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Posts posted by WhazUp

  1. "people are unhappy"........who,the jerkoffs here? "axl needs more practice"......at what, sucking your dick? If you watched the entire show and thought it was hit shit ,then you are a fucking moron.You see, none of you fuckers paid to see it and if you did not enjoy it , you could at anytime click off the page.Simple as that. And, as I said the flaws in the show were obvious. Alot of people here hide behind "everybody is enttitled to thier opinions" type of reasoning as a justification to talk about nothing.

    Are you 14 years old by any chance? That would explain why your posts contain such irrational logic. If you want to speak purely objectively it was a horrid show. You like the show, good for you that is your subjective opinion, and other people either will share the same subjective opinion as you or they won't. Whining about it is immature. People aren't talking about "nothing", there are legitimate concerns and complains laid out from the other members here. If YOU don't like it, leave.

    Understand what "opinions" are and then come back to the internet :thumbsup:

  2. im not a music expert, but for at least half the setlist he was good, and sometimes great. so some shit happened. get the fuck over it. if you go into his weight next, hes the same build he was to finish the last tour. and he did pretty fucking well way way way way back then.

    I am just pointing out that the majority of people are complaining about Axl's unprepared demeanor, and sub par vocal performances throughout the show, not the fact that new songs were not played. Sure some people may complain about the set itself but that is not the main focus

    I never mentioned weight at all. And cool, you think half the setlist was good. Obviously many, many people think otherwise and people have the right to vocalize their displeasure regarding what went down that night

  3. Peolpe on this forum are frustrated with thier own lives,not Axl's. Axl has stated for many years that he cannot sing for shit, hell iam pretty sure he said something to that fact last night. So, Estranged was "greeeeeeeeeat" and the rest of the show was "ok" at best. Dude get your story straight ,either it love it or hate it. And, the point of the thread is that the people on here and just about everybody here adores Axl becasue they are just as fucked up as he is. We here at MYGNR are all damaged goods. I dare anybody here to take a good look at thier own life and tell me you are A ok with it,shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttt!

    You make no sense

    People are allowed to like certain aspects of the show and not like other things. The "love it or hate it" logic is irrational and inaccurate. So what part of my "story" I need to get straight? Estranged really was great. That DOES NOT mean the whole show was great, and the rest of the show was ok at best.

    Axl did not give a good performance at Rio. People are not happy. Period.

  4. if you cant like nighttrain, street of dreams, and this i love from that show, then i guess no one is gonna have an answer for you. amd estranged was awesome.

    con: the bitch ass fans that wined and moaned for the next 24 hours cuz axl didnt play a new song. in a night full of technical problems and given the history of this band and leaks, why would you potentially play your new single and make it sound like shit to everyone on youtube forever.

    I can guarantee that is NOT the big reason as to why the majority of fans are complaining

  5. Playing Estranged for you ungrateful fucks. There were so many people on here who said "if Axls plays Etsranged then he can rape my wife and kids". Now it is just negativity. So at least we all know one thing about Axl,he aint the perfectionist evrybody claims. I personally was aware of the flaws of the concert , but I was transported to a cool place as I watched the show. Ten goddamn threads about how shitty the show was,really? Eric , you should have shut this place down. I cannot imagine what it would be like to have a whole group of people pretrend to love me then shit on me every chance they get. It reminds me of a very unhealthy marriage. If you do not love Axl anymore and I get that ,but,then move on.

    Did you not hear the entire show?

    Estranged was played, and it was fucking great. But that is neither here nor there, people are frustrated because Axl was not at his best last night (in fact he was pretty far from anything above an "ok" performance vocally IMO) and he was seemingly unprepared for the show

    People are allowed to voice their opinions, both good and bad

  6. I thought Axl and the band hit a home run with this performance.

    Of course the slash fan boys will never admit that anything the new band does as being good. Oh well.

    The band was fantastic last night. Axl was great on a few select songs like Estranged, but for the most part his vocal performance and weird antics is what derailed the show IMO

  7. This moanin' and cryin' bullshit is almost enough for me to leave this fuckin' place. I have too much respect for the band and the site to let some pussy start a wildfire over somethin' he/she knows fuck all about. You waited over an hour for GNR and complained, they hit the stage. You complain. They play Estranged. You complain. You cocksuckers wouldn't know talent if it kicked ya in the ass. Axl is getting older, doesn't rehearse, had time off. We don't have any clue as to what he's been up to during his downtime. We also don't if he had a cold, flu, family issues etc. Stop speculating. Go watch some other band cuz u ain't no gunner I'll tell ya that much. Just a bunch of punks tryin' to stir shit up.

    FUCK YOU!!

    Did you not hear the performance? I can see why people are not happy. Telling others not to complain is ridiculous, it is absolutely warranted in this case. Maybe some people are trying to stir shit up but the majority of us are frustrated that the potential of this band does not line up with what ended up happening last night

  8. It's funny

    how everyone here is saying a this was a disaster.

    Well try and do it yourself under those conditions...

    and see what happens.

    I'm going back to dutchdemocracy.nl at least the dutch get it:P

    You can't judge a show by television! you need to be there.

    and you can't judge a show wich was the first out of many more to come without even doing some warm ups...

    Rock n Roll is about the passion and emotion.. and we had a lot of them during the show.

    I don't blame it for going downhill after what transpired over there..

    Rock n roll and f*ck ups go hand in hand!

    if you want perfection... Put AFD/Chidem/UYI/TSI in your cd drive or radio and listen to that!

    Axl showed up unprepared. There were many things in his control and he didn't take the initiative to make them into what could have been a great show

  9. I actually feel kinda bad for Axl. If the show wasn't enough to piss him of a lot all of the negative reactions from fans would definately piss him off. We all know that GNR keeps their eyes on this board, I can't see how they won't see the negative fan reactions. Well at least this may be an incentive for Axl to give it his all during the US tour and prove us all wrong



    Classic MyGnR. LOL.

    My complaint isn't that there were a couple of mistakes. It didn't seem like Axl wasnt Axl last night. I have never seem him give a blank stare during the performance or having him say "fuck it" and not even sing the last part of NR. Something was not right, and when you mix that with the vocal performance in general it was just strange...

  11. I'm watching the Ritz '88 show, there is a world of difference in the emotion and drive the band (specifically Axl) put out back then that is not there today.

    Honestly an old show from 1988 has fuck all to do with what we are talking about.

    It was a comparitive post analyzing Axls performance from back then and now. Don't like the post, ignore it then

  12. I actually kind of agreeing, he said at one point in a teary voice 'damn i didn't even want to be here' almost crying for some sort of help. Maybe he just going through a rough time, don't we all some stage ! I thought Estranged, Knockin and Street of dreams were quite good, the rest was waful and i love Axl

    When did he say that? I don't think he ever said that

  13. WTF....

    a shame..

    if you haven't seen this show tonight or whatever time it is over there... don't talk like you know what happend.

    there were a lot of difficulties along the road for gnr.

    the rain..

    the water on the stage (some crew did mop the floor in the beginning of the set but didn't do it much later on....

    The guitar from Ashba failed due to failiure of the equipment cause of the rain.

    Axl's monitor f*cked up many times... from the start.

    if you count that all up...

    I don't blame him!

    and you bitch about prostitute and twat not being played...

    You've gotten 2.5 hours worth of gnr! that's frigging longer then normal guy!

    you should be happy!

    and that setlist could've been a fake what I already suspected....30 songs.... and gnr not going on before 2... you know that ain't right ;)

    It was a bad show, nobody should try and cover that up it is what it is

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