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Posts posted by hudsonsaul

  1. Some high quality circle jerking over Oh My God here.

    It's a totally inconsequential song in the history of rock music, unlike AFD, Lies, and UYI.

    Which is fair enough as it was released by itself. Comparing it to albums and its impact on history of rock music, is odd.

    Don't kid yourself though, AFD has some filler, which also sound somewhat dated now. eg. Anything Goes, Think About You, could argue for Out Ta Get Me as well.

    For me its massively historical, as it was the first release post Slash leaving, at a time when internet wasnt as common place as now and the song being harder for average fans to obtain.

    • Like 4
  2. Actually, I think that would be a great idea.

    He was not only a fan, but an LA resident when NWA blew up (I think). So he has first hand experience, whilst also digs them. He is a hall of famer himself which is an added bonus. WIth the Guns reunion making news, he is going to naturally be in the public eye more. It's also a good contrast for hte band being inducted, whilst more of a reason for ppl to tune into the event (getting a recluse to induct them adds to the spectacle imo).

    Billie Joe inducted Guns, and wtf was he in relation to the band? Not that I followed greenday too much, but I'd venture a guess that he was barely a fan of the band initially. THere are more links for Axl and NWA than Billie Joe & Guns.

  3. Picked up the double LP, 45rpm version of the Nirvana hits package this morning along with the 2 Kill Bill soundtracks.

    Supposedly the first 4 Black Crowes LPs are finally getting reissued in 2 weeks. I'm sure hoping that date holds up this time.

    I really hope this is true (the black crowes comment).

    I've purchased Southern Harmony & Musical Companion twice now (i think through their site too), and both skip like crazy and are un-listenable as a result :(

  4. I'll probably join.

    Not interested in tshirts or exclusive blog news (that can be obtained here, and anywhere post that).

    I just want to ensure that I can secure tickets to any early GNR shows, be it warm up for Coachella, or aftermath shows. I'd imagine the fan club will get first opportunity for any warm up or fun small gigs they do (unless they just go full arena post Coachella).

  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVA3aXZH8Ic

    That clip above just shows how crucial Steven is to getting the GNR feel, he may be immature (apparently) but no one can deny that this guy is irreplaceable. Even Izzy knew it

    That was cool. Really enjoyed it.

    Not a big Steven fan tbh, but that was sweet. Such simple drums, done effortlessly as you say, and the cymbal work is great. He also seems to have so much time and space. I remember learning drums as a kid and bought a LIES drum book - couldn't believe how simple it was yet totally engaging (pretty much gave up after a few years, but in jams nowadays when im dicking about on drums, I fall back on said beats a lot).

    • Like 1
  6. For me when guns was in South America a few years back and he told the story of slash always pissing himself and axl stealing the girls...it always felt different to me. First off about not speaking negatively of slash or not getting pissed to even consider talking about him. Not that I knew something was going on, but the way he spoke about slash and the smile on his face as he spoke about his old friend...

    from the stories ive read- axl (in private) was always okay discussing slash and telling stories like this, no?

    The very first time I met Axl without being led he discussed Slash and it was not negative at all

    Cool. When/how did you meet him? Not looking for gossip on what was discussed, more how you met him, for how long, etc.

    Also are the gunsguy who did heaps of those shows/dvds back in the heavy trading & torrent days?

  7. What do we know so far?

    1) Izzy has been writing and recording recently with GNR.

    2) He hasn't been confirmed in the new live lineup.

    So it seems to me that he'll do what he has been doing lately - showing up to perform live when he feels like it, and when it suits him. This is consistent with his behaviour of the last few years. I'm absolutely delighted with that - I'd much rather have him involved in the song-writing if it was a straight choice.

    Yes and no.

    Izzy isn't confirm in any lineup, however I think everyone can treat is a given he will turn up in some respects either at Coachella or any warm ups or post Coachella shows (of which there is no confirmation this is happening either yet).

    We don't know if he has been writing & recording with GNR, we just have words from Nivin that he thinks he has been involved in recording new stuff. The comments were what he thought, not based on any facts or how/why he thinks that. The interview does imply throughout that he is close with Slash still, so that is how he could know these things?

    Hopefully you Number 1 is true though.

  8. Ashba is the only one who botched up the songs imo.

    Pittman you can barely hear in the mix tbh (I'd a like a CD era show without him, just to compare what it sounds like tbh).

    I think most people dislike him more for the fact that for the majority of the show he just drinks, leans on an equally wobbly keyboard and gets to say he's in Guns N' Roses, than for anything he adds to the old songs :lol:

    'leans on an equally wobbly keyboard' :) made me lol

    Kinda agree w/ your post too.

    • Like 1
  9. On the fence on whether to lock this thread or lock and all lineup talk can happen here: http://www.mygnrforum.com/index.php?/topic/213373-guns-n-roses-coachella-lineup-press-release/

    If this thread ends up being redundant, will merge with existing thread...

    I'm the same as OP and struggling to plough through huge threads looking for confirmed or semi confirmed news. I'd imagine a few more new threads will be started as a result.

    Perhaps a sticky with confirmed facts might pay off?

  10. Odd clip to use to try make your point. I thought he came across totally normal, and made some decent points for a short interview.

    Not sure why he needs to have his arm around the chick tho o_O

    I've personally never quite understood how he fits in, seen new guns heaps of times, and struggle to notice his impact soundwise. However, Axl seems to trust him, and he clearly digs music, so I'm not fussed either way really.

  11. Imagine no rehersals as of yet, and when they do I'd guess it will be for a month before the show tops. All members (the core original 'reunion' three, and any further speculation of additional players) all know the songs and parts so damn well, especially considering it will be a AFD heavy setlist. A month to sure things up and get some sort of chemistry and the band will be fine.

    My concern is Axl. I really hope he is getting fit and working on his vocals. Can't imagine he'll be at rehearsals too much, seeing as he never really has done in the past.

  12. Coachella tickets go on sale tomorrow, to travel there from outside of the US is big bucks, the festival will sell out regardless as it always does but for anyone wondering whether they should drop serious money on what could turn out to be a one shot occasion a firmer confirmation of the band's intentions would go a long way. I think a lot of fans would relax a bit if they released a statement as to whether a full tour is booked this summer.

    As things stand some fans will be committing to a couple of thousands worth of expense based on a tweet and two Facebook shares.

    This is so true.

    I'm travelling from the southern hemisphere for the first gig. Multiple flights, visas, accommodation, etc. (not to mention logistics and costs of keeping things running here). All based on a 'tweet and two facebook shares'.

    Last time I committed to significant travel for the band was the Rock in Rio gig, that they cancelled. Got zero refunds for that trip due to booking all the cheapest options (had a crap job back then), and have never been a foo fighters fan (who if i recall replaced them) so didn't go.

  13. If they do LA show(s) then invite him up, or let him do a number of songs or a full AFD set.

    IMO he isn't needed in a reunion, and would be more of a risk than anything else both with his state of mind/being as well as his potential impact on Slash/Axl - imagine the amount of crap Steven will sprout to anyone and everyone who will listen and take an interview.......he'd pretty much embarrass himself and the band over time even if he stays clean and plays relatively well. The guy is like an excitable young kid who has drunk too much soda and eaten way too much candy, never seems to think before he speaks or anything :P

  14. Im just afraid Axl will blow it like every other televised or streamed show in the last 15 years.

    That is actually what I'm afraid of for the whole project. I mean it's still Axl. I think it's safe to assume that he always BELIEVED what he said ("multiple albums", "soon", etc), but sooo many things never happened or were delayed for years and years. Plus in the last years he often didn't even seem to TRY to perform on his best level.

    So yeah, the whole thing is rolling now, but that doesn't mean that it has to keep on rolling. I see potential disasters all along the way, from another dramatic fallout to the more mundane lack of the magic spark. I'm sad that I'm looking at it that way, but the last 20 years taught me as much. :(

    I've said countless times that I've been in "Please Prove Me Wrong Axl! Mode" since about 2008.

    My original thought on this was exactly what you guys are saying, but then I thought. "Wait. Maybe this is IT. Could this be the one where Axl proves me wrong?!"

    Needless to say, I'm hoping for that to be the case.

    This. This is exactly how I've been feeling for years now as well (the whole 'Please prove me wrong Axl' feeling).

    I'm excited by all this reunion talk, and suddenly GNR are in the news etc, .... but shit, I have serious doubts Axl will be able to pull it off, or if he does ....sustain it. The public are well over GNR and well over Axl (he is such an easy target). Few days ago the reunion rumors made the front page of reddit, and pretty much every comment within was negative (admittedly most were generic negative comments that touch on the 'easy target' that is Axl).

    Here's hoping that the rivalry that essentially has always existed between Axl and Slash, ensure he doesn't let us down and it drives him to get his voice and performance in shape so he isn't the weakest link. Slash has kept up his chops with the guitar (not challenged himself or anything really), but Axl has let his instrument (vocals and stage presence) really slip for a number of years now.

  15. What annoys me about the original ISE video is all this great footage of the Cathouse gig. It always suggests to me that decent shot footage of this show is out there, somewhere, and hoarded away or something.

    Mark - do you have any idea if the whole show was filmed, and is it archived somewhere to the best of your knowledge? Does footage of the whole show exist?

  16. That's convincing you it's not happening? An old manager that claims to have text Slash, and is not stabbing him in the back and leaking the reunion? As reported by youthhealthmag? lol

    Dunno why she keeps popping up. Also, i'd wouldn't have thought Slash and her are close still? That was decades ago, and it seemed like everyone bar Vicky, moved on.

    Seeing as Mark, who has known Slash for pretty much his entire life and his is mate, can't keep up on a regular basis with him due to the world Slash lives in....i personally doubt that Vicky has little text chats.

    Could be wrong though.

    BIggest sign something is happening, is that no one in the GNR camp has shot the rumor down (which I think they have done in the past?).

    IMO if it does happen, and the rumors of it happening in a year or two are true, then it will run the risk of not being as successful as it could have been (ala. CD release being delayed by years, there are arguments for it to have been a shit ton more successful if released a handful of years earlier). Reunion could possibly go the same way imo. Hopefully it gives Axl time to get in shape, and work on his voice, so he's in form if it does happen.

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