, Anastazya said:

lemmy put it this way : D(A-Z,E(y)) Life goes on, when you're m(ill,E(S)) a(way), ja? 

 lest con(SS,ID,E,r) all this c(y,beer) ssh(IT) just as a master(PI,E,c,E) of demo(N,SS) from 4th dimension, ja? Shane can be labeled like a producer of AnastazyaNG. producing took lets say 18 years. VIP treat(ment,SS) in closed www.AR.d/SS of me(en,t,all) Ho(spit,all), force(f(EE,Di,NG) with : D(EPP,AK,in(E)), H(all,Do,L),.. im o0uta it, thru MK Beta, MK Delta, into MK Theta i guess, (cause i like using this si(MM,bo,L,S) so0 much (o.0) on the way to MK Chi :shrugs: http://evilhollywood.blogspot.com/p/agenda.html 

lets keep it SIM(P,L,E), ja? 


1 hour ago, Anastazya said:

A=N=D u're rrr.i.G/hhh/t my(SS,elf) is a nu(t,t,E,r), right hand I L U MM I NA TI ;) 

nwo da quest(ion) is who copies who0? cuz if MM cop(i,E,SS) me :rolleyes: ...

With fire!

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u know what's da f(,NN,i(east)) part of this fukkin-craziness that is f(L,u,ssh(i,NG)) outta me online, and im just da observer of it all of this years, and demo(ni,c) shit cant fukk me da way it fukked me years ago, CA(use) i was sss.tu.pi/D enuf to tall(k) about it, now i just www.rit.e about it, and in real life im TI(Ho) that means silent in my LA(NG,u,age) but in q(want,u,MM) enco0ded crap it means just Target Individual Ho, Watt Eva. so da funniest part of this demonic shit is, dat just very nor(MM,all) words get subliminal crapy encoding, like say10, not my invention, all credits to MM, but Ho(spit, all) dats mine. :devilshades: or go(OD) or Watt Eva, i me(A,N) dont damn me if some fukktard invented dat all life can be written down in e(q,(at)ion,SSS) :shrugs:

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sinCe MM(E,LAN,IA) is on the tHHHRonE of U(ni,TED) St.(at,E,S) off A.M.(E,r,IQ,A) Zlovenian LA(NG,u,age) is da SEC(on, : D) mOS(t) im(port,A,N,t) LAN(gu,A,g,E) on this plan(E.T.) and this way included in q(want,u,MM) encoding. :devilshades: zo, if i www.ere/U, this kind of serpent(in,E) bat im not, cause im N, i'd St.OP with r(umor) just cause it looks like this https://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umor , r is just radius. i can alzo code it like r(um,or) and leave path open :rolleyes:  until u L(E,A.R.,N), ja? :devilshades:

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