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Getting sick of the negativity


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I know GNR fans have limited faith in the band, and are ready to jump on any rumor and take em as facts. And when they don't accure, they blame the band who never said it in the first place.

But this is just a thought about what might be going on in GNR camp.

Axls plan throughout this fall has been to release the album and get it out there. It has probably been done since september/october and it was probably handed into the record company. They looks at their release sceduale and sees that they have put all their big guns in november/december. The Recordcompany, regardless of what axl want's puts the album on delay and wants it as one big hit in the spring. With tunes that can go all summer. Becouse they would only hurt themself by releasing it now. When there is less competition for the bucks. More people will concider buying it. So why not release it then?

They are making Axl a Lier while doing so. but they don't care. Their marketingstratigy is gonna make em filty rich again. (hopefully)

Remember that 21st was only a rumor to begin with. :kiss:

Just repeated enough times that people actually mistook it for truth.

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well if its really the record co. why doesn't he say that so we can all go harass them we'd have it in i'd say a week before they got really sick and tied of us :anger: i do believe something happened i would just like to know that a thery are working it out or b its not going happen although i would be sad at least it would it would be honest but anyway anyone got any new positive news?

Edited by chesire78
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The reason why the management isn't giving us anything news etc. Is the fact that if they don't promise something. they don't brake any promises. 2006 aint over yet.

And if they where going with a silent release. Do you thing Universal would say, Look out for Chinese Democracy. If that is their plan. they will make everyone deny it to the end, to the album is released. It won't appear on computers in stores or anything. If anyting they are organizing the most unorgonized launch in the history of music :D

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I know GNR fans have limited faith in the band, and are ready to jump on any rumor and take em as facts. And when they don't accure, they blame the band who never said it in the first place.

But this is just a thought about what might be going on in GNR camp.

Axls plan throughout this fall has been to release the album and get it out there. It has probably been done since september/october and it was probably handed into the record company. They looks at their release sceduale and sees that they have put all their big guns in november/december. The Recordcompany, regardless of what axl want's puts the album on delay and wants it as one big hit in the spring. With tunes that can go all summer. Becouse they would only hurt themself by releasing it now. When there is less competition for the bucks. More people will concider buying it. So why not release it then?

They are making Axl a Lier while doing so. but they don't care. Their marketingstratigy is gonna make em filty rich again. (hopefully)

Remember that 21st was only a rumor to begin with. :kiss:

Just repeated enough times that people actually mistook it for truth.

If you're really this gullible I've got some great land in Arizona with an oceanfront view that I'd love to show you.

They'll push back an album over a decade in the making? Use your brain, doofus. Chinese Democracy IS the big gun, and there is not a bigger "gun" that the record company has than that album.

It doesn't matter anyway, albums don't get delayed like that becuase of other albums. This is Geffen records, who is distributed by Interscope records - they have multi platinum selling artists coming out the ass and will be releasing records by those multi platinum selling artists all year long.

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I am tired of people bitching about the shows this year. Sure, we would all like to hear some other songs. I have been to 2 shows and they were fuckn great. Anyone disagree?

I am tired of people bitching about the shows this year. Sure, we would all like to hear some other songs. I have been to 2 shows and they were fuckn great. Anyone disagree?


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I know GNR fans have limited faith in the band, and are ready to jump on any rumor and take em as facts. And when they don't accure, they blame the band who never said it in the first place.

But this is just a thought about what might be going on in GNR camp.

Axls plan throughout this fall has been to release the album and get it out there. It has probably been done since september/october and it was probably handed into the record company. They looks at their release sceduale and sees that they have put all their big guns in november/december. The Recordcompany, regardless of what axl want's puts the album on delay and wants it as one big hit in the spring. With tunes that can go all summer. Becouse they would only hurt themself by releasing it now. When there is less competition for the bucks. More people will concider buying it. So why not release it then?

They are making Axl a Lier while doing so. but they don't care. Their marketingstratigy is gonna make em filty rich again. (hopefully)

Remember that 21st was only a rumor to begin with. :kiss:

Just repeated enough times that people actually mistook it for truth.

Why don't the GNR camp say that then?

I'm not trying to be an ass, but I think if that's what is going on the I will be perfectly content with a statement from GNR giving us the "heads-up". If 2006 goes quietly with: no album, no release date for 2007, or no update as to what happened with the album and excuses for the "15 tuesdays left" statement and "It will be out this year"...then I will kindly show myself the door.

edit: if it's a silent release...then well done GNR camp. But it sound slike it won't be.

Edited by 3rd Wheel
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I know GNR fans have limited faith in the band, and are ready to jump on any rumor and take em as facts. And when they don't accure, they blame the band who never said it in the first place.

But this is just a thought about what might be going on in GNR camp.

Axls plan throughout this fall has been to release the album and get it out there. It has probably been done since september/october and it was probably handed into the record company. They looks at their release sceduale and sees that they have put all their big guns in november/december. The Recordcompany, regardless of what axl want's puts the album on delay and wants it as one big hit in the spring. With tunes that can go all summer. Becouse they would only hurt themself by releasing it now. When there is less competition for the bucks. More people will concider buying it. So why not release it then?

They are making Axl a Lier while doing so. but they don't care. Their marketingstratigy is gonna make em filty rich again. (hopefully)

Remember that 21st was only a rumor to begin with. :kiss:

Just repeated enough times that people actually mistook it for truth.

If you're really this gullible I've got some great land in Arizona with an oceanfront view that I'd love to show you.

They'll push back an album over a decade in the making? Use your brain, doofus. Chinese Democracy IS the big gun, and there is not a bigger "gun" that the record company has than that album.

It doesn't matter anyway, albums don't get delayed like that becuase of other albums. This is Geffen records, who is distributed by Interscope records - they have multi platinum selling artists coming out the ass and will be releasing records by those multi platinum selling artists all year long.

You are talking like it was 91 again. If you say chinese Democracy to 10 people on the street. You will be lucky if one of them think it's GNR related.

The album is overhyped in the GNR comunity so much that it's actually getting bigger then the secound comming of jesus.

Some people on here acts like the world would be.

"hey dude, when did jesus retur."

"I think it was around 12 ACD (after Chinese democracy)"

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I know GNR fans have limited faith in the band, and are ready to jump on any rumor and take em as facts. And when they don't accure, they blame the band who never said it in the first place.

But this is just a thought about what might be going on in GNR camp.

Axls plan throughout this fall has been to release the album and get it out there. It has probably been done since september/october and it was probably handed into the record company. They looks at their release sceduale and sees that they have put all their big guns in november/december. The Recordcompany, regardless of what axl want's puts the album on delay and wants it as one big hit in the spring. With tunes that can go all summer. Becouse they would only hurt themself by releasing it now. When there is less competition for the bucks. More people will concider buying it. So why not release it then?

They are making Axl a Lier while doing so. but they don't care. Their marketingstratigy is gonna make em filty rich again. (hopefully)

Remember that 21st was only a rumor to begin with. :kiss:

Just repeated enough times that people actually mistook it for truth.

If you're really this gullible I've got some great land in Arizona with an oceanfront view that I'd love to show you.

They'll push back an album over a decade in the making? Use your brain, doofus. Chinese Democracy IS the big gun, and there is not a bigger "gun" that the record company has than that album.

It doesn't matter anyway, albums don't get delayed like that becuase of other albums. This is Geffen records, who is distributed by Interscope records - they have multi platinum selling artists coming out the ass and will be releasing records by those multi platinum selling artists all year long.

You are talking like it was 91 again. If you say chinese Democracy to 10 people on the street. You will be lucky if one of them think it's GNR related.

The album is overhyped in the GNR comunity so much that it's actually getting bigger then the secound comming of jesus.

Some people on here acts like the world would be.

"hey dude, when did jesus retur."

"I think it was around 12 ACD (after Chinese democracy)"

Go up to 10 people on the street right now and say, "Kingdome Come" and I guarentee you zero of them will associate that with the Jay-Z album that just came out today. But he's a "big gun", right?

Chinese Democracy is one of the most hyped albums ever. EVERY music fan has at least HEARD of it. Shit my cousin is 13 and idolizes Kelly Clarkson and she is at least aware of the album title. To add to that, the Guns N' Roses name is still one of the biggest in music.

If Geffen had this in their posession they would be releasing it ASAP, to think otherwise is pure folly and shows how uneducated you are about the music industry.

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What a completely nonsensical theory. Sounds more like a desperate attempt at excuse making to me.

The album has "probably been done since september/october". Seriously, what are you basing that on?

There are so many baseless assumption in your post. I hope people don't jump on them and take 'em as facts - that could create a lot of negativity!

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The reason why the management isn't giving us anything news etc. Is the fact that if they don't promise something. they don't brake any promises. 2006 aint over yet.

And if they where going with a silent release. Do you thing Universal would say, Look out for Chinese Democracy. If that is their plan. they will make everyone deny it to the end, to the album is released. It won't appear on computers in stores or anything. If anyting they are organizing the most unorgonized launch in the history of music :D

At this point I think this would be best. A silent release would be amazing- actually I'm kinda hoping that is what is going to happen. After all of us bitching and everything and then all of a sudden we realize the night before or even the morning of that CD is in stores! Everyone seems to think that is impossible since word would get out somehow.. but if it were possible that would be fucking cool. At first when I read about Merck saying it could just appear that sounded retarded, but now I think it would actually be pretty sweet.

But if I have to wait till spring-- ughh..

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What a completely nonsensical theory. Sounds more like a desperate attempt at excuse making to me.

The album has "probably been done since september/october". Seriously, what are you basing that on?

There are so many baseless assumption in your post. I hope people don't jump on them and take 'em as facts - that could create a lot of negativity!


<_< yeah, after waiting for 15 yars to release a record, the record label decides to hold it off some more...

this is a Bad One


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There is way too much negativity. First off... Guns N' Roses don't owe us a fuckin' thing. For some reason, people are under the assumption that GNR/Axl owe us. For what? It's not like they are making music "just for the fans." That's stupid. No one does that or else the albums would get put onto the internet to be downloaded for free. They are making the music because THEY like to make music. We like their music, so we buy it. It's a symbiotic relationship. Both sides are getting something out of this. It's not like Axl wants to lead fans along... he wants to put out the album, but only when it's ready... according to his standards. We get music we love, and he gets money and the satisfaction of doing what he loves. They are not obligated to make music for us. Both parties benefit. So stop saying he is dissing the fans and doesn't care about the fans. GNR is not ours... it's his. We love it, but ultimately it's his. Another thing, the album WILL be released. They've reorganized, have had a prolonged tour that both reintroduced the world to GNR, as well as promoting the new material and album. And it's been extremely successful with great reviews. So why all the constant bitching. The album will come out... it's just a matter of time. Honestly, i'm so sick of little fags whining about how Axl hates everyone and how he doesn't care and about how they aren't going to buy the album when it comes out right away. Shut up. Just shut the fuck up. You'll buy the album as soon as it's out, just like all other GNR fans, you'll love it, you'll sing it's praises as well as Axl's, and then you'll go back to your normal little lives of complainging about something (like GNR), not-getting laid, watching star wars, making booger sculptures and masterbating constantly. Grow up and fuckin' support the band. Stop being such fags.

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There is way too much negativity. First off... Guns N' Roses don't owe us a fuckin' thing. For some reason, people are under the assumption that GNR/Axl owe us. For what? It's not like they are making music "just for the fans." That's stupid. No one does that or else the albums would get put onto the internet to be downloaded for free. They are making the music because THEY like to make music. We like their music, so we buy it. It's a symbiotic relationship. Both sides are getting something out of this. It's not like Axl wants to lead fans along... he wants to put out the album, but only when it's ready... according to his standards. We get music we love, and he gets money and the satisfaction of doing what he loves. They are not obligated to make music for us. Both parties benefit. So stop saying he is dissing the fans and doesn't care about the fans. GNR is not ours... it's his. We love it, but ultimately it's his. Another thing, the album WILL be released. They've reorganized, have had a prolonged tour that both reintroduced the world to GNR, as well as promoting the new material and album. And it's been extremely successful with great reviews. So why all the constant bitching. The album will come out... it's just a matter of time. Honestly, i'm so sick of little fags whining about how Axl hates everyone and how he doesn't care and about how they aren't going to buy the album when it comes out right away. Shut up. Just shut the fuck up. You'll buy the album as soon as it's out, just like all other GNR fans, you'll love it, you'll sing it's praises as well as Axl's, and then you'll go back to your normal little lives of complainging about something (like GNR), not-getting laid, watching star wars, making booger sculptures and masterbating constantly. Grow up and fuckin' support the band. Stop being such fags.

I 100% agree with everything you wrote but the part bout STAR WARS, I would never complain about that. :krider:

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There is way too much negativity. First off... Guns N' Roses don't owe us a fuckin' thing. For some reason, people are under the assumption that GNR/Axl owe us. For what? It's not like they are making music "just for the fans." That's stupid. No one does that or else the albums would get put onto the internet to be downloaded for free. They are making the music because THEY like to make music. We like their music, so we buy it. It's a symbiotic relationship. Both sides are getting something out of this. It's not like Axl wants to lead fans along... he wants to put out the album, but only when it's ready... according to his standards. We get music we love, and he gets money and the satisfaction of doing what he loves. They are not obligated to make music for us. Both parties benefit. So stop saying he is dissing the fans and doesn't care about the fans. GNR is not ours... it's his. We love it, but ultimately it's his. Another thing, the album WILL be released. They've reorganized, have had a prolonged tour that both reintroduced the world to GNR, as well as promoting the new material and album. And it's been extremely successful with great reviews. So why all the constant bitching. The album will come out... it's just a matter of time. Honestly, i'm so sick of little fags whining about how Axl hates everyone and how he doesn't care and about how they aren't going to buy the album when it comes out right away. Shut up. Just shut the fuck up. You'll buy the album as soon as it's out, just like all other GNR fans, you'll love it, you'll sing it's praises as well as Axl's, and then you'll go back to your normal little lives of complainging about something (like GNR), not-getting laid, watching star wars, making booger sculptures and masterbating constantly. Grow up and fuckin' support the band. Stop being such fags.

Get off your soapbox. If Axl liked making music, he would have had at least 3-4 albums since TSI. He's soooo full of shit with his lies "It will be out in late 2006", "There will 13 songs, no video...". Not to mention the bullshit lies over the past 7 years about the release. Either shit or get off the pot. He's past his prime. Actually he missed his prime.

Promoting new material? Better is the only new material. The rest of the new material is 4 years old.

Finally, this forum, as well as others are for what ever we want to say about the band we like. Even for people who hate them. So take remove your tongue from underneath Axl's marble sack, and get over it.

P.S. I will be there when CD comes up. I will probably actually get off of Limewire like most of you first. However that doesn't that Mr. Axl Rose is not an asshole. He is. The only reason he's going through this, is for the money$$$. I wonder how

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Finally, this forum, as well as others are for what ever we want to say about the band we like. Even for people who hate them. So take remove your tongue from underneath Axl's marble sack, and get over it.

P.S. I will be there when CD comes up. I will probably actually get off of Limewire like most of you first. However that doesn't that Mr. Axl Rose is not an asshole. He is. The only reason he's going through this, is for the money$$$. I wonder how

I cant seem to work the quote feature, but here goes.

Hard to say it better than that, but ill try. Axl does owe us. We are GNR fans, were the ones that gave him the money for this 10 year project in the first place. Why the fuck we stay around is as big a mystery as Chineese Democrasy. The concert in Jacksonville was the best ive seen, (maybe Eric Johnson or Buckethead), but by far the best rock concert ive seen. However, if its an oldies concert then call it that instead of the Chineese Democrasy FUCKING World Tour. I love, not like GNR but how much shit can they deal their fans before we give up. Im not asking for a release next week, just some fucking information.

Edited by mike91
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