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TWAT sounded only "ok" to me the first time I heard it. After repeated listens, I honestly have to say that right now it's my favourite track. The melody in the verses is brilliant and I'm in love with the lyrics. The subject matter and tone of the song is...well, great. It's catchy, emotional, and has many the of the epic elements present in parts of UYI.

Better is also a very catchy song, much more hard rocking then the other tracks. The hook is great and I love the verses. Even though we don't have a complete version of it, Better has to be my 2nd favourite song.

IRS is just ok for me. The hook, "Gonna call the president" etc is a bit too repetative and on the whole the song sounds a bit bland. I realize this is just a demo so I'm hoping that this won't be the case for the album version.

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TWAT sounded only "ok" to me the first time I heard it. After repeated listens, I honestly have to say that right now it's my favourite track. The melody in the verses is brilliant and I'm in love with the lyrics. The subject matter and tone of the song is...well, great. It's catchy, emotional, and has many the of the epic elements present in parts of UYI.

Better is also a very catchy song, much more hard rocking then the other tracks. The hook is great and I love the verses. Even though we don't have a complete version of it, Better has to be my 2nd favourite song.

IRS is just ok for me. The hook, "Gonna call the president" etc is a bit too repetative and on the whole the song sounds a bit bland. I realize this is just a demo so I'm hoping that this won't be the case for the album version.

Haven't listened to the other two, but I agree with you on IRS. It's nothing special IMO, and certain parts sound forced. I really hope it's not the first single. I can think of two VR songs (You Got No Right and Loving The Alien) which are better than IRS. I know, that's blasphemy. :rolleyes:

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Who will have the balls to admit, that if Axl farted and recorded it, you would love it and say it was the best thing you've ever heard??? Go ahead and admit it. Because there are about 95% of you that should admit it.

LMAOOOOOOO I thought the same thing last night,about if he recorded himself taking a piss.Just about every single person here,would give it worldly praises. :rofl-lol:

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I think TWAT is a pretty cool song. ANd it def grows on me the more I listen to it.

But if this is the "masterpiece" or "golden child" of the album - then I'd be pretty dissapointed.

BETTER is a million times better. Better has instant classic written all over it in my opinion. I'm talking in five years it's gonna be talked about in the same breath as Jungle, Sweet Child and Nov Rain.

Twat is gonna be listed in the same group as songs like Estranged. Great song - some people's favorite song - but it's not something that blows people away. You hear Welcome To The Jungle at every sporting event in the world. Your not gonna hear TWAT in movies or on greatest songs of the 00's compilations.

Now, with that said . . . . before you people get pissed off . . . . I like the song. I guess after all the stuff I've read about how incredible is was gonna be, listening to the actual song was a let down.

I really really like hte sound and vibe of it. Better/IRS/TWAT sound like nothing else out there today - and THAT IS WHY AXL ROSE IS GOD in as far as singers go. It's AWESOME that this ablum is going to have a unique sound.

But in terms of potential of a song . . . Better just blows TWAT away. IRS blows TWAT away. The Blues blows TWAT away. TWAT is a bit better than Chinese Democracy and Rhiad though.

Just my opinion.

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TWAT really doesn't do it for me

yes it has been growing on me but i'm not completly convinced.

I personally love IRS and it is probably my favourite, due only to the fact that we haven't heard the whole better.

I also don't know about the intro to better, I like it but it is pretty strange and by no means a WTTJ or SCOM!

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Bloody - I sort of liked the faster version of IRS better than this slower version.

And I do like TWAT - I just don't think it's the masterpiece of the decade.

I think Better, The Blues and Madagascar are all KILLER songs.

BUT what I do LOVE about TWAT and IRS and BETTER is the feel and vibe of them. I think they sound like NOTHIGN else out there.

I think by the sound of these three new songs, Chinese Democracy is going to be HUGE. And critics are actually going to love it. GnR fans are going to love it. And I think the general rock music fan is going to embrace it.

I am VERY happy, don't get me wrong. Just a little dissapointed cuz I thought TWAT was gonna be a knock-out song.

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you haven't even listened to the full better so how can you possibly make that judgment?

From the 2:06 I've heard I've gotten a pretty good feel for the song. Even though it isn't the entire thing, I doubt anything drastic is going to change within the rest of the song. There's nothing special at all about it, you can turn on the radio and hear any song like that. The only thing that separates it from other songs is Axl's voice.

I just have to add in something as I'm listening to TWAT right now, that whole *BOOM BOOM CLAP* thing in the song drives me f'ing INSANE. Seriously, that was a fad in rap songs in like the mid 90's to make it sound better when you're bumping a rap song in your car, why is Axl using this in the 2000's in a ROCK song?! That is driving me up the wall.

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you haven't even listened to the full better so how can you possibly make that judgment?

From the 2:06 I've heard I've gotten a pretty good feel for the song. Even though it isn't the entire thing, I doubt anything drastic is going to change within the rest of the song. There's nothing special at all about it, you can turn on the radio and hear any song like that. The only thing that separates it from other songs is Axl's voice.

Dude - give me some examples please? What else out there sounds like BETTER??? And don't just tell me "everything" or name a band. Give me some specific examples. Cuz I can't think of anything out there that sounds like it. Thanks.

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you haven't even listened to the full better so how can you possibly make that judgment?

From the 2:06 I've heard I've gotten a pretty good feel for the song. Even though it isn't the entire thing, I doubt anything drastic is going to change within the rest of the song. There's nothing special at all about it, you can turn on the radio and hear any song like that. The only thing that separates it from other songs is Axl's voice.

Dude - give me some examples please? What else out there sounds like BETTER??? And don't just tell me "everything" or name a band. Give me some specific examples. Cuz I can't think of anything out there that sounds like it. Thanks.

I didn't mean there's a song out there that sounds exactly like better, as in if you heard the song you'd go, "Hey that sounds like Better!"

I mean, there's nothing about the song that stands out. The guitar playing is subpar at BEST. It's a simple guitar riff that can be heard on any radio station in america. The intro is something that sounds like a Nine Inch Nails b-side. Linkin Park's instrumentals are more creative than the ones in this song, there's just nothing about this song that stands out about this song except Axl's voice.

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OK - I've only heard half of the song. And remember people, this is MY PERSONAL OPINION only. You don't have to agree with it.

Better is already one of my 5 favorite Guns songs ever.

At first I thought the beginning was sort of gay. But THATS part of what makes the song so fucking cool. Could you imagine any other rock band starting off a song with that sound???? No. And the high-pitched singing in the beginning, that's very cool.

I love the lyrics. Maybe they aren't shakespear - but they are cool. Very cool.

I love the different sounds of the song that are mixed together. You've got the heavy gnr sound, you've got the killer guitars going, axl's amazing voice and then that gay beginning stuff (sorry, not a music expert - dont know what to call the music at the beginning. don't even know what kind of an instrument makes the noise).

I think that's what makes this song so special ---- on one hand, it's this simple little rock song. On the other hand, it's got so many different levels of whats going on musically.

Feel the scars that got their start inside someone like you now --- lines like that are just classic.

I also love how he rhymes the "tion" at the end of the first four lines of the second verse.

IN MY OPINION this song is the coolest song I've heard in ten years.


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HUH? That song isn't better than any song from AFD or UYI except "Get In The Ring" and "My World".

But, as you said, it's your opinion.

But THATS part of what makes the song so fucking cool. Could you imagine any other rock band starting off a song with that sound

I can think of TONS of bands starting a song like that. (i.e. any industrial rock band in the universe)

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you haven't even listened to the full better so how can you possibly make that judgment?

From the 2:06 I've heard I've gotten a pretty good feel for the song. Even though it isn't the entire thing, I doubt anything drastic is going to change within the rest of the song. There's nothing special at all about it, you can turn on the radio and hear any song like that. The only thing that separates it from other songs is Axl's voice.

Dude - give me some examples please? What else out there sounds like BETTER??? And don't just tell me "everything" or name a band. Give me some specific examples. Cuz I can't think of anything out there that sounds like it. Thanks.

I didn't mean there's a song out there that sounds exactly like better, as in if you heard the song you'd go, "Hey that sounds like Better!"

I mean, there's nothing about the song that stands out. The guitar playing is subpar at BEST. It's a simple guitar riff that can be heard on any radio station in america. The intro is something that sounds like a Nine Inch Nails b-side. Linkin Park's instrumentals are more creative than the ones in this song, there's just nothing about this song that stands out about this song except Axl's voice.

OK. I guess we just disagree. I love the song. Guess thats what makes Axl - Axl. Two gnr fans can have a completely different opinion on the same song.

I don't really listen to a lot of Linkin Park - so maybe you are right in saying this sounds like them or 9 inch nails.

But whatever or whoever it sounds like - I perosnally love it.

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HUH? That song isn't better than any song from AFD or UYI except "Get In The Ring" and "My World".

But, as you said, it's your opinion.

But THATS part of what makes the song so fucking cool. Could you imagine any other rock band starting off a song with that sound

I can think of TONS of bands starting a song like that. (i.e. any industrial rock band in the universe)

Dude- you keep saying stuff like that, but you never give specific examples!!!!

But hey, NOTHING is original really, is it? Hasn't everything and every sound pretty much done before in some version or form?

The difference between bands that make it and last for 20-30 years is that they take different forms of styles and music and meld it with their own styles. Lots of bands TRY to do that - and most of them fail. Bands like Motley Crue and Def Leppard RULED THE ROCK WORLD for a decade. Then as they tried to update their sound - it DIDN"T WORK and they fizzled out.

ACDC is one band that can just release album after album that basically sound the same. Angus even said that once in an interview. Most bands can't do that. You can't just release Appetite knock offs every couple years.

Axl is taking other styles of music and blending them into his own portion of GnR and he's making some fucking INCREDIBLE songs.

We BOTH love The Blues. It was my FAVORITE song of 2003. But The Blues is a classic little Guns n Roses ballad.

Better. IRS. Twat. Those aren't songs that you listen to and say "ya, that's classic sounding GnR." These three songs are Axl pushing the envelope and evolving the Guns N Roses sound. And personally - I think he just hit a grandslam home run.

And a decade from now, BETTER is still gonna be around - just like Jungle and Sweet Child and Nov Rain are.

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Fine - Nine Inch Nails, Linkin Park, Marilyn Manson, Audiolux. There's your specific examples, and those are just right off the top of my head without even really thinking about it. Those are all bands who use the kind of samples and effects that you hear in the "Better" intro, and the guitar playing is nothing better than ANY band playing in the radio.

"Better" doesn't even belong in the same sentence, paragraph, or post as SCOM, November Rain and WTTJ.

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I totally agree with you, Apollo!!! I was telling a couple of my friends the exact same thing earlier today!!

You have some friends?

Anyway, its awesome to see a classic long ass Groghan post again, the kind that you only read about the first 3 sentences then pretty much figure out what hes going to say next so reply anyway :P

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