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Stressful playing in the U.S.????


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Here's your solution Axl. Release the album first then tour the stressful states. That way if the old fans don't like the record, they won't show up.

I don't know about that... I mean, who knows what the tour is going to be like? What if they do it like in '02 and only play 3 songs from Chinese-D and the rest of the setlist is older material? Old fans would like that. Also, what if the album isn't well-received, then they won't sell as many tickets and the tour will be cancelled prematurely like in '02.

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Here's your solution Axl. Release the album first then tour the stressful states. That way if the old fans don't like the record, they won't show up.

I don't know about that... I mean, who knows what the tour is going to be like? What if they do it like in '02 and only play 3 songs from Chinese-D and the rest of the setlist is older material? Old fans would like that. Also, what if the album isn't well-received, then they won't sell as many tickets and the tour will be cancelled prematurely like in '02.

If they release CD, it doesn't do well, and nobody shows up, at least Axl will have a reason to cancel a tour for once.

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Here's your solution Axl. Release the album first then tour the stressful states.

Isn't that the gameplan at this point?

Fall cd release...Fall tour in North America

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Here's your solution Axl. Release the album first then tour the stressful states. That way if the old fans don't like the record, they won't show up.

I don't know about that... I mean, who knows what the tour is going to be like? What if they do it like in '02 and only play 3 songs from Chinese-D and the rest of the setlist is older material? Old fans would like that. Also, what if the album isn't well-received, then they won't sell as many tickets and the tour will be cancelled prematurely like in '02.

Here's the deal. I really think that Axl thought he could sell the new band to the public by going from city to city to prove that "This band can play the fuck out of these songs."(old material). He thought that was enough to win them over. In a way, that's saying that he underestimated the fans love and loyalty to the original band. His ego got the best of him and was greeted with a reality check here in the states. I think Axl may have learned from that, that's why he's warming up at a small venue, then he's going to Europe.

Either that or he's going broke. :rolleyes:

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Here's your solution Axl. Release the album first then tour the stressful states. That way if the old fans don't like the record, they won't show up.

All this GNR activity is eating you up DA?! :o

btw- Axl can care less for Mullet-heads like you!

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Here's your solution Axl. Release the album first then tour the stressful states. That way if the old fans don't like the record, they won't show up.

All this GNR activity is eating you up DA?! :o

btw- Axl can care less for Mullet-heads like you!


Make some sense sometime.

Maybe when you grow older, you can make your own decisions and you don't have to ask mommy if you can go to a GnR show or buy CD's with Parental Advisory stickers on them. Until then, toggle over to your sesamestreet.com and finish playing count the bats.

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axl dictates his own stress level. if he wants a lot of scrutinizing and comparisons to the old band, he will repeat the 02 setlist and play mostly older material. if he wants to add excitment, while disappointing some of the older diehard fans, then he'll focus on his new stuff. remember, this tour is starting during the NBA playoffs...maybe he'll be distracted like he was when he was supposed to be in philly.

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Here's your solution Axl. Release the album first then tour the stressful states. That way if the old fans don't like the record, they won't show up.

All this GNR activity is eating you up DA?! :o

btw- Axl can care less for Mullet-heads like you!


Make some sense sometime.

Maybe when you grow older, you can make your own decisions and you don't have to ask mommy if you can go to a GnR show or buy CD's with Parental Advisory stickers on them. Until then, toggle over to your sesamestreet.com and finish playing count the bats.

how do you know there's a count the bats game on sesamestreet.com ?? :rofl-lol:

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Here's your solution Axl. Release the album first then tour the stressful states. That way if the old fans don't like the record, they won't show up.

All this GNR activity is eating you up DA?! :o

btw- Axl can care less for Mullet-heads like you!


Make some sense sometime.

Maybe when you grow older, you can make your own decisions and you don't have to ask mommy if you can go to a GnR show or buy CD's with Parental Advisory stickers on them. Until then, toggle over to your sesamestreet.com and finish playing count the bats.


it's almost as if your implying you like Guns n' Roses.....

my god, this can only mean a REUNION!!!!!!PWN!!!!!!!!!!1111

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I think the situation will be a little bit easier this time around in the states for Axl...ofcourse there will be hecklers but I think people have resigned to the fact that this is the way things are going to be....

I just hope for gods sakes he shows up to all his shows and builds up his credibility...

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Here's your solution Axl. Release the album first then tour the stressful states. That way if the old fans don't like the record, they won't show up.

All this GNR activity is eating you up DA?! :o

btw- Axl can care less for Mullet-heads like you!


Make some sense sometime.

Maybe when you grow older, you can make your own decisions and you don't have to ask mommy if you can go to a GnR show or buy CD's with Parental Advisory stickers on them. Until then, toggle over to your sesamestreet.com and finish playing count the bats.

how do you know there's a count the bats game on sesamestreet.com ?? :rofl-lol:

Because Funeral's parents and I have something in common. We both have a 5 year old.

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I don't know about that... I mean, who knows what the tour is going to be like? What if they do it like in '02 and only play 3 songs from Chinese-D and the rest of the setlist is older material? Old fans would like that. Also, what if the album isn't well-received, then they won't sell as many tickets and the tour will be cancelled prematurely like in '02.

well, they might as well play the songs from CD that we know... and by now, it's more than 3.

I think it's important to play the old songs, but it's just as important to show what the new members have brought to the table themselves with new material.

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Here's your solution Axl. Release the album first then tour the stressful states. That way if the old fans don't like the record, they won't show up.

I don't know about that... I mean, who knows what the tour is going to be like? What if they do it like in '02 and only play 3 songs from Chinese-D and the rest of the setlist is older material? Old fans would like that. Also, what if the album isn't well-received, then they won't sell as many tickets and the tour will be cancelled prematurely like in '02.

yea l think you are right,

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