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one of the best gnr songs ever, honestly, this songs rocks hard.

!!!! You FUCKING SERIOUS?!?!?!?!?!? One of the best GNR songs EVER!!!! Yea, apparently a lof of people agreed with you, ya know judging by its success. NOT. Jesus, that song is fucking terrible. Lyrics are def good... but the rest is just trash. It's not a GNR song at all. It was an experiment by Axl to see if people would like the direction he wanted to take. OBVIOUSLY, no one did, so he's trying to get back to what made him the best in the world. Which isn't industrial crap.

hey im sorry, my opinion cant differ from yours. from now on ill like whatever you like and ill judge everything else by the success it gets in the mainstream. hey metallica sold 2 million copies of st.anger, geez it must be good cuz so many people bought it....that means i love it :wub: (no offence to those who like it, just serving it as an example cuz i personally dont really dig metallica)

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one of the best gnr songs ever, honestly, this songs rocks hard.

!!!! You FUCKING SERIOUS?!?!?!?!?!? One of the best GNR songs EVER!!!! Yea, apparently a lof of people agreed with you, ya know judging by its success. NOT. Jesus, that song is fucking terrible. Lyrics are def good... but the rest is just trash. It's not a GNR song at all. It was an experiment by Axl to see if people would like the direction he wanted to take. OBVIOUSLY, no one did, so he's trying to get back to what made him the best in the world. Which isn't industrial crap.

Chill homie.

It wasn't even released as a single. It was a bonus on a soundtrack.

Unless, you're a diehard fan, you're not going to even know about it. So, you can't really judge it by 'how well it sold'. Maybe outside of your 30 something group of friends, there are people who wouldn't associate with you or GnR that actually liked it and were surprised to learn it was GnR?

They probably, thought, "Gezz, I never knew Slash could do that." So, unless you have real facts to support your claim that a lot of people were turned off by it like they were with Slash's Snakepit and his cameo appearances with POP stars, then you shouldn't speak for the rest of us.

And how do you know, there aren't going to be more songs like that on CD? Axl said there will be three CDs and the latter ones will most likely contain materials too advance for those still stuck in the 80's.

Listen to OMG with an open mind and try to see how GnR was able to blend the old with the new. Axl has said that some of the leads and solos were "Izzy-like". A thin-veiled swipe at Slash.

Great post :book:

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I like the tune alot. I would perfer it a bit stripped down, with less computer shit. But the melody and lyrics are way to fucking great.

I agree, I love Axl's voice in it, but I think the vocal effect in it kind of diminishes the quality.

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one of the best gnr songs ever, honestly, this songs rocks hard.

!!!! You FUCKING SERIOUS?!?!?!?!?!? One of the best GNR songs EVER!!!! Yea, apparently a lof of people agreed with you, ya know judging by its success. NOT. Jesus, that song is fucking terrible. Lyrics are def good... but the rest is just trash. It's not a GNR song at all. It was an experiment by Axl to see if people would like the direction he wanted to take. OBVIOUSLY, no one did, so he's trying to get back to what made him the best in the world. Which isn't industrial crap.

Chill homie.

It wasn't even released as a single. It was a bonus on a soundtrack.

Unless, you're a diehard fan, you're not going to even know about it. So, you can't really judge it by 'how well it sold'. Maybe outside of your 30 something group of friends, there are people who wouldn't associate with you or GnR that actually liked it and were surprised to learn it was GnR?

They probably, thought, "Gezz, I never knew Slash could do that." So, unless you have real facts to support your claim that a lot of people were turned off by it like they were with Slash's Snakepit and his cameo appearances with POP stars, then you shouldn't speak for the rest of us.

And how do you know, there aren't going to be more songs like that on CD? Axl said there will be three CDs and the latter ones will most likely contain materials too advance for those still stuck in the 80's.Listen to OMG with an open mind and try to see how GnR was able to blend the old with the new. Axl has said that some of the leads and solos were "Izzy-like". A thin-veiled swipe at Slash.

Great post :book:

Hold on there Sparky.....aint no need to get all asshole on the 80's thing...

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