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This is my second RROD but the thing is the Xbox it happened too is under a year old (manufactured 24th Aug 2007) and should have had the problem fixed..

My elite was from 2007 and only lasted 6 months till it RROD

The newer ones 2008+ are meant to be better but I still don't think they are 100%

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Hey guys, I want to buy a new videogame. Had Metal Gear Solid 4 in mind. Anyone played it tell me if it's worth the hype?

It should be illegal to own a PS3 and not have MGS4.

Indeed. One of the best games i've ever played. One of the few instances where a game actually lives up to its hype.

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Surprisingly, Madden 09 sounds like it may actually be worth buying, especially the Wii version with the new "Call Your Shot" feature where you get to draw your receiver's route at the line of scrimmage using the Wiimote.

Madden 07 was pretty good, but 08 was such a bust EA basically started from scratch again and most reviews very positive.

Tiger 09 also sounding like a big step up from the mediocre 08.

Never considered buying it anyway, but NCAA Football 09 supposedly sucks the big one and that's being generous compared to most of what's being written about it...

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Guest knerken
Okay. I'm just a little bit frustrated. DOES ANYONE HERE PLAY THE MAX PAYNE GAMES? Well, I kept hearing rumors that they were going to make a movie out of this with Mark Walhberg. I was excited. I thought that would be cool...until I watched the preview. What the hell are flying dragons doing in this? And the rapper Ludacris? Am I dreaming here? Hopefully, that demon dragon thing is just a hallucination he is having? I don't know. And then on top of it Mark Walhberg says he has never even played the game. Why do they always have to ruin video game movies? Trailer if anyone is interested...:question:

Max Payne Trailer

Looks shit. What a way to ruin a great game.

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I finished Braid 100% this morning. Well, bar a certain secret 8 things that some of you may know about that I won't spoil.

It's SO good. The satisfaction of getting all the pieces and then seeing the story all click into place is a magical feeling. I know this is like my third post on it now, and I will shut up about it after this one, but with the story ending in such a way it multiplied my love for it even higher. It's a tad pretentious at times but overall it's just a unique and fresh experience. If ever an argument was needed for games being art you'd use this.

It might be my game of the year now. I think MGS4 tops it just, but christ, please buy Braid!

Bought it earlier today, played the three first levels, and yeah, it's an amazing little gem, isn't it? I am loving the art style, the music and the puzzles, and I can't wait to progess further into the game. Really, really great game.

And btw, if you loved it so much, you should seriously think about getting your hands on Zack & Wiki for the Wii. It's another puzzle game I thought Braid reminded me of.

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Guest Jack_the_ripper
Okay. I'm just a little bit frustrated. DOES ANYONE HERE PLAY THE MAX PAYNE GAMES? Well, I kept hearing rumors that they were going to make a movie out of this with Mark Walhberg. I was excited. I thought that would be cool...until I watched the preview. What the hell are flying dragons doing in this? And the rapper Ludacris? Am I dreaming here? Hopefully, that demon dragon thing is just a hallucination he is having? I don't know. And then on top of it Mark Walhberg says he has never even played the game. Why do they always have to ruin video game movies? Trailer if anyone is interested...:question:

Max Payne Trailer

Looks shit. What a way to ruin a great game.

I agree, Max Payne is just about the only game franchise that Rockstar has that I actually enjoy alot. I'm also a fan of marky mark, but I don't think they know what they're doing.

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Okay. I'm just a little bit frustrated. DOES ANYONE HERE PLAY THE MAX PAYNE GAMES? Well, I kept hearing rumors that they were going to make a movie out of this with Mark Walhberg. I was excited. I thought that would be cool...until I watched the preview. What the hell are flying dragons doing in this? And the rapper Ludacris? Am I dreaming here? Hopefully, that demon dragon thing is just a hallucination he is having? I don't know. And then on top of it Mark Walhberg says he has never even played the game. Why do they always have to ruin video game movies? Trailer if anyone is interested...:question:

Max Payne Trailer

Looks shit. What a way to ruin a great game.

Oh dear. They seemed to have the ridiculously noirish atmosphere down so well, too.

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I finished Braid 100% this morning. Well, bar a certain secret 8 things that some of you may know about that I won't spoil.

It's SO good. The satisfaction of getting all the pieces and then seeing the story all click into place is a magical feeling. I know this is like my third post on it now, and I will shut up about it after this one, but with the story ending in such a way it multiplied my love for it even higher. It's a tad pretentious at times but overall it's just a unique and fresh experience. If ever an argument was needed for games being art you'd use this.

It might be my game of the year now. I think MGS4 tops it just, but christ, please buy Braid!

Bought it earlier today, played the three first levels, and yeah, it's an amazing little gem, isn't it? I am loving the art style, the music and the puzzles, and I can't wait to progess further into the game. Really, really great game.

And btw, if you loved it so much, you should seriously think about getting your hands on Zack & Wiki for the Wii. It's another puzzle game I thought Braid reminded me of.

I like Zack and Wiki but it's not half the game that Braid is, really. It's a good, fun adventure game but Braid is more than that.

When you get further, start to think about the subtle messages and get time to ponder all the metaphors you'll see what I mean :) I'm glad at least one other person here is playing it!

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talk about hype :lol: halo3 is more innovative than wii fit? and portal? and why is gta4 on the list?

At the Edinburgh Interactive Festival today, Bungie beat competitors such as Nintendo and Rockstar to win the Edge Award For Interactive Innovation for Halo 3.

We hand out this accolade to the title released in the last 12 months that does most to further the creative culture of gaming – in other words, to mark out new directions for the form.

This year’s Edge Award For Interactive Innovation was a closely fought affair, Bungie proving victorious in a shortlist that also included Grand Theft Auto IV, Portal, Rock Band, Super Mario Galaxy and Wii Fit.

Ultimately it is the integration and coherence of Halo 3’s online content that makes the game stand apart. From its Theater mode to Forge, and the way a party playing through Live can seamlessly manoeuvre between them, here is an experience that demonstrates an unparalleled understanding of the potential for console online play. Outside of the game, Bungie.net has been engineered to become a remarkable resource for Halo 3 stats and communities, providing life for the game even when your Xbox 360 is switched off. Halo 3, just as Halo 2 did before it, presents a roadmap for the way online will be integrated in videogames in the coming years.

In the light of its incredible success and the number of fans it has attracted, it’s easy to overlook all of the ideas that are present in Halo 3 and the remarkably robust manner in which they are implemented, but we hope that this award serves to help credit Bungie for its achievements. Naturally, congratulations also go to the makers of the games that also made the shortlist.

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Portal is an exeptional puzzle game yes, Wii Fit I dont know much about granted but reading that article I kinda agree bout Halo...

I mean the whole Forge thing is great, the theatre is amazing, co-op with meta-score is fantastic and for the lasting experience you get it is very innovative...

Slap a multiplayer into Portal and that would have taken it, Portal CTF would rule!

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Guest Jack_the_ripper
Portal is an exeptional puzzle game yes, Wii Fit I dont know much about granted but reading that article I kinda agree bout Halo...

I mean the whole Forge thing is great, the theatre is amazing, co-op with meta-score is fantastic and for the lasting experience you get it is very innovative...

Slap a multiplayer into Portal and that would have taken it, Portal CTF would rule!

Why give such honors to a game you've already played... oh 3 times now? I said I'd stay out of debates, but you're just wrong. Portal in itself deserves it more than Halo, but Wiifit is just in a league of it's own when it comes to innovation.

... Lasting appeal is not very innovative, if so Counter Strike would win every year. Everything Halo does has been done before, there is about nothing innovative with the title. That's the simple truth.

I was really rooting for Portal personally.

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I'm not even gonna bother arguing with you for fear that you will spread another dose of verbal diarrhoea...

I'm a huge Portal fan and love the game and all I am saying is I can see why Halo was awarded it over the other two games but I never said I thought Halo deserved it...

Can you accept that?

Edited by Martoine
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Portal is an exeptional puzzle game yes, Wii Fit I dont know much about granted but reading that article I kinda agree bout Halo...

I mean the whole Forge thing is great, the theatre is amazing, co-op with meta-score is fantastic and for the lasting experience you get it is very innovative...

Slap a multiplayer into Portal and that would have taken it, Portal CTF would rule!

Why give such honors to a game you've already played... oh 3 times now? I said I'd stay out of debates, but you're just wrong. Portal in itself deserves it more than Halo, but Wiifit is just in a league of it's own when it comes to innovation.

... Lasting appeal is not very innovative, if so Counter Strike would win every year. Everything Halo does has been done before, there is about nothing innovative with the title. That's the simple truth.

I was really rooting for Portal personally.

Just before I start this, I must say that I haven't played Wii Fit. So if you think that makes my points worthless, stop reading here!

innovation is often missinterperated into "something completly new", while it's more about doing something really good for the first time. Wii Fit isn't groundbraking, everyone who has been in an arcade and played a skateboard game, knows about the existance of board controles. But they did something fresh with using it for many things, and kudos for that. So it is a worthy contestent.

Halo 3, the winner of this competion is also very worthy in my eyes. No there isn't something completly new. But as with Wii fit, it's not about how fantastic new it is, it's more about the whole package. (just like girlfriends) Halo delivers a huge + there. It got some of the best online features of any game ever! That is undeniable. Many has done something simular, many has done something almost the same, but Halo brought it all together.

As for portal, that would be my winner. Making such and esey and intuative gameplaymechanic so much fun deserves the award in it's self. Sure portals isn't something new, We have all played Pray, (or we SHOULD all play it, it's fun) But this is the first game that gives you complete controle over them. Giving the player something completly new. I was very skeptical about Portal, but it so delivered. There is not much bad to say about it, other then it was to short. And that is really a compliment.

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Guest Jack_the_ripper

I partially agree with you Bromle, however Halo just didn't deserve it. I was also saying Portal probably should of won it.

The term innovation may refer to both radical and incremental changes in thinking, in things, in processes or in services (Mckeown, 2008).

That's where we differ though. Halo3 is just another online FPS game, as great as the online is. Wiifit is completely new in the simple aspect that it's meant to be a game that keeps you in shape, that's where it's innovative and never been done before, not the peripheral that it comes with.

As for Portal, just the whole ideology behind it is what makes it innovative to me.

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It was more subtle with Konami, but there was a focus on fitness.

I used to like it when I played the dancemat games with my girlfriend, there was a thing that told you how much you had burned per session and stuff. If it wasn't for the fact those games had mostly awful setlists I probably would be playing them quite fanatically; they were a good workout and hey, dancing is fun! I was pretty fucking good at them.

But yeah I agree. For the price of Wii Fit it's easier to go to a gym or, better yet, just kick a ball around with some friends. It's not like fat fuck gamers are gonna be inspired by it. A study showed most people gave up on it after a month. The balance board is cool technology though so I hope some developers put it to good use.

Edited by Ridin' the Nightrain
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