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Getting sick of the negativity


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I think its sad that over the last year weve had so much to get us pysched about and still people have nothing better to do than complain.

So here's what made me more excited to be a GNR fan this year:

1. The demos. These songs are F**king great and make me want to hear this record more everyday. If this record never surfaces at least I have more songs to enjoy.

2. I got to see AXL and co. twice this year. First at Hammerstien and again at MSG ( both Amazing shows ) and I challenge anyone to say they've seen a "better" show this year......anyone.......anyone.....

3. New Official site. Yeah they promissed some concert footage that never came - boo hoo - ever think maybe it wasn't shot well? or that his performance wasn't up to his standards. The web stie clips may be all a casual fan has saw of axl in ten plus years. I know I wouldn't put up footage from a just "ok" show on my website if this was the case.

All these things have made me more excited to say Hey - Im a GNR fan -

So when people say He's fat - I can say "no he's not, look at this pic." And when people say "he's nothing without slash I can say "listen to this" which usually results in "can I get a copy of that?"

Besides: I kind of like having something to look foward to. ya know? A reason to come to the forum no matter how lame it gets at times. I know after CD is released i wont really have much reason to check this site every day.

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Revalations 21:12

And the seven headed beast was devoured by a firey headed dragon, Who would bring with a him a hyme of destruction for all to Hear. And molten rock would rain down from the heavens to scortch his opposition. And 144,000 chosen ones will rejoice and open their ears to say. There is no metal you cannot break or storm you could not shelter. Truely you are the bringer of light and the king of kings!

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2. I got to see AXL and co. twice this year. First at Hammerstien and again at MSG ( both Amazing shows ) and I challenge anyone to say they've seen a "better" show this year......anyone.......anyone.....

I saw Muse last saturday, and believe me, it's a close call between the two. Muse put on a great show.

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There is way too much negativity. First off... Guns N' Roses don't owe us a fuckin' thing. For some reason, people are under the assumption that GNR/Axl owe us. For what? It's not like they are making music "just for the fans." That's stupid. No one does that or else the albums would get put onto the internet to be downloaded for free. They are making the music because THEY like to make music. We like their music, so we buy it. It's a symbiotic relationship. Both sides are getting something out of this. It's not like Axl wants to lead fans along... he wants to put out the album, but only when it's ready... according to his standards. We get music we love, and he gets money and the satisfaction of doing what he loves. They are not obligated to make music for us. Both parties benefit. So stop saying he is dissing the fans and doesn't care about the fans. GNR is not ours... it's his. We love it, but ultimately it's his. Another thing, the album WILL be released. They've reorganized, have had a prolonged tour that both reintroduced the world to GNR, as well as promoting the new material and album. And it's been extremely successful with great reviews. So why all the constant bitching. The album will come out... it's just a matter of time. Honestly, i'm so sick of little fags whining about how Axl hates everyone and how he doesn't care and about how they aren't going to buy the album when it comes out right away. Shut up. Just shut the fuck up. You'll buy the album as soon as it's out, just like all other GNR fans, you'll love it, you'll sing it's praises as well as Axl's, and then you'll go back to your normal little lives of complainging about something (like GNR), not-getting laid, watching star wars, making booger sculptures and masterbating constantly. Grow up and fuckin' support the band. Stop being such fags.

Nice one fucktard. Axl owes his fans an album. No question about it. No argument against it.


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Seriously people, you guys all need to calm down a bit!

Do we really need all those threads to know that the CD is still not there?

We can't control the band, the management, the reccord.

Everytime there's a long period of silence in the GN'R world there's been a annoncement.

So people, just relax!

People are getting really wild here lately. So let's do a big group hug and stop all this crying, screaming at each other and just wait!

Edited by Montrealer
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"Breathe" you mean?

"there has been an announcement" you mean?

Fuck man,English is a second language for Montrealer...the point of his message is all that really needs to get across.Are the English teacher comments really necessary?

Can you write posts in perfect french?

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I know GNR fans have limited faith in the band, and are ready to jump on any rumor and take em as facts. And when they don't accure, they blame the band who never said it in the first place.

But this is just a thought about what might be going on in GNR camp.

Axls plan throughout this fall has been to release the album and get it out there. It has probably been done since september/october and it was probably handed into the record company. They looks at their release sceduale and sees that they have put all their big guns in november/december. The Recordcompany, regardless of what axl want's puts the album on delay and wants it as one big hit in the spring. With tunes that can go all summer. Becouse they would only hurt themself by releasing it now. When there is less competition for the bucks. More people will concider buying it. So why not release it then?

They are making Axl a Lier while doing so. but they don't care. Their marketingstratigy is gonna make em filty rich again. (hopefully)

Remember that 21st was only a rumor to begin with. :kiss:

Just repeated enough times that people actually mistook it for truth.

No offence but this kind of post is just as counter-productive.

Yes the negativity can be overwhelming but so can the lack of respect from band and management for some people.

If the band as a whole would just come out and interact with the fans even to say its delayed they would get more respect, but alas this is GnR and they don't do PR.

If Axl wants to release CD in the summer then fine i won't lose sleep but this whole fans against management guessing game is pathetic and not fair on what must be the most loyal fucking fans in music ;)

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