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Posts posted by jekylhyde

  1. That pic does nothing for me. I like the old band, but... they were too big. They were bound to explode. I'd like to hear a Gn'R record with Axl's vocals, Izzy's contribution, Duff's bass sound, Pittman's sound effects, Robin's riffs and Sorum's beats.

  2. I would love to love Myles' voice. I used to like it actually, but now it just sounds so whiney and bland. He is talented and a nice guy plus his work ethic is great, but he just lacks something. Unfortunately, he just doesn't have that extra something that legendary singers have.

    I really like Slash's first solo album. I listened to the second one a couple times. An okay record, but didn't really get into it. Hopefully the third one's gonna be good.

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  3. Limp Bizkit is cool, in their own way. They're a great live band.

    And it speaks tons when everybody dresses up as Guns they always go for the Axl and Slash look (and it's cool, cause it just shows how influental and huge they once were). Many people don't even know that Guns is an active band anymore. If they know, they view them as nostalgia act. And it's fine.

    It's also funny when people start dissing other people who don't like ChiDem. I mean, if you don't like a person, that's cool, but it's so third grade to start ragging on someone who doesn't like something you do.

    I would like to hear their version of WTTJ. It's either very cringeworthy or really cool.

  4. Cool band. I'm more into Rob's solo stuff though, Dracula and Living Dead Girl are amazing songs. But yeah, White Zombie's first LP kicks ass. And of course, More Human Than Human is dope.

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