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Posts posted by megaguns1982

  1. 49 minutes ago, Chester 524 said:

    totally agree.  I think of it like this.... your wife gives you a pair of pants that she originally bought for her ex boy friend.  you could say you don't like them out of spite, or tell the truth that you really like them and wear the shit out of them.....


    .......until 3 weeks later when you realize there is alot more room for your shlong.  then you find out she took the pants to a tailor to make the crotch much more roomier and then you realize that she's been lying to you when she says your tallywhacker is the biggest she's ever had.

    not that this happened to me recently or anything like that.  lol

    That’s the best thing I’ve heard in a while 😀😂😂

    • ABSUЯD 2
  2. 53 minutes ago, youngswedishvinyl said:

    I find it interesting that some people are still chocked that the band is releasing material written during the CD era even though EVERYTHING has pointed towards that being the case since the reunion started. 

    1.) They've played more than half of CD on the tour.

    2.) Axl said in 2016 that he's shown Slash and Duff CDII material that they liked.

    3.) Slash has on several occasions (in regards to how he felt about playing CD songs live) said that he didn't think it was weird since he rejoined a band that has existed without him for 20 years. 

    With these three things in mind, why would Slash and Duff want to throw out material written without them being in the band if they like it? I can only speak for my self but releasing something like Absurd or Hard Skool must feel a whole lot better from an artistic standpoint than trying to make a SCOM 2 or release a boring and unimaginative classic rock inspired song like every other legacy band does. Just my take though :shrugs:

    I can see slash and duff not caring about reworked CD material because there’s not that much money to be made from writing credits these days, touring is where the $$$ are hence the Never ending tour and no album.

  3. 31 minutes ago, Fozzie Bear said:

    Everyone I play this song for just hates it.  It’s rubbish. Was rubbish back in 2001 when they performed it at RIR and is even worse 20 years later.  It’s just so embarrassing that this is the first song together after all these years and they couldn’t even write a song about being back together again.  

    Where is The General?  Where is Crash Diet? Where are all the other Big Guns we heard Axl had up his sleeve?  If this is it then we are about to get a terrible album of B side crap that was shelved 20 years ago. 

    this song is only appreciated by angry men living in their mom’s basement. GNR is embarrassing themselves. 

    I agree totally. We need to remember that Axl has done a great job hiding the fact that he peaked creatively in the late 80s.

  4. 46 minutes ago, DefinitelyInThisLifetime said:

    It still hasn’t grown on me. 

    Now Perhaps however. I went back and gave THAT a listen and I tell you what, that’s A+ Potential right there.


    With everything that was available it’s surprising that they chose this over the others. It could well be to do with writing credits. Perhaps there’s a song or songs with credits that Axl doesn’t want to share?

  5. 1 hour ago, bumcheecksmcghee said:

    Agreed with the studio part and the aussie tour part... Getting to close and still too many cases all over the country.. Plus the incoming people daily being let back in contagious is disgusting...

    Pretty crazy how things are now and everyone thought we were in the clear just a little while ago. 
    It was only in May that I was at a music festival in Sydney with 9999 other people and now this shit.

    • Wow 1
  6. At this point I really wish they would just be a studio band. At least in a studio Axl can redo his vocals over and over. Let slash and duff do their solo side projects and let the rest of them go back to whatever it is they can do.

    I doubt the Aussie shows will go ahead at this point with our Covid situation right now but I’m more than ok with the prospect of getting my money back and not going.

    • Like 2
    • GNFNR 1
    • Sad 1
  7. 6 hours ago, DTJ80 said:

    Yeah mate - really don’t like it. Brave New World is brilliant and AMOLAD was great too but Dance Of Death and the other post-reunion albums have a couple of good/great tunes but mostly are boring to me. The Book Of Souls title track is brilliant but it’s the only one I liked on the whole thing!

    They are still an excellent live band and get respect for being a creative entity (most fans seem to love what they do now so I’m in the minority it seems 🤣).

    So random reading this because I was listening to AMOLAD yesterday… great album.

  8. 5 minutes ago, ZoSoRose said:

    Axl was a crazy person that was frankly a huge POS for a large portion of his life. It's no wonder what kind of leeches he would attract. They are probably perfect for each other :awesomeface:

    I agree with this 100% 

    If he wasn’t so talented and rich he’d probably be in an asylum or jail.

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, ThePreacher said:

    Guns N' Roses - Guns N' Roses (August 2021)

    1.Hard Skool


    3.Slither (Velvet Revolver cover)

    4.Beta's F'n Barn

    5.El Diablo


    7.Estranged II

    8.You & Me, Motherfucker

    9.Pussy Full Of Maggots

    10.COVID 22


    Can you please share this information now for those souls at other forums? THIS IS LEGIT

    Ive heard Estranged II, Axls Jug solo is spectacular, Dizzys slide whistle is immense… BELIEVE THE HYPE!

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
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