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Posts posted by rocketsredglare

  1. The Wu Album released in 2000 is one of the best rap albums in history.

    Dont believe me, BUY IT!!!!!


    whoose u guys's favorite member? personally, i can't choose but i'd like to hear ur opinions...they're an anomoly in that, most hip hop groups got like...mascot men, but the wu tang is almost like one doper than the other...

  2. not really my cup of rap-tea... it's a shame ODB hatdo die this young tho...the last rap rebel , R.I.P.


    Wu Tang is that stupid dope fresh shit, funkier than ya grandfathers feet...u should check em out...in fact, u know what man, listen to i think it's Brooklyn Zoo part 2, garuntee you'll love it...Dirt Dog was fuckin crayzee though huh? and check out Meth-Tical on I Got My Mind Made Up cuz i know u love tupac...


    Meth is really cool on that song yeah! No more pain off the same album is a cover from Bring the pain, guess Pac had something goin on there with the Wu boys, perhaps regarding is One Nation project.

    yeah well, i do have some albums from the Clan (The W and Iron Flag or whatever it's called) and i can't really enjoy this kinda rap, i am sorry!


    trust me bro, u'd love the early shit...and yeah, um, Suge was tryna sign em to Death Row for a while...

  3. not really my cup of rap-tea... it's a shame ODB hatdo die this young tho...the last rap rebel , R.I.P.


    Wu Tang is that stupid dope fresh shit, funkier than ya grandfathers feet...u should check em out...in fact, u know what man, listen to i think it's Brooklyn Zoo part 2, garuntee you'll love it...Dirt Dog was fuckin crayzee though huh? and check out Meth-Tical on I Got My Mind Made Up cuz i know u love tupac...

  4. josh tree for me!


    lol..it's funny, but...this is an on-going thing with me and my friends...U2 sell so many albums, yet i never met a motherfucker that said they liked em and wasn't bein wise...i should direct my friends here..

  5. mainstream/underground is basically buisness terminology and has more to do with availability and distribution of the artist more than anything musical, if u r signed to a major record label or a subsidary thereof, you are mainstream, anything outside of said definition is underground...

  6. People were banned for a reason - and usually after many warnings. 

    It would not make sense to suddenly reopen the forum to people who had tried to ruin the forum by spamming it with porn, GNR bashing, or nonsense.


    Yeah.. you may be right.... but it sounds like a new begining, and maybe the temper of everyone would be so different if things are working fine..


    have i had a warning? it says warn 0% on my shit so i assume not...

  7. Pet0, u like the meat puppets? aren't they just the best shit...

    MC Paul Barman...

    The Reverend Horton Heat

    The Violent Femmes

  8. i despise both of these bands...lol i mean really hate their guts, quite deeply. HOWEVER, i think, that somewhere in my warped little indoctrinated punk rock mind, when i quit acting, i actually do like the beatles very much (owing to the fact i had it kicked down my throat since age 3, grew up with johnny-come-lately-flower-children) whether i like likin' em or not so, on that weight, The Beatles, no fucking question....besides which i find metallica and their ilk vomit-inducingly boring.

  9. sex pistols, by faaar....

    the clash dont compare, by nature of the fact that they were all hippies until the pistols "changed their lives". they're really obvious attempts at being diverse...the ramones r like heavy metal bubblegum...pistols are like...undeniable...and as far as not musically noteworthy well if u knew anything about the time, nevermind the bollocks, in terms of music...was revolutionary the steve jones wall of sound that u can hear in oasis now...chris speddings production...nevermind the bollocks is about one of the tightly produced products musically for the last 25 years in mainstream music, read up on it...

    and uh, since when were the ramones underground??? they were signed to mainstream record labels their whole career...

  10. personally, i could defend hip hop...credibly...on an intellectual level if i was that way inclined...but the real reason people don't like it nowadays, lets cut to the chase here, the foreplay is tiring...its a fucking race thing, like all the weiners in elvises time sayin' it was black person music, this is a PC version of the same thing...only nowadays they come up with different excuses

    *mimics whiney voice*

    1) its soooo degrading to women

    2) it promotes violence

    3) its not music, its not art, it's garbage

    etc etc etc

    they said this same shit about rock n roll. im not sayin if u dislike hip hop ur a racist, just people hear look like they're lookin' HAAAARD for reasons but can't find shit cuz they have extremely uninformed opinions on the matter.

    now we got elton john fans in here goin off on "rappers are all about bling and thats bullshit". spare me. and oh yeah, my favorite, it's degrading to women...ok, well, riddle me this batman, if hip hop is degrading to women then why is it that in the mainstream there are more female hip hop artists right now than there has ever been rock female artists? u think cuz they talk about sex they're degrading women? maybe they enjoy fucking, hows that? and what do 50 cent and eminem say exactly that is anymore idiotic than what anyone else in music says???

    a lotta rap is fun music, celebration music, celebrating life...which is almost a dionysian thing LMAO i mean really, u want me to intellectualise it, i can lol but...why???

  11. u say it follows too much of a formula yet u say

    "I like singing. I don't like the talking/yelling kind of thing. The singing to me is supposed to add to the music, not conflict with it. This rap "singing" is too harsh to be palatable to me"

    unimaginative? lol listen to As The World Turns by Eminem...lol

    btw, what is the average stuff u listen to dude?

  12. he is one of the most lyrically dope motherfuckers around...there ain't nobody who can touch him, my man canibus'd prolly give him trouble, biggie smalls just on the weight of the rhythm he bought to a song, Big Daddy Kane who to me is just God...Em' is on that level, he's amazing

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