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Axls politicle view

sucker punch

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Axl is a conservative. He is good friends with Arnold and supports his as Governor. Also, words like "immigrants and hooray for tolerance!s" and "police and hooray for tolerance!s" are not the words of a liberal.

He may not support the war though. Many republicans don't.

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Axl probably votes for Axl Rose as a write in candidate on all elections.

Anyway, it doesn't matter what his political view is,

frankly I don't want to know, it was never an aspect of his

popularity as it was others (RATM), he never appealed to a politcal niche,

its better he doesn't now and allienate his fan base on the other side.

Please. Axl's great at alienating his ENTIRE fan base, Republican and Democrat alike.

point taken

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so thay just want to let iraq and all those ones bomb the fucking place and get away with it. axls punched people in self defence hasnt he? but you dont see him and bach saying nononono peace peace.

"iraq" wants to bum "the fucking place"; you mean a Gn´R Show!? :drevil::fuckyou:

you seam a little mentally "disturbed"........at least.

"Civil War" was by the way just a song that wanted to point out that there ain´t that much "civil" in wars "anyway"(s). Still not a political song. Turn on the news and you see what it´s all about, you might even wanna travel to baghdad!? :question:

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hopefully Republican

would b nice to not be a whiny liberal all right.

yea,most liberals and Democrats spew all of this anti-American bullshit.They think all of the wars going on today has to do with American starting them. I say BULLSHIT!!!!Can you say Radical Muslims....Da...

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"Immigrants and hooray for tolerance!s, they make no sense to me. They come to our country and think they'll do as they please. Like start some mini-Iran, or spread some fucking disease."

Yeah, sounds like a democrat to me. :rolleyes:

no offense but thats more of a conservative (republican) view. I have nothing to back this up, but my guess is axl is probably a racist, anti-foreigner, anti- war liberal

That's why I added the eye rolling thing. No way Axl is a whiny liberal.

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so thay just want to let iraq and all those ones bomb the fucking place and get away with it. axls punched people in self defence hasnt he? but you dont see him and bach saying nononono peace peace.

Huh? The people of Iraq are not bombing anyone, and America is killing their own youth by tricking people they are there to bring them democracy when everybody knows this was only a profit hunt. Too bad no other countries had the balls to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH when they went against the wishes of the UN and attacked Iraq. Fuck Bush and when we´re on the subject people should check out the documentary "American Blackout" that is about how they made it hard and in many cases impossible for black people (and white people living in so called black communities) to vote so that Bush would win 4 more years....

iraq, pikistan all those types of places ex- 9/11 etc why should thay get away with it if you want peace you have to kill all the people that are making the promlems tem we will have it

the reason there is a war in iraq is because bush just wants the oil. He knew there was no weapons of mass desruction and plus it was america who sold iraq the weapons in the first place.

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this a lotta sensible people, i dont think he's one or the other. seems pretty much to jus be himself n support what he deems to be...worthy causes. i mean he's for stem cell research n all that typsa stuff, donates to a lotta worthy shit, i remember him sayin once durin the gulf war "nobody in their right minds wants to go to war, but once we're in it i think ur a fuckin asshole for not takin our side. u see all these whiney people like 'well we shouldn't be havin a fucking war' yeah, well its too late asshole!"

personally, i dont give a shit about politics, dont matter anyway, its jus that ol' human game from here to enternity, the people in power fuck over the ones that aint, thats politics for u, in a nutshell. i'd rather jus concentrate on pussy n music n gettin wasted, the things that interest me.

Edited by frankwhite
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so thay just want to let iraq and all those ones bomb the fucking place and get away with it. axls punched people in self defence hasnt he? but you dont see him and bach saying nononono peace peace.
iraq, pikistan all those types of places ex- 9/11 etc why should thay get away with it if you want peace you have to kill all the people that are making the promlems tem we will have it

Eu? Allright, conidering the fact that you write like a retarded I might have misunderstood you. But I read it as you mean something like this:

"Iraq, pakistan and all other muslim states must be eliminated because they are enemies to peace and are all responsible for the 9/11 terror."

If that was what you meant then you must be - by far - the dumbest person on this forum. Some examples, Pakistan actaully helped US when they attacked Afganisthan. Iraq didn't have weapons of mass destruction or any connection to the 9/11 terror.

Bombing civilans do not stop either terror nor hate, famine, unstability or (civil)war. Actually, it's the very opposite, bombing civilans tends to lead to increased terror, hate, famine, unstability and (civil)war. One can only hope that the purpose with "The war on terror" isn't to kill civians. But to this date, it is the civians who has taken the big hit and terror, hate, famine, unstability and (civil)war has increased in the two regions where the war on terror has been executed with full strengh (Afganisthan and Iraq).

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the genius of taking a viewpoint from a song written long ago, or even taking quotes from interview from years ago and applying to them to questions that you are asking today as if they would coincide...?

asking questions that no one knows the answers to is almost as stupid as replying to them.

Edited by Urkel
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so thay just want to let iraq and all those ones bomb the fucking place and get away with it. axls punched people in self defence hasnt he? but you dont see him and bach saying nononono peace peace.

Huh? The people of Iraq are not bombing anyone, and America is killing their own youth by tricking people they are there to bring them democracy when everybody knows this was only a profit hunt. Too bad no other countries had the balls to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH when they went against the wishes of the UN and attacked Iraq. Fuck Bush and when we´re on the subject people should check out the documentary "American Blackout" that is about how they made it hard and in many cases impossible for black people (and white people living in so called black communities) to vote so that Bush would win 4 more years....

Sounds like Lukinx read to many issues of Rolling Stone....The Bush admin. was wrong about the people of Iraq there not standing up and fighting for themselvs like we thought.

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How about we leave this debate to a person who graduated with a BA in political science (like me).

Let's look at the clues shall we:

Axl is a proud gun owner (usually a conservative view).

Axl is not politically correct in his description of women and minorities (while not a conservative view, certainly not liberal).

Axl is from Indiana (which has a history of voting Republicans into office).

The stem cell research issue only opposed by the furthest portion of the right wing, so Axl's view on this issue is a moot point.

It's true that Bach is out and out against the war, but that doesn't have any bearing on Axl's stance. Not every liberal is against all wars, just like not every conservative is in favor of all wars. Axl even quoted the military general when he said "as popular war advances, peace is closer." Meaning, when all of the dissidents get on board with what the movement is, the goal can get achieved quicker and easier (but it's not necessarily correct).

The bottom line is he hasn't given us many clues as to his party loyalty. In my opinion, having written numerous papers on the psychology of partisanship, I would have to say I think he's a republican.

Remember, he's "just a small-town white-boy."

and one more thing...


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Axl is a conservative. He is good friends with Arnold and supports his as Governor. Also, words like "immigrants and hooray for tolerance!s" and "police and hooray for tolerance!s" are not the words of a liberal.

He may not support the war though. Many republicans don't.

those ARE words of a liberal. Or shall I say, an insecure and scared young man.

If you take this to a psychological level, people react differently on specific situations and subjects.

For instance, a person who gets cornered in a situation might fight back, while some will just crumble in them selves. As for verbal skills I´d say Axl´s a fighter. I don´t know the man so I can´t really comment on how his relationship to himself is. But knowing he dropped out of the limelight for a decade he might lost the war against himself for a while... But maybe he found his democracy after losing the war? ;)

I don´t wish to speculate, and I honestly think it´s stupid of you people to assume and speculate the way you do. I´m not gonna say it´s gonna hurt him, but it serves no point.

Whatever political stand Axl has is his problem, but by reading his previous statements and learning from his rants and spiels (like some guy here said) during concerts, etc etc. I´d say that the man is a liberal.

Liberal enough to say really fucked up things that might seem wrong when you first hear it. But thinkers and people we remember do say some obscure shit from time to time.

If I remember right he pulled off the Civil War comment off like a slick fox during concert. When he said that he is against the war, but they might as well support the troops when they´re in it now.. or something..

Knowing that comment I fear an comparing others I think he is a sucker for attention all in all ;)

afterall he is a fucking Rock Star, with a rockstar EGO :)

peace out! and fuck you all! :P

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so thay just want to let iraq and all those ones bomb the fucking place and get away with it. axls punched people in self defence hasnt he? but you dont see him and bach saying nononono peace peace.

Huh? The people of Iraq are not bombing anyone, and America is killing their own youth by tricking people they are there to bring them democracy when everybody knows this was only a profit hunt. Too bad no other countries had the balls to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH when they went against the wishes of the UN and attacked Iraq. Fuck Bush and when we´re on the subject people should check out the documentary "American Blackout" that is about how they made it hard and in many cases impossible for black people (and white people living in so called black communities) to vote so that Bush would win 4 more years....

You gotta be fuckn kiddn me right? Yea bush is a dousche but what was the alternative- John Kerry? Stick to topics that pertain to your counrty.

Hey, John Kerry mey not have been the greatest president, but anything would be better than Bush... hey, i got an idea, lets elect axl! ahaha, that would be sweet!

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iraq, pikistan all those types of places ex- 9/11 etc why should thay get away with it if you want peace you have to kill all the people that are making the promlems tem we will have it

The problem with this is that the people who are punsihed is the general public, not the terrorists. Just like in the 9/11 attack, the people were the ones killed, and thats all, the terrorists achived nothing but the death of innocent people. And the war on Iraq is killing the american soldiers and iraqi civilians and btw Iraq has yet to be linked to that 9/11 attack. Sure, Saddam was removed, but will Iraq be a better place when the americans leave? Will all the deaths be "worth" it? What was the real reason for the war? We still have no weapons of mass destruction....

On the topic of Axl´s ploitical view, I really don´t think he is very interested in politics.

Iraq is full of suporters and hate america once you kill saddam ther billions of other to replace him its full of them and yea ther are little kids innocent people but thats the way the world is and we cant change that the matter what we do. fact is most of those guys support us and hate out fucking guts

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so thay just want to let iraq and all those ones bomb the fucking place and get away with it. axls punched people in self defence hasnt he? but you dont see him and bach saying nononono peace peace.

"iraq" wants to bum "the fucking place"; you mean a Gn´R Show!? :drevil::fuckyou:

you seam a little mentally "disturbed"........at least.

"Civil War" was by the way just a song that wanted to point out that there ain´t that much "civil" in wars "anyway"(s). Still not a political song. Turn on the news and you see what it´s all about, you might even wanna travel to baghdad!? :question:

no you got it sll rong, fuck you, I think your the distured one. when the fuck did i say " bombs at a gnr show" by place i ment " America/Britian" if you had brains you would no.

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so thay just want to let iraq and all those ones bomb the fucking place and get away with it. axls punched people in self defence hasnt he? but you dont see him and bach saying nononono peace peace.

"iraq" wants to bum "the fucking place"; you mean a Gn´R Show!? :drevil::fuckyou:

you seam a little mentally "disturbed"........at least.

"Civil War" was by the way just a song that wanted to point out that there ain´t that much "civil" in wars "anyway"(s). Still not a political song. Turn on the news and you see what it´s all about, you might even wanna travel to baghdad!? :question:

no you got it sll rong, fuck you, I think your the distured one. when the fuck did i say " bombs at a gnr show" by place i ment " America/Britian" if you had brains you would no.

Omg.. It hurt my eyes and my brain melts when I try to figure out WTF sucker punch is trying to say when he posts somethinhg.

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