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Posts posted by hudsonsaul

  1. Axl fronting ACDC for a few gigs would be so much fun, I'd dig seeing him front that band.

    Highly doubt it though.

    Saying that GNR haven't confirmed or denied it doesn't prove anything, as they dont confirm or deny anything really.

    Don't know what ACDC's communications with fans and social media is like, but are any of them open about stuff? - if so isn't it possible to tweet them or whatever and flat out ask if they've considered Axl, or if they want to put those rumors to bed? ...or is this completely unrealistic and not how social media works? (twitter & the like?)

  2. Solid line up imo. And a good balance too.

    Would be cool to have Izzy on board, but Fortus is fucking solid as and I reckon will complement Slash well to get that two guitar sound that is so very much guns. Dunno why the hate for Frank, he is a brilliant drummer. 

    I still think Axl is going to be the weak link (which I probably felt more often than note during the 'newguns' era if i'm honest with myself - that doesn't include the aura he brings and showmanship of course)

  3. Funny that this is the most I've heard of NIven in yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeears, and that he is taking any and all opportunity to have his voice heard post the GNR confirmation of the 'reunion'. HIs opinion, in my eyes anyways, is no different that anyone elses on this forum as to what he classes as a reunion or not. Axl, Slash, and Duff are on stage, and reuniting....that alone is a reunion....Axl has always said that his band is Guns (again doesn't matter what you or I think of that), ...so it is in theory, those key players reuniting in Guns, with the current members. So a Guns Reunion it is.

    Anyways. I agree with his comments about Izzy being vital to Guns and hte tradtitional guns sound etc.

    One thing I'm curious about and would like others on here to comment; What are your thoughts on Izzy subtly communicating about the situation through the songs he posted on Twitter? This is a grown man who is seemingly extremely comfortable with his place in life. I find it odd he'd act in that sort of immature way? What are ppl's thoughts here? Reckon Izzy is communicating through his covers?

    • Like 1
  4. Really?

    I'm actually the opposite. WHen I hear Nirvana songs I think they stand the test of time and sound brilliant. 

    WHen I hear AFD, I find there are specific tracks that sound so dated, and others that are cheesy. I still think its one of the, if not the, best rock debut. 

    But - as you're talking about Greatest Hits, i find the GNR Greatest HIts a horrid affair and somewhat dated (not all of course). Nirvana for me personal stands the test of time as is always a welcome break from whatever is currently either mainstream or mainstream via my own listening habbits (eg. my own spamming of shit i like). GNR does have that vibe with the later comment a bit as well for me but more so the meaty songs casual fans aren't quute into.

    I'm blabbering.

  5. 1 hour ago, madison said:

    Thanks for the update Kaneda.

    For those who doubt or question Kaneda - you clearly weren't on the forum for the past 15 years. He doesn't make up stories, he doesn't adopt multiple screennames/personalities, he doesn't mislead members and he doesn't pretend to be a fake insider.  Kaneda's sources are credible. I knew Kaneda's sources in the past - and I know who they are in this case too.


    Not sure why anyone is really surprised by this latest info.


    It's been pretty clear that the reunion has been on rocky footing from day one. The biggest red flag was Axl's decision to cancel his appearance on the Kimmel show. I mean, this was his big moment - and it had been heavily promoted for weeks before he pulled out at the 11th hour.   Any subsequent claim that Axl's appearance had not been confirmed or that Axl didn't know about it - is complete nonsense. Even Kimmel himself was bewildered by the no-show and had to scramble around to find a replacement at the last minute.

    The first shows are now less than a month away - and there's still no confirmation on who's in and who's out. No publicity. No promotion. Zilch. Even Izzy is posting on twitter asking what the heck is going on. Anyone who thinks all of the disorganization and chaos surrounding this so-called reunion is "normal" or just "rock n roll" or is somehow part of some elaborate strategic plan, where GNR is just letting the reunion "happen organically," is living in a dream world. Clearly, things have not been worked out - personally or professionally.


    I've always said that I thought a real management team needed to be brought in for this reunion to succeed - and I'm guessing Slash and Duff would agree. Honestly, I can't imagine Slash and Duff agreeing to allow a former housekeeper and her family to manage the band's reunion. And since TB still seems to be running the show, it raises questions.




    And the closer we get to the first dates, the less certain it all seems to become.



    Honestly, I hope I'm wrong - and that all five original members resolve their differences and show up in Vegas, ready to play the outstanding shows we've all waited decades to see. Guess time will tell.






    All good points.

    And one of the main reasons i have doubts that there will be much more of the "reunion" past what is already advertised, and a couple of Europe festivals potentially. It's also one of the reasons I have doubts that the shows will be particularly good, as what you described (which I'm leaning towards myself when i think about it) is a massive distraction imo.

    Someone said on this thread or another, a good point, that we'll know come the first show or two how relationships are via on stage interaction.

    THe logics of 'new guns' morphing into reunion guns, is huge, from contracts with existing and ex-members, management of all three involved in the reunion. if there is any recording of existing CD era stuff (whcih i doubt) the inevitable legalities of this with writing credits etc.

    I'd like to think they've resolved differences and are doing this for themselves and fans in a positive way. Personally, I feel Axl might spend slight above his means, and needs to continue touring to sustain his lifestyle & entourage etc. THat sbased on no facts, just my own assumption. It will be a good earn these few shows.



    2 hours ago, SoundOfAGun said:

    Tone chasing is a waste of time. Even Slash can't properly get his appetite tone and that is after Marshall designed an amp for that purpose. If Slash and Marshall can't do it, there is not much chance that anyone else can. 

    I think they nailed some of the tones really well, under the circumstances.

    Tone chasing isn't a waste of time. Much like ppl learning AFD note for note, isn't so much a waste of time, if gets them where they want to go when playing their own way. I learnt lots as a kid dicking around with gear trying to get sounds like various artists, that when it came to evolving tones I like i can dial them in easier and am heavily influenced by those early periods.

    You do always end up sounding like yourself tho. I'd imagine Slash would sound a lot more Slash if it was him playing on the rig from the video. Ignoring that aspect, they've done a pretty good job imo and the geek in me would be keen to see them trial and error all the stuff as they try get to where they got.

    • Like 2
  7. Not sure, I think he'll be similar to what we heard most recently, but a little fitter.

    My gut says that the reunion tour, won't be much of a tour if he isn't in shape and isn't sounding good (and if he does his super late showings etc) as he'll be picked apart by media and everyone else. Lots of ppl are talking about full stadium tours and albums etc. But personally I wouldn't be suprised if its this handful of gigs and that's that....maybe a summer festival or two in UK/Europe.

    Unless he nails it.

  8. Dont care if he is in or out, as to be honest, i can barely hear his contributions live.

    What i do find interesting though, is lots of people when talking about Axl, in positive or negative light, have often mentioned how loyal he is to his friends. Its a theme often related to him. I wonder how those not part of the tour, ala potentially Pittman in this case, see his loyalty now. Or how Axl genuinely feels about it, since I'm taking he takes pride in his loyalty trait. 

  9. Least someone related to Guns is finally giving genuine information to fans. 

    The others should take note. It took Izzy all of a few minutes, and he addressed stuff that folk have be grasping at straw for since the reunion announcement.

    Also, guess that can put to bed Nivens comments about where he said something along the lines of he knew the guys had been recording recently w/ Izzy.  

    • Like 1
  10. 14 hours ago, Tom2112 said:

    Problem is right before this he's holding another note and he's wavering on his pitch. The scream did sound good, but I think if you look over the shows from that period you'll agree that Axl did not sound solid, and that it gets a fair shake by most fans. It really sounded like Axl with a chest infection. 

    I have no idea why Axls voice changes so much, I mean he's not the only singer who doesn't practice or sings in a challenging style yet almost all other singers cone out each year and you can still definitely say that they sound like themselves (which is an odd thing to say).

    2006 - great! Everything before 2006 - not great, very hit and miss, more misses.

    I think it's down to fitness and diet (and then appropriate warms ups / lessons leading into a tour). Certainly his fluctuating weight and fitness appears to impact his voice - that and probably particularly around certain Guns periods no one being honest and telling him his voice isn't up to scratch, or performance in general.

    2006 appears to the best era for him during 'new' guns. He also had a basic wardrobe and was in shape, both of which were refreshing.

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