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Posts posted by 31illusions

  1. 1 hour ago, BOSSY78 said:

    If that's how he thinks that's the problem.

    Steven is a drummer not a lead guitarist or a singer.

    Sure he has fans but GnR fans aren't suddenly gonna attend his shows because it's Steven. 

    Steven isn't even one of the greatest drummers known not even close. At least Slash is a highly respected and considered among the greats at guitar. Axl is considered one if the best frontmen.

    It doesn't correlate. It's why he's not able to succeed in his own. He would be better served to create his image and band and use his singers strengths instead of trying to present his bands as something they aren't and can't even come close to.

    Sure some fans may go see it once to support Steven but that's about it.

    Huh? Not sure what you're talking about? What's the reason he's not as successful as Axl & Slash? To many reasons to list...

    He's a drummer, not a singer. His constant drug abuse. It's been 28 years since he's been in GN'R. He pretty much only plays Appetite songs. Rock is not mainstream anymore... ect... ect...

  2. On 8/2/2018 at 2:37 PM, Kwick1 said:

    I think you need to send them notice that your rate has increased. Avoid starting with "I think it's time..."

    Start the letter by stating effective with your  January 1, 2019  bill your rate is....

    2nd paragraph tell them how much you enjoy having them as a client but your standard rate for other clients is curently.....the rate effective Jan 1 remains well below other clients. 

    Or something along those lines. 

    This is how it's done.

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  3. 13 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

    we have been stuck in prequel mode (the improving Enterprise, Abrams's crap, Discovery).

    This will be the first non-prequel series/movie in 16 years. I'm excited! Still won't pay for CBS all access though. There are other ways. <_<

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