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Posts posted by Brodie

  1. You could take every solo or band jam played at every new GNR concert and multiple it by 10 and Robin playing "Sossego" would still beat it.

    (Buckethead's stuff not included).

  2. The band has never had proper staff dealing with these kinda things, for more info look at the fanclub thing.

    Change is good!

    See: Darwin. It's not about survival of the fittest, it's the will to adapt that determines if you survive - GNR's music is certainly the best around.

    They should have everything else "the best" to support that music!

    1 not sure if I want to influence what they do. or I do but I don't want to know about it. I still want to hold on to the idea that they are way better than us.

    I'm not saying it should dictate Axl/the band's vision and creativity, I'm saying given the breadth of songs they have nearing completion/completed, it'd help provide insight on what ones to choose.

    Also songs have been recorded in different styles throughout the years, they could go with a certain style over another, if deemed preferable.

    Regardless, the information can be consulted or ignored as it's seen fit, but they would still have said information.

  3. As a Guns N' Roses fan: I am terribly offended that the band's official Twitter feed is being used by management for personal reasons.

    I find this use of band property to be highly frivolous and unprofessional.

    For example, a recent enlightening Twitter exchange:


    My fan-dom aside, as someone who works regularly in the Marketing and Advertising field: I see it as a HUGE lost opportunity.

    Now don't get me wrong, I think that it's great that Fernando and his friends can stay in touch and exchange cute messages back and forth and post pictures of what they're eating, but creative professionals such as myself have a greater vision.

    The live-tweeting has been a good start but you're "tweeting to the converted". While you're allowing them a way to relive a concert, you aren't doing much to advertise or generate revenue.

    As such, I've thought of several uses for the Guns N' Roses Twitter and Facebook accounts while I sip my morning coffee. If you have any additional ideas, feel free to suggest them!

    Possible Uses For Social Networking

    1. Market Research For The Next Album

    The "Chinese Democracy" album was a "really interesting noise" and contained a mix of various styles and genres.

    Although I think if management took to the streets, so to speak, they could gain greater insight on what fans enjoyed and what they didn't like.

    Did fans prefer the dance/electronic/industrial styles more or the classic, conservative sound? Did they prefer more 'simple' songs like "Sorry" and "This I Love" or more produced bombastic tracks like "Chinese Democracy" and "Shackler's Revenge"?

    Gathering all of this important information could help the band select songs for future albums and ensure that is both a creative and commercial success.

    2. Communicate With The Fans Regarding Future Plans

    Communicating directly via Twitter and Facebook will help fans stay informed rather than hunting around for interviews done with 3rd party sites. It will also prevent misinformation and hearsay from spreading.

    If DJ is making an appearance on That Metal Show or at a UFC event, then the band could make fans aware of it.

    If the band is going to be featured in Such N' Such Magazine, the fans could be made aware of it so they could buy it!

    Keeping fans in the loop gives them a reason to check back regularly and that includes buying what you're selling be that music, video content, merchandise, or scented candles.

    3. Market Research For Merchandise

    Important questions could be asked such as:

    - What features would you like to see on GunsNRoses.com?

    - Do you think it's bullshit you can't view pictures on GunsNRoses.com without being a Nightrain member?

    - Would you buy multiple copies of current or future albums if various retailers had different bonus content?

    - Where do you get most of your Guns N' Roses news?

    - Who is your favorite member of Guns N' Roses?

    - Do you prefer DVD, Bluray, or Digital Content?

    - How often do you browse the web?

    - Do you spend more of your time on a computer or on your phone?

    - Where do you hear about (new) music?

    - How much would you pay for a "deluxe" edition of an album?

    - Do you like skulls and blood on all of your t-shirts?

    4. Leveraging Past and Present Content

    Bands like The Rolling Stones do a fabulous job of keeping fans informed but they also do a great job of keeping the band relevant by posting interviews with band members in various media appearances, posting links to HD versions of songs and music videos, and much more.

    We all know that Guns N' Roses has completed a music video to the song "Better". Why not post it on the band's Facebook page for fans to share across the internet? It would be a great way to promote the band and the current tour. Robin may be gone but he's still in our hearts and the music is what is really important.

    Additionally - every show is filmed, why not release a song or two from live performances from 2002, 2006-2007, and 2011-2012?

    Leveraging this content on sites like YouTube helps the band stay relevant and deters illicit activity such as bootlegging and illegal downloading.


    In short, all of these suggestions serve two functions. First and foremost it keeps the band and management actively engaged with the fans and their wants, needs, and desires. This creates a loyal fanbase where one feels as if their voice is heard and respected.

    Secondly, this provides the business entity "Guns N' Roses" with valuable, tangible, statistically-driven information about their brand and helps them to make wise, effective, and financially fruitful business decisions in the future.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.


  4. I'm not on anyone's side.

    But it strikes me as odd that everyone but Axl has seemed to move on.

    Slash/Duff/Matt had VR, Izzy has dropped countless solo albums.

    I think 2 Loaded albums for Duff. Slash has at least 2 since VR broke up.

    And don't give me the "he has to live up to Guns N' Roses" line. That's the biggest straw man argument I've heard.

    If he really thought that, "Silkworms" never gets made. Fact is: nothing on Chinese really sounds like Guns N' Roses.

  5. please tell me more about how much axl cares though.

    He says how much he cares in Rocket Queen, you fucking moran that's all the proof you should need!

    I think his voice is the main reason another album isn't out.

    False. If you knew how much shit was in the tank you'd blow a fucking gasket.

  6. I love TWAT.

    Remove the awful cricket noises in the intro and it's perfect.

    I think the best moment on Chinese is "Madagascar" though.

    Only song I could see having commercial appeal if Axl didn't sing it in his Tom Waits voice. Oh well, it's still awesome.

  7. Who in the current management of GN'R do you consider "largely incompetent" and what evidence do you have for such a claim?

    Management is by definition incompetent as it is systemically nepotistic.

    Most of the people in charge of important decisions were not professionally trained or educated in the positions that they hold.

    But in particular, anyone and everyone responsible for branding, public relations, advertising, content strategy, social networking, and online marketing is unbiasedly incompetent.

    And I, unlike anyone within management, am educated in said fields so I'm uniquely qualified to make such claims.

    After Team Brazil took over management GN'R seems to have been run a whole lot more professionally than before with more "professional" management, as evidenced by a great new band photographer, successful tours, a stable lineup, lots of interviews, a great tour book, revamped web pages, live streams, even an Axl interview.

    Most of the things that you listed here are incredibly basic.

    Every garage band knows you need to have an internet presence, take pictures, make videos, etc., etc. yet somehow the importance of these things has evaded one of the biggest bands in rock history for the greater part of a decade.

    Give a starving man a piece of bread and he'll think it the best meal he's ever tasted. Some of us, however, have more discerning palates.

    The live streams were legitimately cool and a smart way to raise money. Credit due there.

    Every show is filmed - why isn't more free video put online?

    What good is a band photographer if all of the pictures she takes are locked behind a paywall?

    The camera/cameraphone policy is archaic and childish.

    "Great tour book"? So you bought it? Where can you buy it? Online? No. You can't.

    In fact you can't get any merch of the current band/lineup/etc.

    Also it looks like it was designed by a junior college graphic design student.

    But until the above criticisms are addressed and resolved and the fans are treated more like fans -- it's simply not good enough.

    He knows that she is not a housekeeper, but he's simply showing which "side" he's in when he said this... :monkey:

    Not all of us base our opinions on a sad cult-like devotion to either Axl or Slash and to imply as much is childish and reductionist.

    Do us all a favor and move to North Korea, you seem to prefer despotic totalitarian regimes. :thumbsup:

    Are you aware of the fact that current management has NOT been managing for "more than a decade"? Your answer was entirely irrelevant to the question.

    Really? I wonder what Merck or Azoff would have to say about that.

  8. This is a public relations issue.

    Unfortunately for Guns N' Roses, their Head of PR is also their band manager... and housekeeper.

    I'll ignore the hilarious implications of that last sentence and point out that even exceptional individuals only have so much time and energy to expend.

    You need help covering all of your bases to make sure everything is running smoothly but this band is pointlessly understaffed and those that tenet their posts are largely incompetent.

    If they wanted to nip misinformation and untruths in the bud, they would have a proper Public Relations Head who would deal with the media and set facts straight (but that would create a standard of expectation which Axl seems to avoid).

    So instead of competent business professionals confronting these problems, we have a bunch of assholes on the internet either damning or defending their retarded savior. The inmates run the proverbial asylum.

    In the issue of full disclosure, I've seen shows where Axl was 2 hours late, I've seen shows where he was 5 minutes early. But you never know with Axl and that's the problem. Consumers like known quantities so they can get on with their lives.

    They don't like the very possible prospect of Axl coming on an hour+ late... if he comes on at all. Some idiot could throw a cup at him and he could be on his period and walk his big gingery ass out. He could even walk out if, heaven forbid, you take his picture.

    Anyway, a hour-twenty late is just as problematic as two hours late. It hurts your brand, your image, and your revenue stream.

    As mentioned before if Axl is okay with things like this, he's going to have to live with the consequences: lower attendance, media backlash, embittered fan base, pop culture treating him like a joke.

    Axl being late and the resulting cacophony is simply a microcosm of all of the dysfunction going on with the business entity "Guns N' Roses".

  9. Don't get me wrong I'm happy that GN'R has an official photographer who takes really artsy black and white pictures of her feet but she knows nothing of good composition and page layouts.

    Really frustrating for people who know what they're doing.

    Pretentious bollox

    Not as pretentious as calling Axl the "voice" and DJ in charge of "strings".

    Problems with the tour book:

    - Uneven sizing and spacing with pictures.

    - No text padding.

    - No border padding.

    - No text alignment to pictures.

    - Pictures on edge will probably bleed.

    She isn't a bad photographer, I'll give her that even if she relies too heavily on black-and-white, HDR, and high contrast.

    But she or whoever made the book is fuckawful with Photoshop (and/or InDesign) and generally haven't a clue on how to put together a professional, competently designed book.

    Next time, actually reply to my criticism instead of namecalling. :thumbsup:

  10. Don't get me wrong I'm happy that GN'R has an official photographer who takes really artsy black and white pictures of her feet but she knows nothing of good composition and page layouts.

    Really frustrating for people who know what they're doing.

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