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Posts posted by Legendador

  1. 11 minutes ago, swishtz said:

    Can you spread COVID-19 if you have the vaccine?

    The vaccine cannot give you COVID-19 infection, and a full course will reduce your chance of becoming seriously ill. We do not yet know whether it will stop you from catching and passing on the virus, but we do expect it to reduce this risk.
    31 Dec 2020

    Covid can be in any surface, not only spread man-to-man! You could be imune but carry it around in your cellphone for exemple, if someone that's not imune uses your phone the chance of getting it are the same. You could pass it on a hand shake on a shoulder bump, and that's not how the vaccine works. It doesn't desinfect you on the outside, only on the inside! hahah

    4 minutes ago, RussTCB said:

    Yes but GN'R are never going to do either of those things. 

    Great point! So don't you think maybe it's time to let go? LOL

    I'm sadly lettling go of the band. Love them, but I became bored.

    • Like 1
  2. 7 minutes ago, RussTCB said:

    Yes, the tour is aimed at casual fans and that's why the ticket sales were so awful prior to Covid. All the causal fans who were even remotely interested in seeing the show, saw it already. 

    The awful pre Covid ticket sales for this leg prove that the casuals aren't interested anymore. The ticket sales won't get any better coming out of Covid. 

    But don't you think a new record + a new concert format could stir things up?

  3. People here are very naive if they think teh entire world will be vaccinated up to the end of 2021.

    All projections aim to late 2024 at least for the entire world to be vaccinated (There's a Harvard study about that).

    When you are vaccinated you become imune of getting the disease, but you're still a vector to those who did not get the vaccine, so social isolation in different capacities will continue until them.

    Not even in the US the entire north american population will be vaccinated until 2022, so people are dreaming and high as a kite if they think we are about to see the return of stadium concerts or large gatherings, or even medium or small concerts.

    Forget it!


  4. 4 minutes ago, RussTCB said:

    I'm guessing GN'R and their management are thinking the tour will be a cash cow again once Covid is over. 

    It'll be quite the opposite, actually. Massive amounts of people aren't going to be in a hurry to be in stadium crowds. If and when people go to shows, they're REALLY going to have to want to see the show in question. 

    The pathetic and sad pre Covid ticket sales already proved this cash grab nostalgia tour had already ran its course. Coming out of Covid, there's going to be even less interest in it. 

    Oh and this is your (apparently much needed reminder) that there is no such thing as a real "GN'R insider". 

    I still do have the tickets for the postoned dates of Lollapalooza here in Brazil, and GNR is yet to be confirm again in the line-up! That's the only thing that will probably make me get out of the house to see them for the fourth time during this 4 year old tour! You're absolutely right!

    But one thing you didn't took into consideration is that this tour is not thought or aimed to hardcore fans like us, it is for the general public that buy Greatest Hits and go get a better during Double Talking Jive, because is too heavy, too loud.

    4 years, 300+ shows with THE SAME SETLIST! Unbelievable how the most dangerous band in the world became the most boring one.


  5. 1 hour ago, Sydney Fan said:

    Im thinking the Australian/NZ dates will be the first shows. Then the rescheduled europe or US shows straight after before xmas or the same dates originally scheduled in 2021 but 2022.

    Tge vaccine here in oz is to be given to elderley and health workers from next month and ongoing. But those undrr 50, working and in good health will be the last to receive it and may not get it until 2022.

    I don't see large concerts happening in 2021 still! Remember we won't have the vaccine to everybody this year! The chance of infecting someone will not be diminished up to at least 2022/2023.

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    • Haha 1
  6. 2 hours ago, ©GnrPersia said:

    Dude be careful with your statements specially when discussing professional careers. managerial positions ( IN ANY FIELD! ) is not that formulated and as per book as written above.

    Since you have provided a checklist, let me provide you with another one regarding MUST-HAVE qualities of a manager and give me one example that either Fernando or Beta are matching with any of the below points: 

    1. They help develop artists' careers

    2. They have a deep and detailed knowledge of an artist's portfolio 

    3. They are well aware of the latest trends, technological advancements and marketing 

    4. They must have broad network of connections within the industry

    5. Work ethic and drive

    6. Creative problem solving and fast decision making

    7. They handle pressure well

    8. They communicate honestly

    9. They are open to new ideas

    10. They are a role model

    11. They are creative minded


    Give me only ONE example and I'll shut up.

    Come on, man! Becareful with what? You ask me not to be be "as per book", but then you give me a list of what you "think" is the perfect job description for a banda manager? Puft! I'm bringing facts to the table, right or wrong, but fact, you're giving me wishes!

    Not that black, not that white, my statement was a overall and very surfaced opinion!

    The only thing you forgot to mention in your list is that they are not owners of the brand or the boss of Axl.

    You could be all of that included in your list (which maybe they are not, if so they would be perfect humans) and even so they would need to have a GO from Axl.

    They are not to blame, i'm sorry.

  7. 6 minutes ago, jamillos said:

    I am aware of all this, and my grievances didn’t mean that I think it’s TB who decide about releasing stuff. (And btw, I couldn’t care less whether they’re from Brazil, Norway, or Egypt as far as I’m concerned.) Neither was my post predominantly about them – it was about the band constantly not giving us anything, plus their management making lame excuses in addition. Same old same old tiring crap. ;) 

    Sorry if it looked like I was talking about you! I was saying in general!

    But I also think they don't manage the band in the right way, I don't now if you saw this, but today they posted on Facebook another cryptic message "Pantiently Fn waiting...", which was their job to say "don't do it", they always do that, create expectations on the fans and nothing never happens.

    Just don't say anything to fuck with our minds!

    But I also said that "brazilian stuff", because they never gave a hard time on Allan, Goldstein, Merck, Doc and so on...

  8. 43 minutes ago, jamillos said:

    It's not Covid, now it's the Capitol chapter! Shit is happening all the time, it's just us selfish GN'R fans who don't realize it! They gave us Saskatoon, HoB, the Village sessions... all carefully edited and mastered by TB. I mean, what more could we possibly ask for!? 

    I'm no defending TB, but I don't think many of you know the real job description of a band manager! They are not the boss, the band is the boss and in this case AXL is the boss.

    TEAM BRAZIL can suggest, but  it is AXL who decides about SELECTS, BOOKS and has the final saying in what, how and the worst WHEN!

    There's no new music / record because AXL doesn't want to!


    Band managers are hired by music groups to handle the business aspects of the music industry. They guide the artists' careers, provide advice and act as a liaison between the band and others in the music business. 

    A band manager works closely with a music group to help make major decisions regarding the creative and business direction of the band. The manager is the person the musicians put in charge of the business side of the industry so that they can focus on making music. Some band managers work for management companies, while others work independently. A manager often works on commission. Some take on more than one client; others work full-time with one band.

    The duties required of a band manager vary greatly depending on the individual needs of the artist. Some managers focus exclusively on a few duties, such as advising the band on creative, business and personal decisions and assisting them in finding engagements. Others take on multiple roles, such as booking agent, promoter and travel arranger. Managers often negotiate recording contracts and help the band members understand their responsibilities.

    So stop bitching about TM, which peoplo only do solely by the fact that they are Brazilians at this point.

    • Like 1
  9. 23 hours ago, Tourettes2400 said:

    This whole pandemic has fucked everything up. I don't know how they can even plan an event at this time. Especially not even knowing how many people will be allowed per venue and when it will really be "safe" to do live concerts again. 

    Nothing TM does would surprise me at all. Those greedy pieces of shit would do anything just to get some money and hold on to it for an eternity just for the interest.

    It's not the pandemic in this case! Is GNR selling tickets and booking shows without even knowing what's gonna happen in the next few months!

    The thing is, studies are projecting that we are gonna be facing Covid-19 up to at least 2024, because you cannot control people that don't wanna take the vaccine, we also don't know the side effects of it and also we can be imune to be sick by taking the vaccine, but not to spreading to people that did not get it. Expect a mess.

    The thing is: 2021 will - still - not going to a safe (or allowed) year for large gatherings or concerts.

  10. 1 hour ago, CAFC Nick said:

    Yeah you're absolutely correct here. I can't think of anyone that would give a sh*t about an unreleased GN'R demo (with no Axl vocals and no original members) from 1999. Having said that, hardcore fans and even fairweather GN'R fans I think would get on board with the material. As toxic as this board can be at times, to see the "Fuck you Bob Ezrin" thread come out once the Village sessions leaked showed that the fans here still deep down want Axl and co. to succeed.

    However, the casual GN'R fans that I have shown Hardschool and Atlas too have been unanimously positive about the songs. Will they ever demand Atlas over SCOM? Absolutely not, but while I think these songs would never take over the "classics" I do think they would add more depth to their catalogue to further build over time.

    An example I use is Muse (may not be completely relevant due to age/success of the band), but I think that every Muse album has 2-3 very good songs on it. No album they have made absolutely slaps from wall-to-wall, but if they have been successful for approx 20 years now. Assume an album every 2-3 years and you now have a library of 20 very good songs for what becomes a very solid setlist. Now, if GN'R can release another album with 2-3 great songs on, this means they can rotate these songs in and out and hopefully we won't have to keep listening to covers!

    Anyway apologies I went off on a bit of a tangent there. Do agree with your comments for sure, and I was quite surprised with the lack of traction on the tabloid sites when these sessions leaked!

    The problem is that, to me, every GNR record was perfect! I even think that "My World" is cool! Even the TSI record is so perfect to me, not a the same level of AFD or Lies or the Illusions records, but unique as it should!

    The problem to me starts with Better! With the three guitars, GNR to me was a PUNK band that played so well that they could not be labeled as punk and then became a HARD ROCK band. But PUNK in its roots, vibe, power chords. If you notice that Izzy was sloppig as hell, you will know what I mean, but that was GNR! To me Gilby played better than Izzy, but Izzy was more creative.

    GNR became something with CD, the only guitar player I like from that era is Fortus and Finck, because they can be both (lead and rhythm). don't even get me started on Ashba, Huge, Bumble and Bucket.

    And then there's this lack of material, which is nonsense, they had potential to  be bigger then the Beatles! But they don't want to...

  11. 11 hours ago, Lies They Tell said:

    Sure, opinions are like assholes, as they say. I'm sure you know that Jungle, Ozzy and even Royal Blood sounds outdated in many peoples opinions.

    But it's all subjective. I don't think there is such a thing as objectively outdated music. Sounds don't get old. There's just different kinds of trends. For example the synth pop music of the eighties were the epitome of outdated music for a long time, but right now those eighties synth sounds are very popular in alternative circles and you hear those influences even in mainstream music.

    Industrial sounding music could easily make a comeback at some point and be the most relevant type of music out there. These trends go in circles, but a good song is a good song. That's why songs like Jungle, Smells Like Teen Spirit or even The Beautiful People will always be considered classics.

    See you have a great point there, there's is a cycle in music. And by crossing our history with the history of music you understand why there's no place for Rock with this generation.

    Rock moved a wave of rebellious and angry post-war teens, the World was a tougher place, Baby-boomers and the Generation X had to deal with a lot of poverty and they didn't have access to a lot of things Millenials and Gen Z (argh!) do. So a angry style of music doesn't ressonate with them!

    There's a sheik in Dubai that said something very emblematic about the future of the country and that can be applied here, he said: "My grandfather rode a camel, my father rode a camel, I drive a Mercedes, my son drives a Land Rover, his son will drive a Land Rover, but his son will ride a camel".

    What he means is that there is a cycle in the world and that tougher times create tougher people that create softer times that create softer people that create tougher times and all that comes along.

    Maybe Rock will become mainstream again after the Trump, Bolsonaro, Pandemic eras and the World crisis that's yet to come in the next couple of years due to COVID.

    • Like 3
  12. 12 hours ago, Sydney Fan said:

    Was this also when their plane was told not to leave the runway as authorities wanted to search the plane for drugs?.

    I guess so, what I remembre is that in Venezuela they were told that the country would face a coup in a couple of hours and they they run to the plane! In Argentina they were raided in their Hotel. In Brazil Axl was sent to a police station for trowing a chair.

    My guess, they were pissed because they were involved in all kind of press scandals and were not use to the intensity of South American fans.

    I'm a Brazilian, we have an never-ending rift with Argentina, but I got to admit, those Argentinias are the most passionate fans the band will ever meet!

  13. 44 minutes ago, Lies They Tell said:

    Well everything you said here is kinda my point. Even if we consider Tame Impala rock music, it's still not 100% mainstream. There are no mainstream rock hits today. If GNR is going to release a new album it's gonna sound outdated no matter what, because rock music is outdated. So does it even matter if it's outdated in an industrial way or in a grunge way or in a classic rock way. As long as it's rock music, it's outdated.

    Don't know if you've heard the leaked songs. Atlas Shrugged, Perhaps, Hard School etc... It's not exactly industrial music. It's sounds a lot like the rest of Chinese Democracy material that was released in 2008. Is it outdated? Sure, since rock music in general is outdated. Do we want GNR to become a pop or a rap group cause that's what hit music sounds like today? Of course not!

    Nobody is expecting GNR to release huge mainstream hits today, but hopefully they'll release an album that will be as big as a rock album can be these days. Nobody really knows what a rock song should sound like today in order for it to be as big of a hit as it can be, because there are no rock hits today. Many bands are trying to sound like Led Zeppelin, but that isn't working. So who knows, maybe an industrial rock song would actually be the best move they could do right now. Maybe that would sound cool and fresh for the kids of today. Who knows! What ever music GNR is going to release, it's not gonna be mainstream music. So they should just focus on making music that they think is good music, instead of thinking too much about what is outdated and what is popular right now.

    I heard the leaks, like them better than what was released on Chinese Democracy.

    I got your point, I agree with a lot of what you're saying, but when I don't think Jungle sounds outdated. I think Better does, Scraped does, Rhiad does.

    I think Royal Blood does not sound outdated for example, I think Ozzy does not sound outdated, it's not mainstream anymore, but not outdated.

    You know, just different opinions...

  14. 19 hours ago, StayofExecution2020 said:

    According to gnrontour.com, the band didn't seem to have a good time during the show at the Autodromo in Rio on their last show in 1992:

    "A very 'nervous' show. Axl supposedly came to the Autodromo just five minutes before the show started and left right after the show ended. Axl didn't change his clothes during the show, he started the show with a white t-shirt and ended with the same. Slash, Gilby and Duff stayed around the drum kit during the show, just Axl was running around. Apparently the band was not having a good time because the show ended with 'Knockin' On Heaven's Door,' not the customary 'Paradise City' encore."


    I've never read anything in the biographies on why this was such a weird show. Are there any indications on what might have had happened?

    The entire south american leg of the tour was plagued by chaos!

    They had major problems with the press (they were making things up about the band), they were raided in an hotel in Argentina, and police was searching for drugs! In Venezuela they escape a presidential coup as soon as their plane took off the country (Axl got into a fist fight with reporters in Venezuela - there's a video on Youtube), in Brazil they got in São Paulo and Axl was "quoted" saying in the press that this was the ugliest city he has ever seen, he trew a chair through the hotel balcony and towards the reporters (they had two shows in the city and didnt finish none of them) and in Rio a couple started fighting in the audience and he stopped the show!

    Also there is a video of them in Colombia, and someone threw a bottle or something heavy and Axl stopped the concert!

    With was a mess.

    • Like 1
  15. 2 hours ago, Lies They Tell said:

    When rock was something completely different? What do you mean? How exactly has rock music changed? There's been no evolution in rock music, because the whole rock genre has died out, at least when we're talking about mainstream music.

    When was the last time we had a mainstream rock hit? There are no rock hits, so copying what other rock bands do currently is not a way to make a hit song. Current rock bands don't make hit music.

    Of course bands like Tame Impala are pretty popular, but is that even rock music?

    The way I see it, rock music is old school music, no matter how it's played. So I wouldn't worry too much about if the album sounds modern enough. People who listen to rock music enjoy old school music, because rock music is old school music.

    I don't know you're age, but I'm 41.

    30 years ago there was GNR rulling the world with Metallica and then Grunge.

    20 years ago there was Marilyn Manson (industrial), Limp Bizkit and all those other nu-metal / industrial stuff, which were considered new rock. That's my point of rock being completely different from today. And remember, this is the time when we heard OH MY GOD for the first time, which was completely Industrial back then and feels outdated today. Like The Matrix / Spawn soundtrack.

    And 10 years ago there's no "rock" anymore.

    Today, people don't even know what's "rock" anymore, and it became more of a lifestyle than a musical style!

    Also, Tame Impala is considered Alternative, even today.

  16. 2 hours ago, CAFC Nick said:

    You're absolutely correct with this - however - I have been absolutely besotted with Atlas ever since it's release 18 months ago. So it depends on what your definition of a "flop" is -- is it commercial reception or fan reception? I would agree if you were talking commercially but I would definitely counter your point if it was in regards to fan reception as I think the reaction to the leaks proved the fans are happy with the unreleased material.

    Now let me be the devil's advocate here, as they say in my country: which fans? The MYGNR an other Forum hardcore fans? Or the general fans that buy Greatest Hits and go to concerts only to hear SCOM?

    I don't mean to be a pain in the ass here, I loved the leaked songs, but this is us, hardcore fans, the general fans don't care! Did you notice that the overall music industry didn't even bother to talk about the new leaks like they did 15 years ago about ChiDem? Not even Blabbermouth! It was only within the foruns and like one footnote here or there.

    I just think this band is just the greatest and that everything they touch turns gold! But I also think they missed decades of great opportunities to be bigger than Metallica, the Rolling Stones, maybe even the Beatles. (with or withou Slash!)

    The worst of it all? There is no turning back!

  17. 56 minutes ago, JimiRose said:

    What we've heard from the cellphone recording, the evader mix and what bach said about it makes me think this is the best song gnr never released. whilst a lot of songs on CHiDem were 5/6 mins and kinda progressive in style, they weren't evolving epics like estranged and NR coma etc. The general sounds like black Sabbath trying to write november rain and of all the songs, that's the one i crave

    Sorry, brother! It does not! It's just part of a fantasy! A 12 year old fantasy!

  18. Have you guys ever thought that those songs are so old and dated up to this point that they could actually be a flop, if ever released?

    Those songs are 20 years old, when rock was something completely different.

    I can't stop thinking that people want "The General" only for its name, people never heard the song and the only "witness" we have is Sebastian Bach saying it was the heaviest song he has ever heard in his life, which doesn't mean much since the dude is over excited by ANYTHING!

    I just think a lot of people are creating and living a really fucked up fantasy over here and are going to be so disappointed in the future.

    Last but not least, Axl cannot be blammed for that.

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