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Robin Finck


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No, it just took him not fucking up classic GnR songs for him to get accepted. It had nothing to do with his look.

I think it did, people just didnt want to accept him as the lead guitarist, ive always thought he was great.

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some of you seriously have shit for brains.......

Robin is awsome, he has proven himself,

Slash is great, but either move on, or fuck off, u don't like Robin, go to Velvet Revolver.com, or whutever, it aint changing, so quit pissing the rest of us off

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I still don't like him and I still don't think he's a great guitarist. :(


I just don't get you. You're calling Axl unable to hit high notes due to a sore throat a helium voice. And after hearing the boots you insist that Finck hasn't at least improved?!

I can already tell how much he has improved, his playing even on The Blues and Better is miles ahead of his playing on 2002 shows.

I like Finck. I think he's good as a guitarist and great as a performer.

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i've always liked robin ever since i first saw him on 14/01/2001, FUCK the frauds who bashed him before but try to embrace him now. cowards.

Are you denying there has been a change in his appearance and in his playing? Flat out: back in 2002 his look did not fit into what classic GN'R was, and he butchered many of Slash's classic solos. Those have both changed, why shouldn't people's opinions change too? At least those fans are showing that they are objective and have an open mind.

GOAB - turncoats? Read above. Most fans just want what is best for this band. Slash was the epitome of hard rock bluesy guitarist. He was the sound of GN'R. When he leaves and you downgrade fans have every right to feel disillusioned. What's shocking to me more than anything is that some so-called Guns N' Roses fans seem to have no respect for a man who was so pivotal in the success of the old band. And your hero Axl would admit that much himself. Slash doesn't deserve the shit he gets from some fans. Neither does Axl. These two, along with the others (but especially Axl, Slash, and Izzy) all deserve our eternal respect. That doesn't mean we can't disagree with things they do, but we shouldn't treat them like they were nothing.

Finck has earned my respect...in fact I have been giving him plenty of it ever since I heard TWAT and Better. It even made me say, hey Slash is gone and that's okay. Then I went to Hammerstein yesterday and I realize, no matter how cool Finck can be, Slash's presence and melodic abilities can never be replaced by someone else. Finck may be great with melodies. Slash is the best. None of what the guitarists played yesterday in their solo spots compares with The Godfather Theme, The Hendrix melding into Civil War, and Wild Horses.

And I get tired of reading people paint his work outside of GN'R with such a broad brush. It all sucks they say. Gimme a fucking break. The quality obviously varies...how can it all be the exact same? It's funny how the people who say shit like this have nothing good to say about the man in general. Can you spell A-G-E-N-D-A. Loving the Alien is beautiful. You Got No Right and Slither...solos on par with his work in Guns. If you people are gonna say it all sucks then back it up. Let's hear your take on some songs. Don't just say it all sucks, that's too damn easy. Doubt you fellas have given the songs a fair enough listen to do this though.

People are just being true to what's in their hearts when they wish Slash was still in GNR. It's just the way they feel, you can't argue them around. They know Slash left.

wasted is right. The Slash love in will never end. That speaks to the magnitude of his contribution to Guns. So maybe if you've got nothing good to say about Slash, then don't say anything at all. And just let the fans who have the decency to respect him (i.e. are not turncoats - that word used in proper context this time!!), just let them appreciate what he's given us and let us be nostalgic for a time when GN'R ruled the world because the team of Axl, Slash, and Izzy were just too damn good for anyone to compare to.

Edited by KBear
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Great post, KBear.

And I agree with you about Finck's work in the new material. It's all quite good. He must be very frustrated that so little of it is being played. I'm surprised he's stuck around for so long - though, maybe he just didn't have any better offers...

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I'm pleased that he no longer looks like an S&M lesbian but his playing is pretty much the same.

I like him, he's a good guitar player, but not a great one and he never will be. Luckily for GnR, they now have Ron Thal B)

Edited by PurpleHaze
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finck is cool besides the whole GETTING A BLOWJOB FROM MARILYN MANSON ON STAGE thing... :book:

Who cares? A mouth's a mouth. ;)

yeah, but i heard that , its not like he came back for seconds. i think he refused to ever tour or be on stage with him again. someone clear this up a bit.

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finck is cool besides the whole GETTING A BLOWJOB FROM MARILYN MANSON ON STAGE thing... :book:

Who cares? A mouth's a mouth. ;)

yeah, but i heard that , its not like he came back for seconds. i think he refused to ever tour or be on stage with him again. someone clear this up a bit.


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I still don't get it why they needed a lead guitarist, I always thought Fink could do the job musically, and lets face it, you need to be an intersting character to be th elead guitar for Guns (ie Slash, buckethead) and Robin is just that. He played Slash parts adequately in 02. When I heard the solo in Better at 3:39 I was thinking, Slash could have played this, kinda sounds like him, but it was obviously Fink, never the less, what feel in a solo....my fav part of any of the new material.

If GNR had been dismantled over time (like what happened with Kiss) instead of all at once and at the time slash left, fink had been hired, we wouldn't have such an outrage against any new Members .........unfortunatly fink would not have gotten the gig as lead guitarist.

Anyways I am getting off topic. I like Slash much better than Fink, but on Sunday night, besides Axl himself, Fink absolutly stole the show in my opinion . I wish everyone on this forum could have seen him play the solo for Better.

Edited by Fit To Burn
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I heard several people at Mondays show sharing the following sentiments:

Robin has emerged as a star of this band now.

He is clearly the lead guitarist now.

He has stage presence that did not exist in 2002.

The fact that Robin is establishing his own identity will help this band move forward once and for all.

By the way - for all of the Slash loyalists - I'm not saying Robin is better or worse, I'm just happy he's finally found a place in this band.

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