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NIN's With Teeth Goes Gold


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I've heard Terrible Lie, Closer, Head Like A Hole, and Hand That Feeds and liked them all. What album would be a good starter for a beginning NIN fan?


"Pretty Hate Machine" and "Downward Spiral" are the two I'd recommend first. They're awesome and totally broke new ground in the music world.

But all of NIN's albums are great. :D

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U should be ashamed if u dont own this album! I brought it last Wednesday!  :lol:


I don't own it, and I'm happy. The only new NIN track I heard was "With Teeth" (I think...don't remember) and according to madison, it was the worst track on the cd...
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U should be ashamed if u dont own this album! I brought it last Wednesday!  :lol:


I don't own it, and I'm happy. The only new NIN track I heard was "With Teeth" (I think...don't remember) and according to madison, it was the worst track on the cd...


"With Teeth" is the name of the album, which totally rocks. :shades:

It's also the name of a single on the album - and, in my opinion, it's not as strong as the other tracks. But it's still good.

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When i first heard with teeth(the song) it scared me shitless cause the part when he sing "I cannot go through this again" i raised it really loud then it went right to the chorus which was really freaking loud. but, i loved the album, alot of emotion in trents voice.

and for the kid that wants to start out, get downward spiral, then pretty hate machine. If you like those then get the fragile(I loved that album too rock3 ).

Edited by batman1987
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I would go for The Fragile cos it really the peak of his talents. You've still got rocking songs but the whole album is a work of art. Pretty and Downward can be a bit heavy handed. The Fragile is his best if not his most successful album.

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I'm actually surprised it's not sold more.

I'd actually rate With Teeth as a good introductory album to NIN, it's, IMO, more accessible than the others, especially Downward Spiral, which if you don't know what to expect, you might dismiss as being down right weird.

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My brother got the downward spiral a couple of years ago. I thought some of the songs were abit weird but it had some good ones on it. He then went on to buy the fragile and i just thought that was damn weird. But then i began to listen to it more and began to really like both albums so got pretty hate machine and with teeth.

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Only gold :blink: I though it would have been MEGA MEGA Platinum (over-exaggerating). But I seriously, thought it had sold more. Great album none the less.


Yes thats what I thought but then again this is only the US marketing I believe. Though its probably not much more in the other countries. He still rocks B)


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My brother got the downward spiral a couple of years ago. I thought some of the songs were abit weird but it had some good ones on it. He then went on to buy the fragile and i just thought that was damn weird. But then i began to listen to it more and began to really like both albums so got pretty hate machine and with teeth.



Usually when I'm introducing NIN's music to friends, I play songs off PHM and kind of "ease" them into the more bizarre tracks. :lol: Then, over time, as they get used to NIN's music, they start seeking out the bizarre and innovative tracks. Funny how it works that way. B)

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:heart: I got the album the day it was released and everytime I hear it I love it more and more. The emotion Trent puts into his work is pretty much unmatched....the listener can get the same wave of emotions. (talking about all NIN's work)

Unfortunatly there is a lack of Canadian dates :angry: He needs to haul his ass to Edmonton.

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:heart:  I got the album the day it was released and everytime I hear it I love it more and more. The emotion Trent puts into his work is pretty much unmatched....the listener can get the same wave of emotions. (talking about all NIN's work) ...

I totally agree. He sings with such gut-wrenching passion, emotion and angst in all of his albums that it draws the listener right into his world. He's even more passionate in his live shows. Truly an amazing performer.

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The new album is alright, I like it much more than "The Fragile." Songs like "All the Love in the World" and "Right Where It Belongs" are just incredible.

As for starting someone out on NIN, I'd go with PHM first, then jump right into The Downward Spiral.

I started with TDS, but found it way too dense and heavy for a first-time NIN listener - Luckily, after hearing and loving Pretty Hate Machine, I went back to TDS and it was smooth sailing. :krider:

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:heart:  I got the album the day it was released and everytime I hear it I love it more and more. The emotion Trent puts into his work is pretty much unmatched....the listener can get the same wave of emotions. (talking about all NIN's work) ...

I totally agree. He sings with such gut-wrenching passion, emotion and angst in all of his albums that it draws the listener right into his world.


That's part of the problem.

When a 50-year-old is singing "I get so lonely I could..." with so much sincerity, it's kind of pathetic.

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