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Posts posted by jekylhyde

  1. I actually like STP with Chester. He is a great fit, his voice is good and he can sing. He would've been great in VR. The DeLeos have been putting up with Weiland's shit for years. And even though I'm a big Weiland fan, the DeLeos have every right to do this.

    Of course, no one can ever fill Scott's shoes in STP (or in VR), but this is the next best thing.

  2. I kinda like it. Ashba does a decent job and this would be an amazing song, if the album version wouldn't exist. Original Better is so powerful and it's new Guns' best song (also one of the best songs of GnR in general). Hard to top that. But as a remix, it's pretty dope.

    I actually like the soundscapes of this version. Heavy mixed with gentle, slow and beautiful parts. Again, kinda waters down this song, but in the future, I wouldn't mind hearing new tunes made/produced like this one.

  3. According to Marc, Perla was behind both incidents. So it's possible he never really wanted a reunion at all. And what the fuck is is with all the reunion threads today anyway?

    It's possible, but it doesn't matter in the least because Perla is still there to make him.

    Overgrown washed up has-been bitches letting ugly old women control their lives. They're both fucking pathetic.

    This x 100

  4. He should've gone solo in 1997. Like Ozzy did after he left (/was kicked out of) Sabbath. Just imagine, the name "Axl Rose" could be as huge as "Guns n' Roses".

    So yeah, if he would go solo, that would be great! He would be a little late, but it would be great.


    Doing music and putting out a kick ass show is rock'n'roll, being late and singing off-key isn't.

    Guns' music will always be better than Bon Jovi's (even though they're not that THAT bad. After Crush they went downhill), but I like how Bon Jovi keeps it professional when it comes to touring. Fans pay good money to see/hear artists, so it's really disrespectful to treat them like crap. They pay your bills.

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