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I don't really have a problem with 3-4 guitarist, fair enough two is perfectly adequate, but how does four actually spoil things...

I agree it was poor form waiting so long, a small portion of the crowd strarted getting a wee bit rowdy (from where I was it seemed those furthest back were getting the most agitated) I didn't see a mass exodus of people leaving, guess I was enjoying the concert too much to notice

When I was leaving, the arena seemed pretty full to me. I'm not saying your making things up, just possibly mildly exaggerating ;-)

Oh & folks were raving about how awesome a gig it was, including the 3 guys I travelled from fife to watch the show with. I did hear a few say it was piss poor, but its horses for courses & we are all entitled to our individual opinions :blink:

Edited by locherbread
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u r a fanny. it was simply awesome and you have made it sound shit.

i was at the front it was the best gig iv ever seen . i missed november rain as i needed to go to the bog to cool down , then got back right to the front again awsom show il never c that again that close rock1

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I was impressed with Towers Of London as well. Does anyone know the names of the songs they played (other than Fuck It Up, Air Guitar and Freebird)?

sorry, i dont know any of the songs apart from the ones you named but i agree when you say that they were impressive, i only found out that they were playin yesterday a few hours before the gig, fuckin awsome!

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Hey wan it's kev, yah big tart...it was an awesome concert wasn't it dude, fuckin brilliant :-)

mind blowing im all sore and got some bruses as well. well worth the long wait, aaaaawesome man fnig no words to discribe it rock3

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Hmmmm. OK. I'm a Newb on here and I just registered to say my piece but i've been to enough gigs to comment on what I saw.

The wait before they came on stage - Too long but that's just the way it goes sometimes

Heat in the hall - It's summer. What the hell do you expect?

The crushing - Once again, what do you expect? Unfortunately too many gigs at the SECC seem to be going that way but by the same token you're not paying to see Barry Manilow now are you?......

Pint glass battles - No change there. Happens at every gig i've been at. Damn sure i'll not be doing it with a £3 pint!

Sound quality/volume - The sound was nothing more than average really - Vocal levels were patchy, drums were overpowering, keybords seemed lost sometimes but the band could of, and should have, been a lot louder than they were.

Set list - Brilliant...........BUT.....

Solos - NO WAY that should have been dragged out for so long. What was wrong with giving them the same as other top class bands do and let the guys have a wee bit at the end of a song or two to do their own thing? - Something that doesn't cut into the flow of the gig.....

4 guitarists - Why?. Slash and Izzy used to handle it pretty well on their own. Although the guys were good they'll never be Slash. Which brings me to.....

Izzy - Not a convincing performance to be fair - I agree with the guy that said he looked a bit like a stuffed trophy. Didn't really seem to add anything to the gig I thought.

The jazzy/bluesy/jamming stuff they were doing - Sounded too much like some poncey wine bar music to me and not what one of the worlds best and hardest rocking bands should be doing. Axl did say "fuck off if you don't like it" but it just all seemed a bit to egotistical to me and to be really honest I think if they'd left that lot out they would have produced one of THE most energetic and memorable gigs i've seen for a long, long time. I'm a firm believer in gigs being one hell of a rollercoaster ride that leaves you absolutely knackered at the end of it with no let up in the energy or flow of a gig.

Length of gig -Damn sure we got our money's worth but we'd still have got our money's worth if they'd played an hour and a quarter.Once again it's all down to the flow of the gig. I know they need to get a break inbetween songs but that can be done in less obtrusive ways.

So. A bit of a mixed bag there and i'm sure that there'll be a lot of you guys who'll be quick to disagree with me so just let me point out that YES I loved it and i've waited a long, long time to see them but I think it could have been better.

Like I say, this is all just my opinion and we're all free to have differing ones. If you thought it was the best gig ever in the history of the world, that's cool! - It's always brilliant to have that feeling when you wake up the next day and say "Fuck me that was amazing"......Maybe I'm just missing that feeling today?...

Thanks for listening.

Edited by justanotherbloke
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justanotherbloke, welcome to the forum :) Nice gig review. I had an amazing time last night and I'm really pleased they played better. I do agree that sometimes the solos can become tedious but I was having such a fantastic time last night that it didn't bother me too much. I loved Robin and Richard's beautiful solo. I don't understand why people don't like it, it's great.

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Hmmmm. OK. I'm a Newb on here and I just registered to say my piece but i've been to enough gigs to comment on what I saw.

Fair enough - but I'm quite sure there'll be a lot of us on here that could say the same.

The wait before they came on stage - Too long but that's just the way it goes sometimes

Certainly is - but the majority of people going to a Gn'R gig know fine well that they won't be on at the stated time. Almost everyone knows they'll be on at least an hour later than planned. Big deal.

Heat in the hall - It's summer. What the hell do you expect?

Fair enough - it was hot inside and out. Not a lot could be done (bar air conditioning perhaps :P)

The crushing - Once again, what do you expect? Unfortunately too many gigs at the SECC seem to be going that way but by the same token you're not paying to see Barry Manilow now are you?......

I don't give give a fuck who I'm paying to see! I do care about the fact people were being crushed though! Last night was a fuckin' joke - and being smack bang at the front, i think I'm in a position to comment! The behaviour of the MINORITY of people was just unacceptable. The people that caused the surge amongst the crowd had no respect for the band OR their fellow concert goers. I and many others had visions of another Donnington. I've seen Gn'R a few times - and also the likes of Metallica - but never have I seen such a fucking death warrant as I did last night.

Pint glass battles - No change there. Happens at every gig i've been at. Damn sure i'll not be doing it with a £3 pint!

Nor would I - but some people have more money than sense...!

Izzy - Not a convincing performance to be fair - I agree with the guy that said he looked a bit like a stuffed trophy. Didn't really seem to add anything to the gig I thought.

I must have been at another gig then - 'cos the one I was at had peeps bouncing when Izzy came on!!! Then again, it's your opinion! An opinion to which you are entitled to (however wrong it might be! Lol!...erm...that was a joke btw...:P)

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It was AWESOME! The only prob I had was there was too many guitar instrumentals and Axl got a bit arsey when people had to leave to get home while what I'm assuming was his Hummer limo and another limo were parked outside lol wondering when the last time was he had to get a bus or train? I had to leave at 11.30pm :o( if it wasn't for medical reasons I would have gladly stayed and the instrumentals wouldn't have seemed so bad, not that they were bad, just too many.

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I had the misfortune of having a complete fuckwit beside me. He was so pissed (and a lot more besides, I don't doubt) that he was gonna cause an accident - and that was BEFORE Gn'R even came on!!! He was actually told to tone it down on several occasions but ignored the polite requests from security. He ended up shouting his mouth off for the band to come on, then when they did - he fucked off!!!! TWAT!!!

Anyway, it's just my personal opinion - some will agree, others won't! 'Tis the joys of a public forum! :P

was that the guy that had a yellowish short sleaved shirt, long dark hair, and a nose ring? and kept shouting moan axl give us something to watch and for fuck sake axl we`ve been waiting a long fucking time, was waving his arms in the air when nothing was happening and standing in the 2nd row at the left side of the stage? i was about 5 foot to his right

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i agree with most of what yous have said and a true point axl is always late and people who listen to gnr should of knew that.

i thought the gig was exclleant i thought axl sang really well where i was seated there was a lot of people going home but some had young kids with them which is late for them.

also it was very hot in there as well but the secc is always hot.

i am glad i didnt do the standing i would have hated to be pushed around and jumped on.

i have waited 15 years to see axl and i really enjoyed it. i wish they had played more songs of illiouson like dont cry and maybe a few more.

but far to many guitar solos they really bore me to tears even when i watch a dvd of them i have to fast forward that bit.

they way i look at it it was well worth the 15 years i waited and i propperly wont ever see them again.

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i agree with most of what yous have said and a true point axl is always late and people who listen to gnr should of knew that.

i thought the gig was exclleant i thought axl sang really well where i was seated there was a lot of people going home but some had young kids with them which is late for them.

also it was very hot in there as well but the secc is always hot.

i am glad i didnt do the standing i would have hated to be pushed around and jumped on.

i have waited 15 years to see axl and i really enjoyed it. i wish they had played more songs of illiouson like dont cry and maybe a few more.

but far to many guitar solos they really bore me to tears even when i watch a dvd of them i have to fast forward that bit.

they way i look at it it was well worth the 15 years i waited and i propperly wont ever see them again.

Don't cry was played....... :huh:

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was that the guy that had a yellowish short sleaved shirt, long dark hair, and a nose ring? and kept shouting moan axl give us something to watch and for fuck sake axl we`ve been waiting a long fucking time, was waving his arms in the air when nothing was happening and standing in the 2nd row at the left side of the stage? i was about 5 foot to his right

Sounds like the very same, matey!!! I'm sure his shirt had a kinda checked effect to it too...!

He was right dickhead - and I've met a few of them in my time! Lol! About half an hour before Gn'R came on, Tower of London appeared at the side of the stage...knob end was shouting at them and telling them to get back on!!!

I couldn't believe how he was shouting constantly for Gn'R - then promptly fucked off when they DID come on!!!

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was that the guy that had a yellowish short sleaved shirt, long dark hair, and a nose ring? and kept shouting moan axl give us something to watch and for fuck sake axl we`ve been waiting a long fucking time, was waving his arms in the air when nothing was happening and standing in the 2nd row at the left side of the stage? i was about 5 foot to his right

Sounds like the very same, matey!!! I'm sure his shirt had a kinda checked effect to it too...!

He was right dickhead - and I've met a few of them in my time! Lol! About half an hour before Gn'R came on, Tower of London appeared at the side of the stage...knob end was shouting at them and telling them to get back on!!!

I couldn't believe how he was shouting constantly for Gn'R - then promptly fucked off when they DID come on!!!

aye thats the same guy :D mind you i didnt last long either when it started my mrs got lifted out during its so easy and i had to get lifted out to find her, i felt like a right fanny getting lifted out the front :shocked:

i managed to fight my way up to the front and for a moment i though "fuck the bitch im staying here" but then i rememberd the shit id get when i get home if i didnt go and find her:)

Edited by scottish nutter
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Hey Nutter hows things its yer wee pal fae over the road..:)...didnt think you and the girl would be going tae the front..:)

id say guns were alot better at this glasgow show than the download fest one....cept we got more songs at download but more probs...best song of the night was Night train for me.

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Hey Nutter hows things its yer wee pal fae over the road..:)...didnt think you and the girl would be going tae the front..:)

id say guns were alot better at this glasgow show than the download fest one....cept we got more songs at download but more probs...best song of the night was Night train for me.

alright wee man, i wasnt gonna take her up the front but i was about 5th in the que at the bottom doors and must have got a rush of blood to my head and decided to take the risk, i got a shit hot vew as axl came onto the stage, mind you thats all i seen for about 10 mins :rofl-lol:

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aye thats the same guy :D mind you i didnt last long either when it started my mrs got lifted out during its so easy and i had to get lifted out to find her, i felt like a right fanny getting lifted out the front :shocked:

i managed to fight my way up to the front and for a moment i though "fuck the bitch im staying here" but then i rememberd the shit id get when i get home if i didnt go and find her:)

Yeah, it was pretty scary stuff being stuck in the middle of that crush! I thought I was gonna go down on a couple of occasions but thankfully my mate (who is 6' 4") held on to me and wouldn't let go (some guys will do anything for a quick grope :P)! I did lose my shoes in the middle of Welcome To The Jungle though (and they WEREN'T slip ons!) so have got major bruising on me feet and two broken toes....!

By the way, I don't even think it was a case of the twat guy not being able to handle - he fucked off before the surge had really got going! He left his girlfriend (or maybe it was his mother :blink: ) all on her own! Lol!

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