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Not going to happen. Dave Grohl shouldn't even be mentioned within the same realm as Led Zeppelin. The only, ONLY good choice, would be Jason Bonham. Anyone else is just unacceptable, and I highly doubt the reunion will even happen.

P.S. How The West Was Won is probably one of the greatest live accounts of any band. Ever.

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Not going to happen. Dave Grohl shouldn't even be mentioned within the same realm as Led Zeppelin. The only, ONLY good choice, would be Jason Bonham. Anyone else is just unacceptable, and I highly doubt the reunion will even happen.

P.S. How The West Was Won is probably one of the greatest live accounts of any band. Ever.

I'd rather have Michael Lee. Jason was awful at playing Zeppelin songs thru the Jimmy Page Outrider tour, and the 1988 Zeppelin reunion show.

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Crowded House also reuniting.

really? when did you find this out..i love crowded house !


Ah it's been all over the news here down under.

Anyone like to see Phil Collins behind the drums for the Led, like at Live Aid?

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Any word on who the drummer will be?

I hope they don't add too many extra guitar/keyboard players for the tour, they'll definitely have Plant,Page, Jones and a drummer. Just don't overdo it.

Maybe Jason Bonham or even Dave Grohl.

I'd like to see it, but it seems very unlikely.

Dave Grohl???


I think he'd fit perfectly. Not as good as Bonham, of course, but he is an amazing drummer, and his playing on QOTSA's Songs For The Deaf proved that.

grohl will never get that gig.

1st off, he's american.

2nd of all, he has time and time again publicy offered his services to page/plant, and has been denied each time.

also, take this story for what it's worth:

a friend of mine's dad is really good friends with this vintage guitar dealer who sells vintage stuff to joe perry, page, et al....

when aerosmith came to town a few years back with cheap trick, my friend and his dad got to go backstage with the guitar dealer and hang with aersomith all night, and ross halfin was there. my friend, who is a drummer and a huge grohl and zep fan, asked ross halfin about this pointedly.

he said: "what do you think of the rumors that grohl will play with zep?"

to which halfin replied: "dave grohl will never play with led zeppelin. he does not have an inch of the skill to play bonzo's parts correctly with the band..."

now, JP Jones did play on the last FF record, and grohl got to jam with him. maybe JP will put in a good word? even if he did, i doubt page/plant would listen to him.....

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I really hope Led Zepp doesn't get back together. They didn't continue after John Bonham died for a reason.

He was one of the greatest drummers of all time and was an integral part of why they were as good as they were.

I would love to see page and plant on stage together again but don't do it under Zeppelin.

Just my point of view though. :D (don't get me wrong if they come here I'm 100% going. )

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I really hope Led Zepp doesn't get back together. They didn't continue after John Bonham died for a reason.

He was one of the greatest drummers of all time and was an integral part of why they were as good as they were.

I would love to see page and plant on stage together again but don't do it under Zeppelin.

Just my point of view though. :D (don't get me wrong if they come here I'm 100% going. )

I think it's safe to say it's not going to happen..

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Zeppelin had a tremendous impact on music during their time and I personally don't want them to do anything to tarnish their image (although the argument could be made that Page and Plant have made some decisions that will forever effect the way the band is perceived, specifically the Cadillac commercial and even worse Page's work with Puffy). To me, the fact that they decided not to continue as Zeppelin after Bonzo passed was a very respectful move that most bands wouldn't have the backbone to stick to with the promise of a huge payday. I honestly just don't think they could pull it off anymore. Anyone that has heard Robert Plant over the past few years can see that the man just can't hit the notes anymore.

Having said all of that, I am certain that if they did decide to tour I would pay whatever obscene price they would probably command for a ticket and get wasted enough to fool myself into thinking they put on a mind-blowing show.

Edited by bax
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You seem like quite the optimist Deeds. If they do indeed record an album of ground breaking material I will tip my hat to you. If any fans you never got the chance to seem them live feel like they've missed out, pick up there DVD I guarantee it is better than any reunion tour could be.

The best DVD can rarely compete with the live performance of someone you really love musically. There is an energy ...Well even when performers are late and sound systems suck still you can't beat that moment, that rush of eye contact, that crush of crazy bodies surrounding you in the mosh that share that same intense love/respect/awe that you are feeling. You can't get that on a DVD. Now for some who have seen a group at their peek I could see how they might be disappointed at a "reunion" tour, but not for me. For me the magic is always there and it is an opportunity to see another layer/dimension. Perhaps it is my own age that makes my heart swell at the aging rocker who still defiantly flips the bird at convention. My favorite Rock Gods are those who have lived long enough to show us their very humanness. Well Due to my new years resolution of no page long posts this year I will shut my yap :)

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Ummm yeah.....a Zeppelin reunion is definitly NEVER going to happen. All parties involved (Plant, Page, Jones) have solo albums coming out this year and their are all pretty focused on this so I've heard. And the Indianapolis radio station apparently got Zeppelin mixed up with Van Halen, seeing as there reuniting. I know for a fact that we will never see Zeppelin again, Zeppelin as a working band died on September 25, 1980.

Yeah, and the DVD rocks more than any other live DVD ever created.

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Why of all the opoortunities they've ahd to reunite in the last quarter of a centruy would they do so now? Doesn't make sense. Plus if they look at their musical piers who have made "comebacks" (The Who) or never stopped (The Rolling Stones) their albums just plain suck compared to their original records.

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