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New Track - "Better" - Used In Harley-Davidson Ad


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The naysayers will learn soon enough. I find it hard to believe that anyone can judge a band based upon 5 year old demos and a spliced-together commercial. Which, by the way, I thought was great.

Yeah you shouldn't really bash a song until it's studio and it's not just been spliced together randomly. 'Cause one of them said something about bad transitions or something...

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Ehh, rhythm guitar's a little low in the mix. I guess that's modern music, though.

Awesome to see they're finally getting shit out there.

That's probably only because otherwise we can't hear Axl's voice over the sheep noises, etc...

I see what you're saying, but I'm not really sure they'd remix the song for a TV commercial. Maybe they just cut the guitar frequencies with a little EQing, but that's about as far as I'd bet it goes.

Either way, still a dynamite song. This album'd better sell.

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and 2 out of 6 liked what they heard.... whats the point.

We'll know once the album and single, and tour goes forth (smoke clears) how they're accepted, and whats the viewpoint on them.

Till then its hard to get a reaction because most consider Gn'R the group Axl destroyed and anything else the media has portrayed the story to be. So of course some are gonna say it sucked no matter what because they believe Axl killed what they loved.

But then there's gonna be the ones who say its not that good because it truely is their opinion and what they feel, can't fault an honest opinion..... can't love everything ya hear - true with any artist. So let's just wait some time before we reveal the true reaction on the matter.

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Look....we've already had one link today to a forum talking shit about GnR.

Was a second one really necessary?...regardless of what guise it was hidden under as a topic

It's inevitable that there are forums out there that are going to be negative towards anything that the

majority of people around here are excited about.I can find negative shit on the internet about any band in existence.

Please stop posting links to forums where people are bashing GnR.

I like this one! :)
It's sad how the new GnR will never be like the old school line-up, and that song is pretty much proof of that. Although I did like their new song called "I.R.S."

This song wasn't that great.

This didn't give you a get out of jail free card to continue your shit.

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I like this one! :)
It's sad how the new GnR will never be like the old school line-up, and that song is pretty much proof of that. Although I did like their new song called "I.R.S."

This song wasn't that great.

Shit, do you ever stop? :shocked:

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The naysayers will learn soon enough. I find it hard to believe that anyone can judge a band based upon 5 year old demos and a spliced-together commercial. Which, by the way, I thought was great.

I don't know. It looks like a lot of people love the new lineup based off of the same information. I guess if it's enough info to love the new band, it's enough to not like it also.

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They have probably more prejudice than any other band in the world.

Firstly there are the emo kids, pop kids and one band wonder fans who will obviously bash them.

Then they have the people who will criticise Axl for being a has been.

And to round it off they have the people who used to like the old band. Those people who have not caught up with the new band are likely to go 'WTF? That's not Slash' and thats a lot of people, millions in fact.

I am sure the band will do okay and will attract new fans with the album. But world domination on the scale of the UYI era isn't possible anymore.

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I guess im lucky because im only looking at CD for me and my tastes, when i put it on if i rock out and think its great then perfect, music is about one person..... you, and what it gives you.I remeber being younger and listening to AFD for hours in my bedroom alone, i love AFD and not because some critic gave it the thumbs up but because it reached me and my life.

So a bunch of fucking maggots don't like it, i fucking love all new stuff from GnR and no ammount of cockboy fuckwits will stop that.

People are praying this album will flop but i guess the real fans take something greater from music than the word of cocks and critics.Simple facts are Axl and GnR have more talent and a greater fanbase than most bands could dream of.

Enjoy it because it reaches you not because somebody says its ok ;)

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Umm... The axl voice is the SAME recording as the demo, just remixed. It is EXACTLY the same. I dunno what I think of this stuff right now, I wish there was more "BODY" to it, but it puts the "CD WILL BE OVERPRODUCED" neighsayers to rest, (at least promises to)

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