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Status Updates posted by Conor

  1. I saw a Hungarian GNR tribute at Sziget, guitarist was considerably better than Ashba.

    1. Coma16


      Wouldn't he have found a better gig if he was that talented?

    2. NachoLZ


      Many people with no talent are famous, they dont even write their own songs, talent in this days is not something that puts you instantly in a better place.

  2. I'm growing to like this ol' place again. Prostitute's helped.

    1. maynard


      You're welcome :)

    2. Nulla Lex Ink.

      Nulla Lex Ink.

      Prostitutes make everything better.

      "A prostitute is someone who loves you no matter who you are or what you look like!"

    3. AxlisOld


      Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. James Taylor.

  3. I had no idea you were still here! How was Denmark? (I think that's where you were moving to)

  4. You were on another list.

  5. Done :) Hopefully have it sorted asap.

  6. I gave in, Football Manager 2011 arrived this morning.

  7. Yeah I live pretty near Belfast. I went down to the Dublin show, was certainly different :P Interesting to say the least. Still glad I went, to say I was there. Definately an experience.

  8. I saw you were at the Belfast show, that's cool mate. Me too :) You from there or just visiting for the show?

  9. is patiently waiting for something to happen.

  10. Yo! Hope you had fun at the Belfast show! I was the front too, it was great.

  11. will be back on 31st July. Please behave.

  12. Have a good time :)

  13. Yeah it sucks, but it's just the way things work. I'm officially on my summer holidays only a few days later which is what is really annoying.

  14. I should totally go to Norway.

  15. I wish, but unfortunately it's right in the middle of my exam time at Uni. Although a trip around Europe might be on the cards, in which case I'd make sure Norway is one of my stops :)

  16. Haha it certainly wasn't great, although I've played worse games. Thankfully I didn't buy it, just borrowed it from a friend. I intend to do the same with the Prison Break game.

  17. She's getting fixed at the minute, don't judge me :(

  18. Well... it's supposed to be blurred. Thank you for noticing.

  19. We may be two countries but we're one nation ;) Hence my avatar!

  20. Your avatar is brilliant.

  21. Damn fine taste in music I gott'a say! :D

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