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Message for mods

Chris Axl

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Ok, admins and mods!

I just got ONE question.

This is a Guns N' Roses FAN board. why do you let this Axl/GN'R abshing continue ALL THE TIME.

I mean, everyday I ready stupid stuff about Guns N' Roses and Axl.

I think the atmopshere here would be really better if all this bashing could just stop.

Dont even know how you let it, why you let people bash the members of the band this forum is dedicated to.


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we all know you love axl, stop trying to be axls_dissulision and stop trying to convince us you love him that much. its getting old :sleeper:

people can still like gnr and critisize axl. get over it :)

wow, alot of crap in a few sentences.

First thing, I dont TRY to be anyone ;)

second, its getting OLD that im a Axl fan?? Now I ahve heard that to...

THIRD, one thing is to critizise, antoher thing is to bash him and hate him. On a forum where hes fans is supposed to "faning" about him

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I am sure the people who bash the band in a non-constructive way are either warned or banned. The mods don't need a reminder from you on how to run the forum, so stop whining and acting like a wanna-be. If they needed your help they would have asked you for it. And if you are so unhappy with the way this place is run, you should consider leaving instead of bitching about it.

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Yes yes, that's why people do the bashing.

but what I dont understand is why it's allowed to continue.

10) This is a GNR FAN Forum, members should keep this in mind when posting. Do not bash GNR, VR, MEMBERS, EX-MEMBERS, or their MANAGEMENT
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This isn't HTGTH, or CD.com, we're not ordered to kiss ass to the new band and completely ignore GNR's past.

Fact is, this forum's for fans of the new band as well as the old band. And when you have the choice of both bands, most people will gravitate to the old band because it was just better.

That creates some resentment and resistance to some aspects of the new GNR, and that's where the friction happens. But most people here are well educated in the subject of GNR so the resulting debates are often quite entertaining and to some degree, enjoyable.

And hey, if you get sick of reading GNR negativity, why not visit some of the other sections of the forum for a while? come to anything goes and speak about your other interests, or myworld and discuss your other favorite bands, post a pic of yourself in the foto section, upload some bootlegs...

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moreblack, does peopl ever bash Slash, Duff, or Matt or Gilby or maybe Izzy here? NO.

What about Axl and the "new" guys? YES.

The way I see it, its the Guns N' Roses members whos getting bashed, and thats what I react to.

I honestly cant belive why the admins/mods tolerate this. It even stand in the rule (wich Dory pointed out, thank you very much)

So why the HELL do you vaste your time here? do you get some pleaseure? or is it just the fact that you miss Slash SO MUCH that you just MUST let it out on Axl or Robin Finck for that matter

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Do you honestly think all I talk about in this forum is GNR? :lol:

I gave you a tip in the previous post, I'll tell it to you again:

visit some of the other sections of the forum for a while, come to anything goes and speak about your other interests, or myworld and discuss your other favorite bands, post a pic of yourself in the foto section, upload some bootlegs...

There's a crapload of other things to do in this forum than spend your time defending Axl and freaking out because not everybody loves him like you love him.

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Do you honestly think all I talk about in this forum is GNR? :lol:

I gave you a tip in the previous post, I'll tell it to you again:

visit some of the other sections of the forum for a while, come to anything goes and speak about your other interests, or myworld and discuss your other favorite bands, post a pic of yourself in the foto section, upload some bootlegs...

There's a crapload of other things to do in this forum than spend your time defending Axl and freaking out because not everybody loves him like you love him.

exactly there is other sections

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Do you honestly think all I talk about in this forum is GNR? :lol:

I gave you a tip in the previous post, I'll tell it to you again:

visit some of the other sections of the forum for a while, come to anything goes and speak about your other interests, or myworld and discuss your other favorite bands, post a pic of yourself in the foto section, upload some bootlegs...

There's a crapload of other things to do in this forum than spend your time defending Axl and freaking out because not everybody loves him like you love him.

Ok, either way you dont understand or you WONT understand me.

I dont care if everyone is not as fan of him as I am, I just want people to show him the respect he earns, ESPECIALLY whwhn this is a GN'R forum.

And I know very well of that anything goes section, but im here mainly for GN'R

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Do you honestly think all I talk about in this forum is GNR? :lol:

I gave you a tip in the previous post, I'll tell it to you again:

visit some of the other sections of the forum for a while, come to anything goes and speak about your other interests, or myworld and discuss your other favorite bands, post a pic of yourself in the foto section, upload some bootlegs...

There's a crapload of other things to do in this forum than spend your time defending Axl and freaking out because not everybody loves him like you love him.

He doesn't have any.

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Do you honestly think all I talk about in this forum is GNR? :lol:

I gave you a tip in the previous post, I'll tell it to you again:

visit some of the other sections of the forum for a while, come to anything goes and speak about your other interests, or myworld and discuss your other favorite bands, post a pic of yourself in the foto section, upload some bootlegs...

There's a crapload of other things to do in this forum than spend your time defending Axl and freaking out because not everybody loves him like you love him.

He doesn't have any.

Aerosmith, Kiss, Rolling Stones, beatles, maiden, LA Guns, Nine Inch Nails...

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You can only mention 3 songs or less from each of those bands without the assistance of Wikipedia or Google.

Ok, I can say my fav songs from those bande, but you will just belive I used google/wiki enyway.

Now were moving off topic

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