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Everything posted by Twinaleblood

  1. It's fairly safe to assume it's more about a money/royalties agreement between them and Axl rather than for a substantial songwriting contribution.
  2. Again, for what it's worth: during the Spotify-gate I never had ANY GNR-related results to Perhaps or any other songs (I have an Italian Spotify account). This changed on August 7, as you can read in this post: On that day, Perhaps started to return GNR in the "Artists" field on my side. The song was eventually released on August 18. I've been trying to search for The General every now and then. I never got any GNR results, except for a couple of fanmade playlists. Something changed today. Now The General returns GNR in my "Artists" results: This gives me a little bit of hope because the only other time that this happened on my account was, as mentioned, with Perhaps right before its release. We'll see.
  3. If I had to bet one coin, I'd say they start by listening to the previous version with guitars and bass still there, so they can get a rough grasp of what the initial idea was, then they work on the bare bones version and do their own thing. It would be indeed VERY nice to hear them talk about this process more in-depth than the usual "Axl had these songs that he wanted to get out, so we went in and recorded on them".
  4. Really? MLB are one of my fave bands and I never knew Axl happened to see them live. They played at least once in LA with Dogs D'Amour in '89, I assume that's when Axl saw them. I'll see if I can find the video you mentioned, but if anyone has more info about this I'll be more than happy to hear. EDIT: found the video, posting it here.
  5. Looks like Axl has been working out a little bit, seems in a better physical shape.
  6. This reminds me of "Sebastian, you don’t understand. I will pay VH1 two millions to leave me the fuck alone". Always one of my favorite Axl stories.
  7. I see the thread marked as "Hot!" and the only thing happening is obviously a discussion about Rolling Stones 😅
  8. I am absolutely Italian, I was just joking. If you run it through an automatic translator it will show you something like: "New album coming in November, I can confirm. Source: trust me bro, but in Indonesian". 😅
  9. Sebuah album baru akan hadir di bulan November, saya bisa pastikan. Sumbernya, percayalah bro, tapi dalam bahasa Indonesia.
  10. Thanks!! Just re-read it and I remembered some parts of it. I guess I read it years ago and forgot about it. Very interesting reading to go back to
  11. Do you have a link? I quickly googled and couldn't find it. Sounds super interesting and I don't remember reading it.
  12. There was that girl, can't remember where, who met him and asked about Hardskool. He allegedly played the song on his phone and said it was going to be released soon. I think it was in 2021 not long before HS was actually released.
  13. Actually, before the Village leaks in 2019, a Silkworms demo with Bumblefoot on guitar had leaked. That was in 2017 if I remember correctly.
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